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But you who are judging another for doing what you do yourself, are you hoping that God's decision will not take effect against you?

For God's word, that the earth would be his heritage, was given to Abraham, not through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.

Was then that which is good, death to me? In no way. But the purpose was that sin might be seen to be sin by working death to me through that which is good; so that through the orders of the law sin might seem much more evil.

For this is the word of God's undertaking, At this time will I come, and Sarah will have a son.

Before the children had come into existence, or had done anything good or bad, in order that God's purpose and his selection might be effected, not by works, but by him whose purpose it is,

Because, not having knowledge of God's righteousness, and desiring to give effect to their righteousness, they have not put themselves under the righteousness of God.

So in the same way these have gone against the orders of God, so that by the mercy given to you they may now get mercy.