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"Also whenever you fast, you must not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they put on a gloomy countenance, to let people see them fasting. I solemnly say to you, they already have their reward.

But they kept saying, "It must not be at the feast, for a riot may break out among the people."

On the first day of the Passover Feast the disciples came to Jesus and said, "Where do you want us to get the Passover supper ready for you to eat?"

Now at the feast the governor was accustomed to set any prisoner free whom the people wanted.

Now John's disciples and the Pharisees were keeping a fast. So some people came and asked Him, "Why do John's disciples and the Pharisees' disciples practice fasting, but yours never do?"

Jesus answered them, "The wedding guests cannot fast, can they, while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them they cannot fast.

But a time is coming when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.

So Jesus retired with His disciples to the sea, and a vast throng of people followed Him from Galilee, and from Judea,

and from Jerusalem, and from Idumea, and from the other side of the Jordan, and from the neighborhood of Tyre and Sidon -- yes, a vast throng of people, as they kept hearing of the great things that He was doing, came to Him.

But a furious squall of wind came up, and the waves were dashing over into the boat, so that it was fast filling.

And they held that caution fast in their minds, as they continued to discuss among themselves what rising from the dead meant.

Now the feast of the Passover and of Unleavened Bread was two days later. So the high priests and scribes kept looking for some way to arrest Him by stratagem and have Him put to death,

for they kept saying, "It must not be at the feast, for there might be a riot."

On the first day of the feast of Unleavened Bread, the usual time for killing the Passover lamb, Jesus' disciples asked Him, "Where do you want us to go and get the Passover supper ready for you to eat?"

Now at the time of the feast Pilate usually set a prisoner free whom the people requested.

His parents were in the habit of going to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the Passover.

And when He was twelve years old, they went up as usual to the feast

They did so and caught so vast a shoal of fish that their nets began to break.

But Jesus said to them, "You cannot make the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them, can you?

But a time will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them; at that time they will fast."

Then He came down with them and took His stand on a level place, where there was a great throng of His disciples and a vast crowd of people from all over Judea and from Jerusalem and the seacoast district of Tyre and Sidon, who had come to hear Him and to be cured of their diseases.

People will come from east and west, from north and south, and take their seats at the feast in the kingdom of God.

But one of the fellow-guests heard this, and said to Him, "Happy will be the man who is fortunate enough to be at the feast in the kingdom of God."

Now the feast of Unleavened Bread, which is called the Passover, was drawing near.

There was following Him also a vast throng of the people and of women who were beating their breasts and lamenting Him.

Then He said to them, "Now draw some out and take it to the manager of the feast." So they took him some.

Now while He was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many people, because they saw the wonder-works which He was performing, trusted in Him as the Christ.

So when He reached Galilee, the Galileans welcomed Him, for they had seen everything that He had done at the feast in Jerusalem, for they too had attended the feast.

After this there was a feast of the Jews, and so Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

Now the Passover, the Jewish feast, was approaching.

So Jesus looked up and saw that a vast crowd was coming toward Him, and said to Philip, "Where can we buy bread for these people to eat?"

Now the Jewish feast of Dwelling in Tents was approaching.

Go up to the feast yourselves; I am not going up to it yet, for it is not quite time for me to go."

But after His brothers had gone up to the feast, then He went up too, not publicly but, as it were, privately.

Now the Jews at the feast were looking for Him and kept asking, "Where is He?"

Now when the feast was already half over, Jesus went up to the temple and began to teach.

So they kept looking for Jesus and saying to one another, as they stood in the temple, "What do you think? Do you think He will not come to the feast at all?"

The next day the vast crowd that had come to the feast, on hearing that Jesus was coming into Jerusalem,

There were some Greeks among those who were coming up to worship at the feast,

for some of them were thinking, as Judas had the purse, that Jesus meant to say to him, "Buy what we need for the feast," or to give something to the poor.

Now there was but one heart and soul in the vast number of those who had become believers, and not one of them claimed that anything that he had was his own, but they shared everything that they had as common property.

But Jacob heard that there was food in Egypt and sent our forefathers on their first visit down there.

On their second visit Joseph made himself known to his brothers, and thus Joseph's race was revealed to Pharaoh.

As he was rounding out his fortieth year, it occurred to him to visit his brothers, the descendants of Israel.

and he said to him, "You know that it is against the law for a Jew to associate with a foreigner or to visit one, but God has taught me not to call any man vulgar or ceremonially unclean;

and when he saw that this was agreeable to the Jews, he proceeded to arrest Peter too -- it was at the time of the feast of Unleavened Bread.

Some days after this Paul said to Barnabas, "Let us go back and visit the brothers in every town where we preached the Lord's message, to see how they are."

There he found a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had issued an edict for all Jews to leave Rome. So Paul paid them a visit,

and you see and hear that, not only in Ephesus but all over the province of Asia, this man Paul has led away a vast number of people by persuading them, telling them that gods made by human hands are not gods at all.

while we, after the Feast of Unleavened Bread, sailed from Philippi, and five days after joined them at Troas, where we spent a week.

and a young man named Eutychus, who was sitting by the window, was gradually overcome by heavy drowsiness, as Paul kept speaking longer and longer, and at last he went fast asleep and fell from the third story to the ground and was picked up dead.

The next day we landed at Sidon, and Julius kindly permitted Paul to visit his friends and enjoy their attentions.

After considerable time had gone by, and navigation had become dangerous, and the fast was now over, Paul began to warn them

For even if there are so-called gods in heaven or on earth -- as there are, indeed, a vast number of gods and lords --

and I shall likely stay over with you some time, or maybe spend the winter with you, so that you may help me on to whatever points I may visit.

I do not want to see you right now in a mere stop-over visit, for later I hope to spend some time with you, if the Lord permits me.

But I shall stay on in Ephesus until the time of Harvest Feast.

It was because of this confidence that first I planned to visit you, to give you a double delight;

But upon my soul I call God to witness that it was to spare you pain that I gave up my visit to Corinth.

For I have definitely decided not to pay you another painful visit.

because he has acceded to my request, or rather, because he is so enthusiastic for you, of his own accord he is off to visit you.

So I have thought it necessary to urge these brothers to visit you ahead of me and get your promised love-offering ready beforehand, so as to have it ready as a real love-offering, not as one grasped and grudgingly given.

This is my third visit to you. Any charge preferred must be sustained by the evidence of two or three witnesses.

I have already warned those who formerly committed shocking sins, and all the rest, and though so far away I warn them now, as I did on my second visit, that if I come back I will not spare them,

For you know yourselves, brothers, that our visit to you was by no means a failure.

They are blots on your love feasts while they feast with you, daringly caring for no one but themselves; rainless clouds swept along by winds; leafless trees that bear no fruit, doubly dead, uprooted;

they had breastplates that seemed to be made of steel; the noise of their wings was like the noise of vast numbers of chariots and horses rushing into battle;

because in a single hour a wealth so vast has been destroyed!' All ship pilots and all who travel by sea, sailors and seafaring men, stood a long way off

to feast on the flesh of kings, generals, heroes, of horses and their riders; yes, the flesh of all men, freemen and slaves, great and small."