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That night darkness shall take it; it shall not be joined upon the days of the year; it shall not come into the number of months.

The paths of their way will turn aside; they will go up into desolation and perish.

The earth was given into the hand of the unjust one: he will cover the faces of her judges; if not now, who is it?

The tents to those oppressing will be secure, and confidence to those provoking God to anger: whom God will bring into his hand

Also upon this one didst thou open thine eyes? and wilt thou bring Me into judgment with thee?

God will shut me up to the evil one, and he will cast me into the hands of the unjust

I sewed together sackcloth upon my skin, and I thrust my horn into the dust.

For he was cast into a net by his feet, and he will go about upon latticework.

They shall drive him out of light into darkness, and they shall exclude him from the habitable globe.

Will he reprove thee from thy fear? Will he go with thee into judgment?

He shall pray to God and he shall receive him into favor: and he shall see his face with rejoicing, and he will turn back to man his justice.

Didst thou come into the treasures of snow? and shalt thou see the treasures of hail,

In the pouring out of the dust into a melted mass, and the clods will adhere

Behold, he will oppress a river, and he will not spring up: he will trust that Jordan burst forth into his mouth.