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"or if his son asks for a fish, will offer him a snake?

"But he has no root in himself; he continues for a time, but when trouble arises, or persecutions, on account of the word, at once he stumbles and falls.

Presently some of the Pharisees came up to him, and made test of him by asking, "Is it right for a man to divorce his wife for every cause?"

"I tell you again, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven."

"Why is this waste? This perfume could have been sold for a good sum, and the money given to the poor."

Now Peter was following him, afar off, as far as the courtyard of the high priest; and when he got in, he was sitting with the officers, to see the end.

There had been a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord had come down from heaven, and gone and rolled away the stone, and was sitting upon it.

"See you say nothing to any one; but go your way, show yourself to the priest, and offer for your purification what Moses commanded for a testimony to them."

but because they have no root in themselves they last for a time; but when suffering or persecution ensues because of the Word, they at once fall away.

With many such illustrations Jesus used to tell his message to people as far as they were able to receive it;

The man looked up and said, "I can make out the people, for as they move about, I see them like trees."

Presently some Pharisees came up and tested him, by asking if it was lawful for a man to divorce his wife.

"My sons, how hard it is for those who trust in money to enter the kingdom of God. It is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven."

and they were glad when they heard it, and promised to pay him money. So he kept looking for an opportunity to betray him.

"Behold this child is set for the falling and rising up of many in Israel, and for a sign which is spoken against.

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Push out into deep water, and let down your nets for a haul."

And instantly the leprosy left him. Jesus ordered him to tell no one, "But be off," he said, "show yourself to the priest, and make the offering for your cleansing, as Moses commanded, for a testimony to them."

"Those on the rock are people who, upon hearing, receive the word with joy; but they have no root. For a time indeed they all believe, but in time of temptation they fall away.

When he landed here he was met by a certain townsman who was possessed by demons. For a long time he had worn no clothes and nor lived in any house, but in tombs.

"for a friend of mine is come to me from a journey, and I have nothing to set before him.'

"What father is there among you who, if his son asks for a loaf, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish will give him instead a serpent?

"Or if he asks for an egg, will offer him a scorpion?

"for as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so shall the Son of man be to this generation.

"For as you go before the magistrate with your opponent do your utmost to get quit of him, lest he drag you before the judge, and the judge delivers you over to the officer, and the officer cast you into prison.

"Yet I must continue my journey today, tomorrow, and the day following; for it would never do for a prophet to perish outside of Jerusalem!

"For as the lightning when it lightens out of the one part under heaven shines to the other part under heaven, so shall the Son of man be in his day.

"For a while he would not, but afterwards he said to himself, 'Though I have neither reverence for God nor regard for man,

Why, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."

For as they were untying the colt, the owners said to them, "Why are you untying the colt?"

Then he began to tell the people this parable. "There was a man who planted a vineyard, and let it out to vine-dressers, and went to another country for a long time.

"but they devour widows' houses and for a pretense make long prayers. These shall receive severer condemnation."

He consented to this, and looked for an opportunity to betray him, when the people were not present.

But their eyes continued to be held that they should not recognize him even for an instant,

"Look at my hands and my feet. It is I! Feel me and see; for a ghost has not flesh and blood as I have."

"That man was the Lamp-burning and shining??nd you were willing for a time rejoice in his light.

"We are not going to stone you for a good deed," answered the Jews, "but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, are making yourself God."

but Gamaliel, a Pharisee, a teacher of the law, and held in honor by all the people, rose from his seat, and ordered the apostles to be put outside for a little while.

"There he died, and our ancestors also, and they were carried across to Shechem, and laid in the tomb which Abraham had purchased for a sum of money from the sons of Hamor in Shechem.

They were giving heed to him because, for a long time, he had amazed them with his sorceries.

And the Lord said to him. "Arise, go into the street named 'Straight,' and make inquiries in the house of Judas for a man of Tarsus, one Saul.

He stared at him in terror, and said, "What is it, Lord?" "Your prayers and your alms have risen for a memorial before God," answered the angel;

To them he said: "You know, yourselves, that it is illegal for a Jew to associate with or to visit one of another nation; but God has taught me that I should not call any man common or unclean. For this reason, when sent for, I came without demur.

And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they begged him to remain with them for a time.

Then those who had been scattered by the trouble that arose over Stephen, traveled as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch; but they preached the word to none except Jews.

When news of this reached the ears of the church at Jerusalem, they sent Barnabas as far as Antioch.

Peter, coming to himself, said, "Now I know for a certainty that the Lord has sent his angel and released me from the hand of Herod, and from all that the Jewish people were anticipating."

They had John Mark as an assistant; and after going through the whole island as far as Paphos, they found a certain Jewish sorcerer and false prophet, named Bar-Jesus,

"The Lord's hand is now upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeing the sun for a season." Instantly there fell on him a mist and a darkness, and groping about, he sought some one to lead him by the hand.

"Then they asked for a king, and he gave them Saul, the son of Kish, a Benjamite for forty years.

"For such is God's command to us, saying, "I have set thee for a light to the Gentiles, That thou shouldest be for salvation to the uttermost part of the earth."

When they got as far as Mysia, they attempted to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not permit it;

Those who were caring for Paul brought him as far as Athens, and there left him, with instructions to Silas and Timothy to come to him with all speed.

"For as I was passing along and observing your objects of worship, I found also an altar with this inscription, 'TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.' What you are worshiping in ignorance, this I am proclaiming to you.

So he sent two of his assistants, Timothy and Erastus, into Macedonia, while he himself kept back for a time on his way into Asia.

There accompanied him as far as Asia, Sopater of Berea, the son of Pyrrhus; and of the Thessalonians, Aristarchus and Secundus; and Gaius of Derbe, and Timothy; and the Asians, Tychicus and Trophimus.

but we ourselves set sail from Philippi, after the days of unleavened bread, and joined them five days later at Troas. There we remained for a week.

And the following night the Lord stood by him and said: "Be of good courage; for as you have borne faithful witness concerning me at Jerusalem, so you must testify at Rome also."

Then he called two centurions to him and said: "Get ready by nine o'clock tonight two hundred infantry to march as far as Caesarea, and also seventy troopers and two hundred spearmen."

When for a long time they had been without food, Paul stood among them and said: "Men, you ought to have listened to me, and not have set sail from Crete, and so have spared yourselves this injury and loss.

Now when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and thrown them on the fire, a viper crawled out because of the heat, and fastened on his hand.

From there the brothers, when they heard about us, came out to meet us as far as the Appian Forum and the Three Taverns. When Paul saw them he thanked God and took courage.

and exchanged the majesty of the imperishable God for an idol, graven in the likeness of perishable man, or of birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things.

Why, a man will hardly give his life for another, even for a righteous man, though perchance for a good man one might even take it upon himself to die.

Therefore do not let what is right, so far as you are concerned, be evil spoken of.

through the might of signs and wonders, in the power of the Holy Spirit. So that beginning at Jerusalem and its environs, I have proclaimed without reserve the gospel of Christ, even as far as Illyricum.

whenever I go to Spain, I am hoping to see you on my way there, and to be set forward by you on my way there, and to be set forward by you on my journey thither, after I have enjoyed your company for a little while.

I think then, that in view of the time of suffering now imminent, it is best for a man to remain as he is.

Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be free. Are you free from the marriage bond? Do not seek for a wife.

Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord? Are you not my work in the Lord?

If a woman does not wear a veil, let her also cut off her hair; now if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her be veiled.

For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are proclaiming your Lord's death until he come.

So he that eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthy must answer for a sin against the body and blood of the Lord.

So then the gift of tongues is for a sign, not to believers, but to unbelievers; but prophecy is not for unbelievers, but for those who believe.

I am not saying this to blame you, for as I have already said, I hold you in my heart to live together and to die together.

Even if I caused you pain by my letter, I do not regret; though I did regret it when I saw that my letter had caused you pain, even for a time.

for I know how ready you are, and am always boasting about you to the Macedonians, telling them that Greece has been ready for a year past; and your zeal has been a spur to the majority of them.

For I am not overstepping the limits of my authority, as though I reached you not; since I have already come even as far as Corinth to proclaim the gospel of Christ.