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For now it would be heavier than the sand of the sea: therefore my words are swallowed up.

Oh that I might have my request; and that God would grant me the thing that I long for!

Even that it would please God to destroy me; that he would let loose his hand, and cut me off!

Then should I yet have comfort; yes, I would harden myself in sorrow: let him not spare; for I have not concealed the words of the Holy One.

If thou wert pure and upright; surely now he would awake for thee, and make the habitation of thy righteousness prosperous.

Whom, though I were righteous, yet would I not answer, but I would make supplication to my judge.

If I had called, and he had answered me; yet I would not believe that he had hearkened to my voice.

Though I were perfect, yet would I not know my soul: I would despise my life.

Then would I speak, and not fear him; but it is not so with me.

But Oh that God would speak, and open his lips against thee;

And that he would show thee the secrets of wisdom, that they are double to that which is! Know therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thy iniquity deserveth.

Surely I would speak to the Almighty, and I desire to reason with God.

O that ye would altogether hold your peace and it would be your wisdom.

But I would strengthen you with my mouth and the moving of my lips should assuage your grief.

But ye would say, Why persecute we him, seeing the root of the matter is found in me?

I would order my cause before him, and fill my mouth with arguments.

I would know the words which he would answer me, and understand what he would say to me.

Would he plead against me with his great power? No; but he would put strength in me.

For God shall cast upon him, and not spare: he would fain flee out of his hand.

But now they that are younger than I, have me in derision, whose fathers I would have disdained to set with the dogs of my flock.

For it is a fire that consumeth to destruction, and would root out all my increase.

Oh that one would hear me! behold, my desire is, that the Almighty would answer me, and that my adversary had written a book.

Surely I would take it upon my shoulder, and bind it as a crown to me.

I would declare to him the number of my steps; as a prince would I go near to him.

For I know not to give flattering titles; in so doing, my Maker would soon take me away.

All flesh would perish together, and man would turn again to dust.

Because they turned back from him, and would not consider any of his ways:

Even so would he have removed thee out of the strait into a broad place, where there is no straitness; and that which should be set on thy table would be full of fatness.

He maketh a path to shine after him; one would think the deep to be hoary.