Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

I wrote in a letter to you not to keep company with fornicators. Yet you cannot completely avoid the fornicators of this world, nor the greedy persons, nor cheaters and robbers, nor those who worship idols. To do so you would have to leave this world. I wrote you not to keep company with any man who is called a brother who is a fornicator, or who is greedy, or who worships idols, or constantly gets drunk, or cheats people. Do not even eat with such a person.

Let no one deceive you with empty words. It is because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Do not be partakers with them.

They deprive the poor of justice. They take away the rights of the needy among my people. They prey on widows and rob orphans.

Some of your people murder for pay. Some charge interest on the loans they make to other Israelites and get rich by taking advantage of them. They have forgotten me. The Lord Jehovah has spoken.

Then that servant met another servant who was in debt to him for one hundred denarii. He took him by the throat, saying, 'Pay your debt now.'

He told them: Collect no more than that which is prescribed.

Yet you cannot completely avoid the fornicators of this world, nor the greedy persons, nor cheaters and robbers, nor those who worship idols. To do so you would have to leave this world.

Our friends, we command you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to keep away from all believers who walk disorderly and who do not follow the instructions that we gave them.

Whoever pushes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of Christ, does not have God! He who dwells in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. Do not receive anyone into your house who comes to you and does not bring this teaching. Give him no greeting! He who greets him partakes of his evil works.

Do not befriend an angry man. Do not associate with a man who throws fits. If you do you will learn his ways and you will become trapped.

Do not associate with drunkards or gluttons. For the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty and drowsiness will clothe a man with rags.

Do not be envious of evil men, neither desire to be with them. Their minds meditate on evil, and their lips talk about trouble.

I wrote in a letter to you not to keep company with fornicators. Yet you cannot completely avoid the fornicators of this world, nor the greedy persons, nor cheaters and robbers, nor those who worship idols. To do so you would have to leave this world. I wrote you not to keep company with any man who is called a brother who is a fornicator, or who is greedy, or who worships idols, or constantly gets drunk, or cheats people. Do not even eat with such a person. read more.
What have I to do with judging those outside (in the world)? Do we not judge those who are inside (the congregation)? God judges those outside. Remove the wicked man from among yourselves.

If any man teaches a different doctrine, and does not consent to sound words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine that is according to godliness, he is proud, knows nothing, has a morbid interest in questions and disputes about words, which leads to envy, strife, abusive language, evil suspicions, frictions between men corrupted in mind and lacking in truth, supposing that godliness is a way of gain.

They deprive the poor of justice. They take away the rights of the needy among my people. They prey on widows and rob orphans.

Some of your people murder for pay. Some charge interest on the loans they make to other Israelites and get rich by taking advantage of them. They have forgotten me. The Lord Jehovah has spoken.

Then that servant met another servant who was in debt to him for one hundred denarii. He took him by the throat, saying, 'Pay your debt now.'

He told them: Collect no more than that which is prescribed.

Yet you cannot completely avoid the fornicators of this world, nor the greedy persons, nor cheaters and robbers, nor those who worship idols. To do so you would have to leave this world.