Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

The God of Israel spoke; the Rock of Israel said to me, "The one who rules the people with justice, who rules in the fear of God, is like the morning light when the sun rises on a cloudless morning, the glisten of rain on sprouting grass."

The Spirit of the Lord spoke through me, His word was on my tongue. The God of Israel spoke; the Rock of Israel said to me, "The one who rules the people with justice, who rules in the fear of God, is like the morning light when the sun rises on a cloudless morning, the glisten of rain on sprouting grass." read more.
Is it not true my house is with God? For He has established an everlasting covenant with me, ordered and secured in every [detail]. Will He not bring about my whole salvation and [my] every desire? But all the wicked are like thorns raked aside; they can never be picked up by hand. The man who touches them must be armed with iron and the shaft of a spear. They will be completely burned up on the spot.

David concluded, “By the Lord’s hand on me, He enabled me to understand everything in writing, all the details of the plan.”

While the Pharisees were together, Jesus questioned them, "What do you think about the Messiah? Whose Son is He?" "David's," they told Him. He asked them, "How is it then that David, inspired by the Spirit, calls Him 'Lord': read more.
The Lord declared to my Lord, 'Sit at My right hand until I put Your enemies under Your feet' ? "If David calls Him 'Lord,' how then can the Messiah be his Son?" No one was able to answer Him at all, and from that day no one dared to question Him any more.

For David says of Him: I saw the Lord ever before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced. Moreover my flesh will rest in hope, because You will not leave my soul in Hades, or allow Your Holy One to see decay. read more.
You have revealed the paths of life to me; You will fill me with gladness in Your presence. "Brothers, I can confidently speak to you about the patriarch David: he is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. Since he was a prophet, he knew that God had sworn an oath to him to seat one of his descendants on his throne. Seeing this in advance, he spoke concerning the resurrection of the Messiah: He was not left in Hades, and His flesh did not experience decay. "God has resurrected this Jesus. We are all witnesses of this. Therefore, since He has been exalted to the right hand of God and has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit, He has poured out what you both see and hear. For it was not David who ascended into the heavens, but he himself says: The Lord said to my Lord, 'Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies Your footstool.' "Therefore let all the house of Israel know with certainty that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah!" When they heard this, they were pierced to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles: "Brothers, what must we do?" "Repent," Peter said to them, "and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus the Messiah for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

You said through the Holy Spirit, by the mouth of our father David Your servant:

Why did the Gentiles rage
and the peoples plot futile things?

These are the last words of David: The proclamation of David son of Jesse, the proclamation of the man raised on high, the one anointed by the God of Jacob, the favorite singer of Israel: The Spirit of the Lord spoke through me, His word was on my tongue. The God of Israel spoke; the Rock of Israel said to me, "The one who rules the people with justice, who rules in the fear of God, read more.
is like the morning light when the sun rises on a cloudless morning, the glisten of rain on sprouting grass." Is it not true my house is with God? For He has established an everlasting covenant with me, ordered and secured in every [detail]. Will He not bring about my whole salvation and [my] every desire? But all the wicked are like thorns raked aside; they can never be picked up by hand. The man who touches them must be armed with iron and the shaft of a spear. They will be completely burned up on the spot.

However, he must not acquire many horses for himself or send the people back to Egypt to acquire many horses, for the Lord has told you, ‘You are never to go back that way again.’

A king who judges the poor with fairness—
his throne will be established forever.

The God of Israel spoke;
the Rock of Israel said to me,
“The one who rules the people with justice,
who rules in the fear of God,

Then he said to the judges, “Consider what you are doing, for you do not judge for man, but for the Lord, who is with you in the matter of judgment.

So now, kings, be wise; receive instruction, you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with reverential awe, and rejoice with trembling.

Loyalty and faithfulness deliver a king;
through loyalty he maintains his throne.

The God of Israel spoke;
the Rock of Israel said to me,
“The one who rules the people with justice,
who rules in the fear of God,

A large population is a king’s splendor,
but a shortage of people is a ruler’s devastation.

It is not for kings, Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine or for rulers [to desire] beer. Otherwise, they will drink, forget what is decreed, and pervert justice for all the oppressed. Give beer to one who is dying, and wine to one whose life is bitter. read more.
Let him drink so that he can forget his poverty and remember his trouble no more.

The God of Israel spoke;
the Rock of Israel said to me,
“The one who rules the people with justice,
who rules in the fear of God,

God, You have heard my vows; You have given a heritage to those who fear Your name. Add days to the king's life; may his years span many generations. May he sit enthroned before God forever; appoint faithful love and truth to guard him.

Make and keep your vows to the Lord your God; let all who are around Him bring tribute to the awe-inspiring One. He humbles the spirit of leaders; He is feared by the kings of the earth.

All the kings on earth will give You thanks, Lord, when they hear what You have promised. They will sing of the Lord's ways, for the Lord's glory is great.

Wicked behavior is detestable to kings, since a throne is established through righteousness. Righteous lips are a king's delight, and he loves one who speaks honestly. A king's fury is a messenger of death, but a wise man appeases it. read more.
When a king's face lights up, there is life; his favor is like a cloud with spring rain.

Eloquent words are not appropriate on a fool’s lips;
how much worse are lies for a ruler.

A king sitting on a throne to judge
sifts out all evil with his eyes.

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to investigate a matter. As the heaven is high and the earth is deep, so the hearts of kings cannot be investigated. Remove impurities from silver, and a vessel will be produced for a silversmith. read more.
Remove the wicked from the king's presence, and his throne will be established in righteousness.

For the king’s word is authoritative, and who can say to him, “What are you doing?”

Then he said, ‘The God of our fathers has appointed you to know His will, to see the Righteous One, and to hear the sound of His voice.

While he was sitting on the judge’s bench, his wife sent word to him, “Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for today I’ve suffered terribly in a dream because of Him!”

The God of Israel spoke;
the Rock of Israel said to me,
“The one who rules the people with justice,
who rules in the fear of God,

The God of Israel spoke;
the Rock of Israel said to me,
“The one who rules the people with justice,
who rules in the fear of God,

“This is what the Lord God says: You have gone too far, princes of Israel! Put away violence and oppression and do what is just and right. Put an end to your evictions of My people.” This is the declaration of the Lord God.

The God of Israel spoke;
the Rock of Israel said to me,
“The one who rules the people with justice,
who rules in the fear of God,

The God of Israel spoke;
the Rock of Israel said to me,
“The one who rules the people with justice,
who rules in the fear of God,

And now, may the terror of the Lord be on you. Watch what you do, for there is no injustice or partiality or taking bribes with the Lord our God.”

The God of Israel spoke;
the Rock of Israel said to me,
“The one who rules the people with justice,
who rules in the fear of God,

The Spirit of the Lord spoke through me, His word was on my tongue. The God of Israel spoke; the Rock of Israel said to me, "The one who rules the people with justice, who rules in the fear of God, is like the morning light when the sun rises on a cloudless morning, the glisten of rain on sprouting grass." read more.
Is it not true my house is with God? For He has established an everlasting covenant with me, ordered and secured in every [detail]. Will He not bring about my whole salvation and [my] every desire? But all the wicked are like thorns raked aside; they can never be picked up by hand. The man who touches them must be armed with iron and the shaft of a spear. They will be completely burned up on the spot.

Then David praised the Lord in the sight of all the assembly. David said, "May You be praised, Lord God of our father Israel, from eternity to eternity. Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the splendor and the majesty, for everything in the heavens and on earth belongs to You. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom, and You are exalted as head over all. Riches and honor come from You, and You are the ruler of everything. In Your hand are power and might, and it is in Your hand to make great and to give strength to all. read more.
Now therefore, our God, we give You thanks and praise Your glorious name. "But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? For everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your own hand. For we are foreigners and sojourners in Your presence as were all our ancestors. Our days on earth are like a shadow, without hope. Lord our God, all this wealth that we've provided for building You a house for Your holy name comes from Your hand; everything belongs to You. I know, my God, that You test the heart and that You are pleased with uprightness. I have willingly given all these things with an upright heart, and now I have seen Your people who are present here giving joyfully and willingly to You. Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, our ancestors, keep this desire forever in the thoughts of the hearts of Your people, and confirm their hearts toward You. Give my son Solomon a whole heart to keep and to carry out all Your commandments, Your decrees, and Your statutes, and to build the temple for which I have made provision."

Each will be like a shelter from the wind,
a refuge from the rain,
like streams of water in a dry land
and the shade of a massive rock in an arid land.

Listen closely to me; rescue me quickly.
Be a rock of refuge for me,
a mountain fortress to save me.

and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from a spiritual rock that followed them, and that rock was Christ.

The God of Israel spoke;
the Rock of Israel said to me,
“The one who rules the people with justice,
who rules in the fear of God,

The Lord lives—may my rock be praised!
God, the rock of my salvation, is exalted.

For you have forgotten the God of your salvation,
and you have failed to remember
the rock of your strength;
therefore you will plant beautiful plants
and set out cuttings from exotic vines.

For who is God besides the Lord?
And who is a rock? Only our God.

However, he must not acquire many horses for himself or send the people back to Egypt to acquire many horses, for the Lord has told you, ‘You are never to go back that way again.’

A king who judges the poor with fairness—
his throne will be established forever.

The God of Israel spoke;
the Rock of Israel said to me,
“The one who rules the people with justice,
who rules in the fear of God,

Then he said to the judges, “Consider what you are doing, for you do not judge for man, but for the Lord, who is with you in the matter of judgment.

So now, kings, be wise; receive instruction, you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with reverential awe, and rejoice with trembling.

Loyalty and faithfulness deliver a king;
through loyalty he maintains his throne.