Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

And the lord praised the unrighteous steward, in that with forethought he acted: - Because, the sons of this age, have more forethought than the sons of light, respecting their own generation.

And Jesus said unto them - The sons of this age, marry, and are given in marriage, -

On account of which things cometh the anger of God, -

Moreover also, when wine betrayeth, a man, is arrogant, and findeth no rest, - because he hath enlarged, like hades, his desire, yea, he, is like death, and cannot be satisfied, - but hath gathered unto himself, all the nations, and assembled unto himself, all the peoples.

Moreover the mixed multitude that was in their midst concealed not their lusting, - and so even the sons of Israel, fell away and wept, and said: Who will grant us to eat flesh?

The soul of the lawless man, craveth mischief, his own friend, findeth no favour in his eyes.

The vampire, hath two daughters, Give! Give! Three, there are will not be satisfied, four, have not said, Enough!

and, the anxieties of the age, and the deceit of wealth, and the covetings about the remaining things, entering in, choke up the word, and, unfruitful, it becometh;

But, in these things, they became, ensamples for us, to the end we should not be covetous of evil things, even as, they, also coveted;

Ye covet - and have not, ye commit murder, and are jealous - and cannot obtain, - ye fight and war. Ye have not - because ye do not really ask,

Moreover also, when wine betrayeth, a man, is arrogant, and findeth no rest, - because he hath enlarged, like hades, his desire, yea, he, is like death, and cannot be satisfied, - but hath gathered unto himself, all the nations, and assembled unto himself, all the peoples.

Moreover the mixed multitude that was in their midst concealed not their lusting, - and so even the sons of Israel, fell away and wept, and said: Who will grant us to eat flesh?

The soul of the lawless man, craveth mischief, his own friend, findeth no favour in his eyes.

The vampire, hath two daughters, Give! Give! Three, there are will not be satisfied, four, have not said, Enough!

and, the anxieties of the age, and the deceit of wealth, and the covetings about the remaining things, entering in, choke up the word, and, unfruitful, it becometh;

But, in these things, they became, ensamples for us, to the end we should not be covetous of evil things, even as, they, also coveted;

Ye covet - and have not, ye commit murder, and are jealous - and cannot obtain, - ye fight and war. Ye have not - because ye do not really ask,

But, if Christ is in you, the body, indeed, is dead by reason of sin, whereas, the spirit, is life by reason of righteousness; If, moreover, the Spirit of him that raised Jesus from among the dead dwelleth in you, he that raised from among the dead Christ Jesus, shall make alive evenyour death-doomed bodies, through means of his indwelling Spirit within you. Hence, then, brethren - debtors, we are, not unto the flesh, that, according to flesh, we should live, - read more.
For, if according to flesh ye live, ye are about to die, whereas, if in spirit, the practices of the flesh, ye are putting to death, ye shall attain unto life; For, as many as by God's Spirit are being led, the same, are God's sons, -

Unto you also - being dead by your offences and sins, In which at one time ye walked, according to the age of the world, according to the prince of the authority of the air, of the spirit that now energiseth in the sons of disobedience, Among whom also, we all, had our behaviour, at one time, in the covetings of our flesh, doing the things desired by the flesh and the mind, and were children, by nature, of anger - even as the rest, - read more.
But, God, being rich in mercy, by reason of the great love wherewith he loved us, Although we were dead by our offences, gave us life together with the Christ, - by favour, ye have been saved, -

But, we ourselves, within ourselves, have had the sentence of death, that we might not rest our confidence upon ourselves, but upon God, who raiseth the dead,

And, answering, Jesus said unto them - Go report unto John what ye do hear and see: - The, blind, recover sight, and, the lame, walk, lepers, are cleansed, and, the deaf, hear, - and, the dead, are raised, and, the destitute, are told the joyful tidings;

And, answering, he said unto them - Go and bear tidings unto John, as to what ye have seen and heard: The blind, are receiving sight, the lame, walk, lepers, are cleansed, and, the deaf, hear, the dead, are raised, the destitute, are told the glad-message;

And, this, I say, brethren, - that, flesh and blood, cannot inherit, God's kingdom. Neither doth, corruption, inherit, incorruption. Lo! a sacred secret, unto you, do I declare: - we shall not, all, sleep, but we shall, all, be changed, - In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, during the last trumpet; for it shall sound, and, the dead, shall be raised, incorruptible, and, we, shall be changed. read more.
For this corruptible must needs clothe itself with incorruptibility, and this mortal, clothe itself, with immortality. But, whensoever, this mortal, shall clothe itself with immortality, then, shall be brought to pass the saying that is written - Death hath been swallowed up, victoriously; Where, O death, is thy victory? Where, O death, is thy sting? Now, the sting of death, is, sin, and, the power of sin, is, the law; - But, unto God, be thanks, who is giving unto us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ.

And, at that time, will Michael, the great ruler who standeth for the sons of thy people, make a stand, and there will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, up to that time, - and, at that time, shall thy people, be delivered, every one found written in the hook; and, many of the sleepers in the dusty ground, shall awake, - these, shall be to age-abiding life, but, those, to reproach, and age-abiding abhorrence;

But, I, know that, my redeemer, liveth, and, as the Last over my dust, will he arise; And, though, after my skin is struck off, this followeth , yet, apart from my flesh, shall I see GOD: Whom, I myself, shall see, on my side, and, mine own eyes, shall have looked upon, and not those of a stranger. Exhausted are my deepest desires in my bosom!

All things, however, when reproved by the light, become manifest, for, all that of itself maketh manifest, is, light; Wherefore it saith - Up! thou sleeper, and arise from among the dead, and the Christ will shine upon thee.

Unto you also - being dead by your offences and sins, In which at one time ye walked, according to the age of the world, according to the prince of the authority of the air, of the spirit that now energiseth in the sons of disobedience, Among whom also, we all, had our behaviour, at one time, in the covetings of our flesh, doing the things desired by the flesh and the mind, and were children, by nature, of anger - even as the rest, - read more.
But, God, being rich in mercy, by reason of the great love wherewith he loved us, Although we were dead by our offences, gave us life together with the Christ, - by favour, ye have been saved, - And raised us up together, and seated us together in the heavenlies, in Christ:

For, they all, their own things, do seek, not the things of Christ Jesus;

Nay! thou hadst not heard, Nay! thou hadst not known, Nay! in time past, thine ear, was not opened, - For I knew that thou, wouldst be treacherous, Yea a transgressor from birth, hast thou been called.

Man that is born of a woman, is of few days, and full of trouble: As a flower, he cometh forth - and fadeth, He fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not. And yet upon such a one as this, hast thou opened thine eye? And, him, wouldst thou bring into judgment with thee? read more.
Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one!

Be favorable unto me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness, And, in the multitude of thy compassions, blot out my transgressions; Thoroughly wash me from mine iniquity, And, from my sin, make me pure; For, my transgressions, do, I, acknowledge, And, my sin, is before me continually: read more.
Against thee - against thee alone, have I sinned, And, wickedness - in thine eyes, have I done, - That thou mayest, Be justified when thou speakest, - Be clear when thou judgest. Lo! in iniquity, was I brought forth, And, in sin, did my mother conceive me.

Are ye, indeed, silent when righteousness, ye should speak? When, with equity, ye should judge, O ye sons of men? Aye! ye all do work, perversity, - Throughout the land, your hands, weigh out, violence! Lawless men have been estranged from birth, They have gone astray from their nativity, speaking falsehood;

Unto you also - being dead by your offences and sins, In which at one time ye walked, according to the age of the world, according to the prince of the authority of the air, of the spirit that now energiseth in the sons of disobedience, Among whom also, we all, had our behaviour, at one time, in the covetings of our flesh, doing the things desired by the flesh and the mind, and were children, by nature, of anger - even as the rest, -