Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

But, if Christ is in you, the body, indeed, is dead by reason of sin, whereas, the spirit, is life by reason of righteousness; If, moreover, the Spirit of him that raised Jesus from among the dead dwelleth in you, he that raised from among the dead Christ Jesus, shall make alive evenyour death-doomed bodies, through means of his indwelling Spirit within you.

But some one will say - How, are the dead raised? and, with what kind of body, do they come? Simple one! What, thou, sowest, is not quickened, except it die; And, what thou sowest, not the body that shall come into existence, dost thou sow, but a naked kernel - if it so happen, of wheat, or of any of the rest, - read more.
Howbeit, God, giveth it a body, as he pleased, and, unto each of the seeds, a body of its own.

If ye have died, together with Christ, from the first principles of the world, why, as though alive in the world, are ye submitting to decrees, -

But, if Christ is in you, the body, indeed, is dead by reason of sin, whereas, the spirit, is life by reason of righteousness; If, moreover, the Spirit of him that raised Jesus from among the dead dwelleth in you, he that raised from among the dead Christ Jesus, shall make alive evenyour death-doomed bodies, through means of his indwelling Spirit within you.

Far be it! we who have died unto sin, how, any longer, shall we live therein? Or know ye not that, we, as many as were immersed into Christ Jesus, into his death were immersed? We were, therefore, buried together with him through our immersion into his death, in order that - just as Christ was raised from among the dead through the glory of the Father, so, we also, in newness of life should walk. read more.
For, if we have come to be grown together in the likeness of his death, certainly, in that of his resurrection also, shall we be. Of this taking note - that, our old man, was crucified together with him in order that the sinful body might be made powerless, that we should, no longer, be in servitude to sin; For, he that hath died, hath become righteously acquitted from his sin. Now, if we have died together with Christ, we believe that we shall also live together with him; Knowing that, Christ having been raised from among the dead, no more dieth, - death, over him, no more, hath lordship, - For, in that he died, unto sin, died he once for all, but, in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. So, ye also, be reckoning yourselves to be - dead indeed unto sin, but, alive unto God in Christ Jesus.

Or are ye ignorant, brethren, - for unto them that understand the law am I speaking, that, the law, hath lordship over a men as long as he liveth? For, the married woman, unto her living husband is bound by law; but, if her husband have died, she hath received a full release from the law of her husband. Hence then, her husband being alive, an adulteress, shall she be called - if she become another man's, but, if the husband have died, she is free from the law; so that she is not an adulteress, though she become another man's. read more.
So, then, my brethren, ye also, were made dead unto the law through the body of the Christ, to the end ye might become another's - his who from among the dead was raised, in order that we might bring forth fruit unto God. For, when we were in the flesh, the susceptibilities of sins which were through the law, used to be energized in our members unto the bringing forth of fruit unto death; But, now, we have received full release from the law, by dying in that wherein we used to be held fast, so that we should be doing service - in newness of spirit and not in obsoleteness of letter. What, then, shall we say? Is the law sin? Far be it! On the contrary, I had not discovered, sin, save through law, for even, of coveting, I had not been aware if, the law, had not kept on saying - Thou shall not covet; Howbeit sin taking, occasion - through the commandment, wrought out in me all manner of coveting; for, apart from law, sin is dead; - And, I, was alive, apart from law, at one time, but, the commandment coming, sin sprang up to life, Whereas, I, died, - and the commandment which was unto life was found by me to be, itself, unto death;

But, ye, have not your being in flesh, but in spirit, - if at least, God's Spirit, dwelleth in you; and, if anyone hath not Christ's Spirit, the same, is not his; - But, if Christ is in you, the body, indeed, is dead by reason of sin, whereas, the spirit, is life by reason of righteousness; If, moreover, the Spirit of him that raised Jesus from among the dead dwelleth in you, he that raised from among the dead Christ Jesus, shall make alive evenyour death-doomed bodies, through means of his indwelling Spirit within you.

And yet ye choose not to come unto me, that, life, ye may have.

Verily, verily, I say unto you: He that heareth, my word, and believeth in him that sent me, hath life age-abiding, and, into judgment, cometh not, but hath passed over, out of death into life. Verily, verily, I say unto you: There cometh an hour, and now is, when, the dead, shall hearken unto the voice of the Son of God, and, they who have hearkened, shall live. For, just as, the Father, hath life, in himself, in like manner, unto the Son also, hath he given, life, to have, in himself;

Jesus said unto her - I, am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth on me, even though he die, shall live again! And, no one who liveth again and believeth on me, shall in anywise die, unto times age-abiding. Believest thou this?

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we for ourselves gazed upon, and our hands did handle, concerning the Word of Life, - And, the Life, was made manifest, and we have seen, and are bearing witness, and announcing unto you, the Age-abiding Life, which, indeed, was with the Father, and was made manifest unto us;

Jesus answered, and said unto him - Verily, verily, I say unto thee: Except one be born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him - How, can a man be born, when he is, old? Can he, into the womb of his mother, a second time, enter, and be born? Jesus answered - Verily, verily, I say unto thee: Except one be born of water and spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. read more.
That which hath been born of the flesh, is, flesh, and, that which hath been born of the spirit, is, spirit. Do not marvel, that I said unto thee: Ye must needs be born from above. The spirit, where it pleaseth, doth breathe, and, the sound thereof, thou hearest; but knowest not, whence it cometh and whither it goeth: Thus, is every one who hath been born of the spirit. Nicodemus answered, and said unto him - How, can these things, come about? Jesus answered, and said unto him - Art, thou, the teacher of Israel, and, these things, knowest not? Verily, verily, I say unto thee: What we know, we speak, and, of what we have seen, we bear witness, and, our witness, ye receive not. If, the earthly things, I told you, and ye believe not, How, if I should tell you the heavenly things, will ye believe? And, no one, hath ascended into heaven, save he that, out of heaven, descended, - The Son of Man. And, just as, Moses, lifted up the serpent in the desert, so, must, the Son of Man, be lifted up, - That, whosoever believeth in him, may have life age-abiding. For God, so loved, the world, that, his Only Begotten Son, he gave, - that, whosoever believeth on him, might not perish, but have life age-abiding.

For, the bread of God, is that which is coming down out of heaven, and giving, life, unto the world.

Even as thou gavest him authority over all flesh, that, as touching whatsoever thou hast given him, he might give unto them, life age-abiding. And, this, is the age-abiding life, That they get to know thee, the only real God, and him whom thou didst send, Jesus Christ.

We were, therefore, buried together with him through our immersion into his death, in order that - just as Christ was raised from among the dead through the glory of the Father, so, we also, in newness of life should walk. For, if we have come to be grown together in the likeness of his death, certainly, in that of his resurrection also, shall we be.

Whereas, now, having been freed from sin, and made servants unto God, ye have your fruit for sanctification and, the end, life age-abiding. For, the wages of sin, is death; but, God's gift of favour, is life age-abiding, in Christ Jesus our Lord.

And I will put my spirit within you and ye shall live, And I will settle you upon your own soil, So shall ye know that I, Yahweh have spoken and have performed. Declareth Yahweh.

But, ye, have not your being in flesh, but in spirit, - if at least, God's Spirit, dwelleth in you; and, if anyone hath not Christ's Spirit, the same, is not his; - But, if Christ is in you, the body, indeed, is dead by reason of sin, whereas, the spirit, is life by reason of righteousness; If, moreover, the Spirit of him that raised Jesus from among the dead dwelleth in you, he that raised from among the dead Christ Jesus, shall make alive evenyour death-doomed bodies, through means of his indwelling Spirit within you. read more.
Hence, then, brethren - debtors, we are, not unto the flesh, that, according to flesh, we should live, - For, if according to flesh ye live, ye are about to die, whereas, if in spirit, the practices of the flesh, ye are putting to death, ye shall attain unto life;

But, if Christ is in you, the body, indeed, is dead by reason of sin, whereas, the spirit, is life by reason of righteousness; If, moreover, the Spirit of him that raised Jesus from among the dead dwelleth in you, he that raised from among the dead Christ Jesus, shall make alive evenyour death-doomed bodies, through means of his indwelling Spirit within you. Hence, then, brethren - debtors, we are, not unto the flesh, that, according to flesh, we should live, - read more.
For, if according to flesh ye live, ye are about to die, whereas, if in spirit, the practices of the flesh, ye are putting to death, ye shall attain unto life; For, as many as by God's Spirit are being led, the same, are God's sons, -

Unto you also - being dead by your offences and sins, In which at one time ye walked, according to the age of the world, according to the prince of the authority of the air, of the spirit that now energiseth in the sons of disobedience, Among whom also, we all, had our behaviour, at one time, in the covetings of our flesh, doing the things desired by the flesh and the mind, and were children, by nature, of anger - even as the rest, - read more.
But, God, being rich in mercy, by reason of the great love wherewith he loved us, Although we were dead by our offences, gave us life together with the Christ, - by favour, ye have been saved, -

And Peter, opening his mouth, said - Of a truth, I find that God is no respecter of persons; But, in every nation, he that feareth him and worketh righteousness, is acceptable unto him.

But, ye, beloved! building yourselves up in your most holy faith, in Holy Spirit, praying, Yourselves, in God's love, keep, - awaiting the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, unto age-abiding life.

And, for this very reason also - adding, on your part, all diligence, supply, in your faith, excellence, and, in your excellence, knowledge, And, in your knowledge, self-control, and, in your self-control, endurance, and, in your endurance, godliness, And, in your godliness, brotherly affection, and, in your brotherly affection, love. read more.
These things, unto you, belonging and abounding, neither idle nor unfruitful, constitute you, regarding the personal knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; For, he to whom these things are not present, is, blind, seeing only what is near, having come, to forget, his purification from his old sins.

Teacher! which commandment, is greatest in the law? And, he, said unto him - Thou shalt love the Lord thy God - with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind: This, is the great and first commandment. read more.
The second, like it, is, this: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. In these two commandments, all the law, is contained, and the prophets.

Hence there is now, no, condemnation unto them who are in Christ Jesus; For, the-law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, hath set thee free from the law of sin and of death; - For, what was impossible by the law in that it was weak through the flesh, God, by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and concerning sin, condemned sin in the flesh, read more.
In order that, the righteous requirement of the law, might be fulfilled in us - who, not according to flesh, do walk, but according to spirit; For, they who according to flesh have their being, the things of the flesh do prefer, but, they according to the spirit, the things of the spirit; For, what is preferred by the flesh, is death, whereas, what is preferred by the spirit, is life and peace; - Inasmuch as, what is preferred by the flesh, is hostile towards God, for, unto the law of God, it doth not submit itself, neither in fact can it. - They, moreover, who in flesh have their being, cannot please, God. But, ye, have not your being in flesh, but in spirit, - if at least, God's Spirit, dwelleth in you; and, if anyone hath not Christ's Spirit, the same, is not his; - But, if Christ is in you, the body, indeed, is dead by reason of sin, whereas, the spirit, is life by reason of righteousness; If, moreover, the Spirit of him that raised Jesus from among the dead dwelleth in you, he that raised from among the dead Christ Jesus, shall make alive evenyour death-doomed bodies, through means of his indwelling Spirit within you. Hence, then, brethren - debtors, we are, not unto the flesh, that, according to flesh, we should live, - For, if according to flesh ye live, ye are about to die, whereas, if in spirit, the practices of the flesh, ye are putting to death, ye shall attain unto life; For, as many as by God's Spirit are being led, the same, are God's sons, - For ye have not received a spirit of servitude, leading back into fear, but ye have received a spirit of sonship, whereby we are exclaiming - Abba! Oh Father! The Spirit itself, beareth witness together with our spirit that we are children of God; And, if children, heirs also - heirs, indeed, of God, but co-heirs with Christ, - if, at least, we are suffering together, in order that we may also be glorified together. For I reckon that unworthy are the sufferings of the present season to be compared with the glory about to be revealed towards us;

Brethren! the delight of my own heart and my supplication God-ward in their behalf, are for salvation; For I bear them witness that they have, a zeal for God, - but not according to correct knowledge; For, not knowing God's righteousness and, their own, seeking to establish, unto the righteousness of God, have they not submitted; read more.
For Christ is an end of law, for righteousness, unto every one that believeth. For, Moses, writeth that - as touching the righteousness that is by law, The man that hath done it , shall live thereby; Whereas, the righteousness by faith, thus speaketh - Do not say in thy heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? That is, to bring, Christ, down, Or, Who shall descend into the abyss? That is, to bring up, Christ, from among the dead; But what saith it? Near thee, is the declaration, In thy mouth and in thy heart, - that is, the declaration of the faith, which we proclaim: - That, if thou shalt confess the declaration with thy mouth - That Jesus is, Lord, and shalt believe with thy hear - That, God, raised him from among the dead, thou shalt be saved; - For, in heart, it is to be believed unto righteousness, and, by mouth, it is to be confessed unto salvation. For the scripture saith - No one that resteth faith thereupon, shall be put to shame? For there is no distinction - of Jew or Greek, - for, the same Lord , is Lord of all, being rich unto all who call upon him; For, Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved: -

But, the fruit of the Spirit, is - love, joy, peace, long-suffering, graciousness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control; - against such things as these, there is no law. And, they who are of Christ Jesus, have crucified, the flesh, with its susceptibilities and covetings. read more.
If we live by Spirit, by Spirit, let us also walk.

See that none, evil for evil, unto any, do render: but, evermore, what is good, be pursuing, towards one another, and towards all: Evermore, rejoice, Unceasingly, pray, read more.
In everything, give thanks, - for, this, is a thing willed of God, in Christ Jesus, towards you: The Spirit, do not quench, Prophesyings, do not despise, But, all things, put to the proof - what is comely, hold ye fast: From every form of wickedness, abstain. But, the God of peace himself, hallow you completely, and, entire, might your spirit, and soul, and body, - so as to be unblameable in the Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, - be preserved!

If ye are, indeed, fulfilling, a royal law, according to the scripture - Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, nobly, are ye doing; But, if ye are shewing respect of persons, sin, are ye working, being convicted by the law as transgressors! For, a man who shall keep, the whole law, but shall stumble in one thing, hath become, for all things, liable, - read more.
For, he that hath said - Do not commit adultery, hath also said - Do not commit murder, - now, if thou dost not commit adultery, but dost commit murder, thou hast become a transgressor of law. So, be speaking, and, so, doing, as they who, through means of a law of freedom, are about to be judged; For, the judgment, will be without mercy, unto him that hath shewed no mercy: Mercy, boasteth, over judgment. What profit, my brethren, - if one should be saying he hath, faith, but hath not, works; can his faith save him? If, a brother or sister, should be naked, and coming short of the daily food, And one from among you should say unto them - Withdraw in peace, be getting warmed and fed, but should not give them the things needful for the body, What the profit? So, also, faith, if it have not works, is dead, by itself. But one will say, - Thou, hast faith, and, I, have works, show me thy faith apart from thy works, and, I, unto thee, will shew, by my works, my faith. Thou believest that God is, one: thou doest, well - Even the demons believe, and shudder! But art thou willing to learn, O empty man! that, faith, apart from works, is, idle? Abraham our father, was it not, by works, he was declared righteous - when he offered Isaac his son upon the altar? Thou seest that, his faith, had been working together with his works, and by his works did his faith become full-grown, - And the scripture was fulfilled which saith - And Abraham believed God, And it was reckoned to him as righteousness, and, God's friend, was he called: Ye see that - by works, a man is declared righteous, and not by faith alone. And, in like manner also, Rahab the harlot, Was it not, by works, she was declared righteous, when she gave welcome unto the messengers, and, by another way, urged them forth? Just as, the body, apart from spirit, is dead, so, our faith also, apart from works, is dead.