Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

And it came to pass that, when Abram was ninety and nine years old, Yahweh appeared unto Abram, and said unto him, I, am GOD Almighty, - Walk, thou before me and become thou blameless: That I may set my covenant betwixt me and thee, And may multiply thee, exceedingly. And Abram fell on his face, - and God spake with him, saying: read more.
As for me, lo! my covenant is with thee, - So shalt thou become - father of a multitude of nations; And thy name shall no more be called Abram, - but thy name shall become Abraham, for father of a multitude of nations, have I appointed thee; And I will make thee fruitful, exceedingly, and grant thee to be nations, - Yea kings, out of thee, shall come forth; And I will confirm my covenant betwixt me and thee and thy seed after thee to their generations for an age-abiding covenant, - to become to thee a God, and to thy seed after thee; And I will give to thee and to thy seed after thee the land of thy sojournings - all the land of Canaan, for an age-abiding possession - And I will be to them a God. And God said unto Abraham, But, as for thee, my covenant, must thou keep, thou and thy seed after thee, to their generations: - This, is my covenant which ye shall keep, betwixt me and you, and thy seed after thee, - To circumcise to you every male: So shall ye be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin, - So shall it become a sign of a covenant, betwixt me and you. And he that is eight days old, shall be circumcised to you every male to your generations, - he that is born of the house, and he that is bought with silver of any son of a stranger, who is, not of thy seed, He must surely be circumcised, born of thy house or bought with thy silver, - So shall my covenant be in your flesh for an age-abiding covenant. But, as for the uncircumcised male who shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, - that person shall be cut off from among his people, - my covenant, hath he made void. And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, - but, Sarah, is her name; and I will bless her, yea moreover will give - from her - to thee, a son, - And I will bless her, and she shall become nations. Kings of peoples, from her, shall arise. And Abraham fell on his face and laughed, - and said in his heart To one a hundred years old, shall a child be born? And shall even Sarah, who is ninety years old, give birth? And Abraham said unto God, - Oh that, Ishmael, might live before thee! And God said - Truly, Sarah thy wife, is about to bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name, Isaac, - and I will establish my covenant with him as an age-abiding covenant, to his seed after him. Yet as for Ishmael, I have heard thee; o! I have blessed trim and will make him fruitful, and multiply him, exceedingly, - twelve princes, shall he beget, and I will grant him to be a great nation; But my covenant, will I establish with Isaac, - whom Sarah shall bear, to thee, by this set time, in the next year. And he left off speaking with him, - and God went up from Abraham.

Thou wilt grant - the faithfulness to Jacob, the lovingkindness to Abraham, - which thou didst swear to our fathers, from the days of ancient time.

The oath which he sware unto Abraham our father, To grant us,

For, not through means of law, doth the promise belong unto Abraham or unto his seed, - that he should be heir of thee world; but, through a righteousness by faith.

For I affirm Christ to have become a minister of circumcision in behalf of the truth of God, - to confirm the promises of the fathers,

For, when to Abraham God made promise, seeing he had no one greater by whom to swear, He sware, by himself, - saying - Truly, if blessing I will bless thee, and, multiplying, I will multiply thee;

Even as Abraham - believed in God, and it was reckoned unto him as righteousness. Be taking note, therefore - that, they who are of faith, the same, are, sons, of Abraham; And, the scripture, foreseeing, that, by faith, God would declare the nations righteous, fore-announced the good news unto Abraham, saying, All the nations shall be blessed in thee. read more.
So then, they who are of faith, are blessed with believing Abraham; For, as many as are of works of law, are, under a curse, - for it is written - Accursed, is everyone that continueth not in all things that are written in the book of the law to do them. Moreover, that, in law, no one, is declared righteous with God, is evident, - because, The righteous one, by faith, shall live; And, the law, is not of faith, but - he that hath done them, shall live in them, Christ, hath redeemed, us, out of the curse of the law, having become, in our behalf, a curse; - because it is written - Cursed, is every one that hangeth upon a tree; - In order that, unto the nations, the blessing of Abraham, might come about in Jesus Christ, - in order that, the promise of the Spirit, we might receive through means of the faith. Brethren! in human fashion, am I speaking: yet still, a man's confirmed covenant, no one setteth aside or addeth unto: Now, unto Abraham, were spoken the promises - and unto his seed; - He saith not - and unto thy seeds, as of many, but, as of one - and unto thy seed, which is Christ: And, this, I say - a covenant previously confirmed by God, the law which, after four hundred and thirty years, hath been brought into being, doth not annul, so as to do away with the promise. For, if, by law, is the inheritance, it is, no longer, by promise; but, unto Abraham, through promise, hath God favoured it.

For it is written, that, Abraham, had two sons - one by the bondmaid, and one by the free woman; But, he that was of the bondmaid, after the flesh, had been born, whereas, he that was of the free woman, through means of a promise. Which things, indeed, may bear another meaning; for, the same, are two covenants, - one, indeed, from Mount Sinai, into bondage, bringing forth, the which is Hagar, - read more.
And, the Hagar, is Mount Sinai, in Arabia, - she answereth, however, unto the present Jerusalem, for she is in bondage with her children; But, the Jerusalem above, is free, - the which is our mother; For it is written - Be gladdened, O barren one! that wast not giving birth, break forth and shout, thou that wast not in birth-pains, - because, more, are the children of the deserted one, than of her that had the husband. And, we, brethren, after the manner of Isaac, are children of a promise. But, just as, then, he that after the manner of the flesh had been born, did persecute him who had been born after the manner of the Spirit, thus, also now. But, what saith the scripture? Cast out the serving woman and her son; for in nowise shall the son of the serving woman inherit with the son of the free. Wherefore, brethren, we are not children of a serving woman, but of the free: -

This, is my covenant which ye shall keep, betwixt me and you, and thy seed after thee, - To circumcise to you every male: So shall ye be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin, - So shall it become a sign of a covenant, betwixt me and you. And he that is eight days old, shall be circumcised to you every male to your generations, - he that is born of the house, and he that is bought with silver of any son of a stranger, who is, not of thy seed, read more.
He must surely be circumcised, born of thy house or bought with thy silver, - So shall my covenant be in your flesh for an age-abiding covenant. But, as for the uncircumcised male who shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, - that person shall be cut off from among his people, - my covenant, hath he made void.

So Abraham took Ishmael his son and all born of his house and all bought with his silver - every male among the men of the house of Abraham, - and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin on this selfsame day, according to that which God had spoken with him. Now Abraham, was ninety-nine years old, - when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. And Ishmael, his son, was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. read more.
On this selfsame day, was Abraham circumcised, - and Ishmael his son; and, all the men of his house, born of his house, and bought with silver from the son of a stranger, were circumcised with him.

And God said unto Abraham, But, as for thee, my covenant, must thou keep, thou and thy seed after thee, to their generations: - This, is my covenant which ye shall keep, betwixt me and you, and thy seed after thee, - To circumcise to you every male: So shall ye be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin, - So shall it become a sign of a covenant, betwixt me and you. read more.
And he that is eight days old, shall be circumcised to you every male to your generations, - he that is born of the house, and he that is bought with silver of any son of a stranger, who is, not of thy seed, He must surely be circumcised, born of thy house or bought with thy silver, - So shall my covenant be in your flesh for an age-abiding covenant. But, as for the uncircumcised male who shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, - that person shall be cut off from among his people, - my covenant, hath he made void.

This, is my covenant which ye shall keep, betwixt me and you, and thy seed after thee, - To circumcise to you every male: So shall ye be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin, - So shall it become a sign of a covenant, betwixt me and you. And he that is eight days old, shall be circumcised to you every male to your generations, - he that is born of the house, and he that is bought with silver of any son of a stranger, who is, not of thy seed, read more.
He must surely be circumcised, born of thy house or bought with thy silver, - So shall my covenant be in your flesh for an age-abiding covenant. But, as for the uncircumcised male who shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, - that person shall be cut off from among his people, - my covenant, hath he made void.

And, certain persons, coming down from Judea, began to teach the brethren - Except ye be circumcised according to the custom of Moses, ye cannot be saved.

This, is my covenant which ye shall keep, betwixt me and you, and thy seed after thee, - To circumcise to you every male:

But, as for the uncircumcised male who shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, - that person shall be cut off from among his people, - my covenant, hath he made void.

So Joshua made him knives of flint, - and circumcised the sons of Israel, at the Hill of Foreskins.

The same, would Paul have go forth with him, and took and circumcised him, on account of the Jews who were in those places; for they one and all knew that, his father, was, a Greek.

After being circumcised, was any called? let him not become uncircumcised; in uncircumcision, hath any been called? let him not be circumcised:

But, not even Titus, who was with me, though he was a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised; -

See! I, Paul, say unto you - if ye be getting circumcised, Christ will profit you, nothing.

As many as are wishing to make a good show in flesh, the same, are compelling you to get circumcised, - only that, for the cross of Christ Jesus, they may not be suffering persecution!

As for me, lo! my covenant is with thee, - So shalt thou become - father of a multitude of nations; And thy name shall no more be called Abram, - but thy name shall become Abraham, for father of a multitude of nations, have I appointed thee; And I will make thee fruitful, exceedingly, and grant thee to be nations, - Yea kings, out of thee, shall come forth; read more.
And I will confirm my covenant betwixt me and thee and thy seed after thee to their generations for an age-abiding covenant, - to become to thee a God, and to thy seed after thee; And I will give to thee and to thy seed after thee the land of thy sojournings - all the land of Canaan, for an age-abiding possession - And I will be to them a God. And God said unto Abraham, But, as for thee, my covenant, must thou keep, thou and thy seed after thee, to their generations: - This, is my covenant which ye shall keep, betwixt me and you, and thy seed after thee, - To circumcise to you every male: So shall ye be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin, - So shall it become a sign of a covenant, betwixt me and you. And he that is eight days old, shall be circumcised to you every male to your generations, - he that is born of the house, and he that is bought with silver of any son of a stranger, who is, not of thy seed, He must surely be circumcised, born of thy house or bought with thy silver, - So shall my covenant be in your flesh for an age-abiding covenant. But, as for the uncircumcised male who shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, - that person shall be cut off from among his people, - my covenant, hath he made void.

And he gave unto him a covenant of circumcision; and, thus, he begat Isaac, and circumcised him on the eighth day, and Isaac, Jacob, and Jacob, the twelve patriarchs.

What, then, is the preeminence of the Jew? Or what, the profit of his circumcision?

And, a sign, he received namely of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had while yet uncircumcised; to the end he might be father of all that believe during uncircumcision, to the end the same righteousness might be reckoned unto them, -

Neither, because they are seed of Abraham, are all children, - but, In Isaac, shall there be called unto thee a seed. That is - not the children of the flesh, the same are children of God; but, the children of the promise, are reckoned as a seed. For, of promise, is this word - According to this season, will I come, and Sarah shall have a son. read more.
And, not only so, but, when, Rebekah also, was with child, of one - Isaac our father, - They, in fact, not being yet born, nor having practised anything good or bad, - in order that the purpose of God by way of election might stand, - not by works but by him that was calling, It was said unto her - The elder, shall serve the younger; Even as it is written - Jacob, have I loved, but, Esau, have I hated.

Yea, I bear solemn witness again, unto every man getting circumcised, - that he is, a debtor, to do, the whole law.

This, is my covenant which ye shall keep, betwixt me and you, and thy seed after thee, - To circumcise to you every male: So shall ye be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin, - So shall it become a sign of a covenant, betwixt me and you. And he that is eight days old, shall be circumcised to you every male to your generations, - he that is born of the house, and he that is bought with silver of any son of a stranger, who is, not of thy seed, read more.
He must surely be circumcised, born of thy house or bought with thy silver, - So shall my covenant be in your flesh for an age-abiding covenant. But, as for the uncircumcised male who shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, - that person shall be cut off from among his people, - my covenant, hath he made void.

And he gave unto him a covenant of circumcision; and, thus, he begat Isaac, and circumcised him on the eighth day, and Isaac, Jacob, and Jacob, the twelve patriarchs.

And, a sign, he received namely of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had while yet uncircumcised; to the end he might be father of all that believe during uncircumcision, to the end the same righteousness might be reckoned unto them, -

For this cause, Moses, hath given you, circumcision, - not that, of Moses, it is, but of the fathers; - and, on Sabbath, ye circumcise a man.

But, as for the uncircumcised male who shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, - that person shall be cut off from among his people, - my covenant, hath he made void.

And it came to pass, on the way, in the resting-place for the night, that Yahweh fell upon him, and sought to kill him.

So he let him go, Then, it was that she said, A bridegroom by rites of blood - with regard to the rites of circumcision.

But, as for the uncircumcised male who shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, - that person shall be cut off from among his people, - my covenant, hath he made void.

And it came to pass, on the way, in the resting-place for the night, that Yahweh fell upon him, and sought to kill him.

And it came to pass that, when Abram was ninety and nine years old, Yahweh appeared unto Abram, and said unto him, I, am GOD Almighty, - Walk, thou before me and become thou blameless: That I may set my covenant betwixt me and thee, And may multiply thee, exceedingly. And Abram fell on his face, - and God spake with him, saying: read more.
As for me, lo! my covenant is with thee, - So shalt thou become - father of a multitude of nations; And thy name shall no more be called Abram, - but thy name shall become Abraham, for father of a multitude of nations, have I appointed thee; And I will make thee fruitful, exceedingly, and grant thee to be nations, - Yea kings, out of thee, shall come forth; And I will confirm my covenant betwixt me and thee and thy seed after thee to their generations for an age-abiding covenant, - to become to thee a God, and to thy seed after thee; And I will give to thee and to thy seed after thee the land of thy sojournings - all the land of Canaan, for an age-abiding possession - And I will be to them a God. And God said unto Abraham, But, as for thee, my covenant, must thou keep, thou and thy seed after thee, to their generations: - This, is my covenant which ye shall keep, betwixt me and you, and thy seed after thee, - To circumcise to you every male: So shall ye be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin, - So shall it become a sign of a covenant, betwixt me and you. And he that is eight days old, shall be circumcised to you every male to your generations, - he that is born of the house, and he that is bought with silver of any son of a stranger, who is, not of thy seed, He must surely be circumcised, born of thy house or bought with thy silver, - So shall my covenant be in your flesh for an age-abiding covenant. But, as for the uncircumcised male who shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, - that person shall be cut off from among his people, - my covenant, hath he made void.

And it came to pass that, when Abram was ninety and nine years old, Yahweh appeared unto Abram, and said unto him, I, am GOD Almighty, - Walk, thou before me and become thou blameless: That I may set my covenant betwixt me and thee, And may multiply thee, exceedingly. And Abram fell on his face, - and God spake with him, saying: read more.
As for me, lo! my covenant is with thee, - So shalt thou become - father of a multitude of nations; And thy name shall no more be called Abram, - but thy name shall become Abraham, for father of a multitude of nations, have I appointed thee; And I will make thee fruitful, exceedingly, and grant thee to be nations, - Yea kings, out of thee, shall come forth; And I will confirm my covenant betwixt me and thee and thy seed after thee to their generations for an age-abiding covenant, - to become to thee a God, and to thy seed after thee; And I will give to thee and to thy seed after thee the land of thy sojournings - all the land of Canaan, for an age-abiding possession - And I will be to them a God. And God said unto Abraham, But, as for thee, my covenant, must thou keep, thou and thy seed after thee, to their generations: - This, is my covenant which ye shall keep, betwixt me and you, and thy seed after thee, - To circumcise to you every male: So shall ye be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin, - So shall it become a sign of a covenant, betwixt me and you. And he that is eight days old, shall be circumcised to you every male to your generations, - he that is born of the house, and he that is bought with silver of any son of a stranger, who is, not of thy seed, He must surely be circumcised, born of thy house or bought with thy silver, - So shall my covenant be in your flesh for an age-abiding covenant. But, as for the uncircumcised male who shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, - that person shall be cut off from among his people, - my covenant, hath he made void. And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, - but, Sarah, is her name; and I will bless her, yea moreover will give - from her - to thee, a son, - And I will bless her, and she shall become nations. Kings of peoples, from her, shall arise. And Abraham fell on his face and laughed, - and said in his heart To one a hundred years old, shall a child be born? And shall even Sarah, who is ninety years old, give birth? And Abraham said unto God, - Oh that, Ishmael, might live before thee! And God said - Truly, Sarah thy wife, is about to bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name, Isaac, - and I will establish my covenant with him as an age-abiding covenant, to his seed after him. Yet as for Ishmael, I have heard thee; o! I have blessed trim and will make him fruitful, and multiply him, exceedingly, - twelve princes, shall he beget, and I will grant him to be a great nation; But my covenant, will I establish with Isaac, - whom Sarah shall bear, to thee, by this set time, in the next year. And he left off speaking with him, - and God went up from Abraham.

And Yahweh said unto Abram: Come thou on thy way, Out of thy land and out of the place of thy birth and out of the house of thy father, - Unto the land that I will show thee; That I may make thee into a great nation, And bless thee and make great thy name, And become thou a blessing; That I may bless them who bless thee, But him who maketh light of thee, will I curse, - So shall be, blessed in thee, all the families of the ground.

Neither, because they are seed of Abraham, are all children, - but, In Isaac, shall there be called unto thee a seed. That is - not the children of the flesh, the same are children of God; but, the children of the promise, are reckoned as a seed. For, of promise, is this word - According to this season, will I come, and Sarah shall have a son. read more.
And, not only so, but, when, Rebekah also, was with child, of one - Isaac our father, - They, in fact, not being yet born, nor having practised anything good or bad, - in order that the purpose of God by way of election might stand, - not by works but by him that was calling, It was said unto her - The elder, shall serve the younger; Even as it is written - Jacob, have I loved, but, Esau, have I hated.

He hath remembered, unto times age-abiding, his covenant, The word he commanded, to a thousand generations; And confirmed if unto Jacob for a statute, To Israel, as a covenant age-abiding; Saying, To thee, will I give the land of Canaan, As your inherited portion;

Moreover also I established my covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, - even the land of their sojournings wherein they sojourned. Moreover also, I heard the groaning of the sons of Israel, whom the Egyptians, were holding in servitude, So then I remembered my covenant. Therefore say thou to the sons of Israel-I, am Yahweh, Therefore will I bring you forth from under the burdens of Egypt, And will deliver you out of their service, And will redeem you with a stretched-out arm, and with great judgments; read more.
And will take you to myself for a people, And will become your God, - And ye shall know that, I Yahweh, am your God, who brought you forth from under the burdens of Egypt: And I will bring you into the land as to which I uplifted my hand to give it to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, - and will give it to you as an inheritance: I, am Yahweh.

Thou, art Yahweh, God, who didst choose Abram, and broughtest him forth out of Ur of the Chaldees, - and madest his name Abraham; and didst find his heart faithful before thee, and didst solemnize with him a covenant, to give the land of the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Amorite, and the Perizzite, and the Jebusite, and the Girgashite, - to give it unto his seed, - and didst confirm thy words, for, righteous, thou art.

And it came to pass that, when Abram was ninety and nine years old, Yahweh appeared unto Abram, and said unto him, I, am GOD Almighty, - Walk, thou before me and become thou blameless: That I may set my covenant betwixt me and thee, And may multiply thee, exceedingly. And Abram fell on his face, - and God spake with him, saying: read more.
As for me, lo! my covenant is with thee, - So shalt thou become - father of a multitude of nations; And thy name shall no more be called Abram, - but thy name shall become Abraham, for father of a multitude of nations, have I appointed thee; And I will make thee fruitful, exceedingly, and grant thee to be nations, - Yea kings, out of thee, shall come forth; And I will confirm my covenant betwixt me and thee and thy seed after thee to their generations for an age-abiding covenant, - to become to thee a God, and to thy seed after thee; And I will give to thee and to thy seed after thee the land of thy sojournings - all the land of Canaan, for an age-abiding possession - And I will be to them a God. And God said unto Abraham, But, as for thee, my covenant, must thou keep, thou and thy seed after thee, to their generations: - This, is my covenant which ye shall keep, betwixt me and you, and thy seed after thee, - To circumcise to you every male: So shall ye be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin, - So shall it become a sign of a covenant, betwixt me and you. And he that is eight days old, shall be circumcised to you every male to your generations, - he that is born of the house, and he that is bought with silver of any son of a stranger, who is, not of thy seed, He must surely be circumcised, born of thy house or bought with thy silver, - So shall my covenant be in your flesh for an age-abiding covenant. But, as for the uncircumcised male who shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, - that person shall be cut off from among his people, - my covenant, hath he made void. And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, - but, Sarah, is her name; and I will bless her, yea moreover will give - from her - to thee, a son, - And I will bless her, and she shall become nations. Kings of peoples, from her, shall arise. And Abraham fell on his face and laughed, - and said in his heart To one a hundred years old, shall a child be born? And shall even Sarah, who is ninety years old, give birth? And Abraham said unto God, - Oh that, Ishmael, might live before thee! And God said - Truly, Sarah thy wife, is about to bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name, Isaac, - and I will establish my covenant with him as an age-abiding covenant, to his seed after him. Yet as for Ishmael, I have heard thee; o! I have blessed trim and will make him fruitful, and multiply him, exceedingly, - twelve princes, shall he beget, and I will grant him to be a great nation; But my covenant, will I establish with Isaac, - whom Sarah shall bear, to thee, by this set time, in the next year. And he left off speaking with him, - and God went up from Abraham.

Yahweh himself, is our God, Through all the land, are his just decision. He hath remembered, unto times age-abiding, his covenant, The word he commanded, to a thousand generations; And confirmed if unto Jacob for a statute, To Israel, as a covenant age-abiding;

And he said unto him, - I, am Yahweh, who brought thee forth out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it. And he said, My Lord Yahweh, whereby, can I know that I shall inherit it? And he said unto him, Take for me a heifer three years old, and a she-goat three years old, and a ram three years old, and a turtle-dove and a young pigeon. read more.
So he took for him all these, and divided them, in the midst, and placed each piece over against its fellow, hut the birds, divided he not. Then came down the birds of prey upon the carcass, and Abram drove them away. And it came to pass when, the sun, was shout to go in. and a deep sleep, had fallen upon Abram, lo! a terror a great darkness, was falling upon him. And he said to Abram - Thou must surely know, that, sojourners, will thy seed become in a land not theirs, and shall serve them and they will humble them, four hundred years; moreover also, the nation whom they will serve, I, am going to judge, and after that, shall they come forth with great substance. But, thou, shalt go in unto thy fathers in peace, thou shalt be buried in a good old age. And, in the fourth generation, shall they return hither, - for not complete, is the iniquity of the Amorites, as yet, So it came to pass when, the sun, had gone in, and Ira thick darkness, had come on, that lo there was a smoking hearth and torch of fire, which passed through between these pieces. In that day, did Yahweh solemnise with Abram a covenant, saying, - To thy seed, have I given this land, from the river of Egypt as far as the great river - the river Euphrates:

That I may set my covenant betwixt me and thee, And may multiply thee, exceedingly. And Abram fell on his face, - and God spake with him, saying: As for me, lo! my covenant is with thee, - So shalt thou become - father of a multitude of nations; read more.
And thy name shall no more be called Abram, - but thy name shall become Abraham, for father of a multitude of nations, have I appointed thee; And I will make thee fruitful, exceedingly, and grant thee to be nations, - Yea kings, out of thee, shall come forth; And I will confirm my covenant betwixt me and thee and thy seed after thee to their generations for an age-abiding covenant, - to become to thee a God, and to thy seed after thee; And I will give to thee and to thy seed after thee the land of thy sojournings - all the land of Canaan, for an age-abiding possession - And I will be to them a God. And God said unto Abraham, But, as for thee, my covenant, must thou keep, thou and thy seed after thee, to their generations: - This, is my covenant which ye shall keep, betwixt me and you, and thy seed after thee, - To circumcise to you every male: So shall ye be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin, - So shall it become a sign of a covenant, betwixt me and you. And he that is eight days old, shall be circumcised to you every male to your generations, - he that is born of the house, and he that is bought with silver of any son of a stranger, who is, not of thy seed, He must surely be circumcised, born of thy house or bought with thy silver, - So shall my covenant be in your flesh for an age-abiding covenant. But, as for the uncircumcised male who shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, - that person shall be cut off from among his people, - my covenant, hath he made void.

To perform mercy with our fathers, and to be mindful of his holy covenant, - The oath which he sware unto Abraham our father, To grant us, without fear, from the hand of enemies rescued, to be rendering divine service unto him, read more.
in lovingkindness and righteousness before him, all our days.

Now, unto Abraham, were spoken the promises - and unto his seed; - He saith not - and unto thy seeds, as of many, but, as of one - and unto thy seed, which is Christ:

And Yahweh appeared unto Abram, and said: To thy seed, will I give this land, - And he built there an altar, unto Yahweh who appeared unto him. And he moved on from thence towards the hill country, on the east of Bethel and pitched his tent, - with Bethel on the west, and Ai on the east, and bulk there an altar to Yahweh, and called on the name of Yahweh.

But, Crispus, the ruler of the synagogue, believed in the Lord, with all his house. And, many of the Corinthians, hearing, were believing, and being immersed.

But, if it be, a vexation, in your eyes, to serve Yahweh, choose ye for yourselves, to-day, whom ye will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served, that were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye are dwelling, - but, I and my house, will serve Yahweh.

The children, gather wood, and The fathers, kindle the fire, and The women, knead dough, - To make sacrificial cakes to the queen of the heavens, And to pour out drink-offerings to other gods, Provoking me to anger!

Yea! I immersed the house of Stephanas also, - besides, I know not whether, anyone else, I immersed.

While Peter was yet speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were hearing the word.

And he went his way, by his removals, from the South even as far as to Bethel, - as far as the place where his tent was at the beginning, between Bethel and Ai: unto the place of the altar, which he made there at first, - and Abram called there, on the name of Yahweh.

Only take thou heed to thyself and keep thy soul diligently, so that thou forget not the things which thine own eyes have seen, and so that they go not out of thy heart, all the days of thy life, - but thou shalt make them known unto thy sons and unto thy son's sons: - What day thou didst stand before Yahweh thy God, in Horeb, when Yahweh said unto me, Gather unto me the people, that I may let them hear my words, - which they must learn that they may revere me all the days which they are living upon the soil, their children also, must they teach.

and ye shall teach them unto your children by speaking of them, - when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down and when thou risest up; and thou shalt write them upon the door-posts of thy house and within thy gates:

Immediately, therefore, I sent unto thee: Thou, also hast, well, done in coming. Now, therefore, all we, before God are present, to hear all things that have been enjoined upon thee by the Lord.

I will behave myself wisely in a blameless way, When wilt thou come in unto me? I will walk to and fro in the blamelessness of my heart, - in the midst of my house:

And he that is eight days old, shall be circumcised to you every male to your generations, - he that is born of the house, and he that is bought with silver of any son of a stranger, who is, not of thy seed, He must surely be circumcised, born of thy house or bought with thy silver, - So shall my covenant be in your flesh for an age-abiding covenant. But, as for the uncircumcised male who shall not be circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, - that person shall be cut off from among his people, - my covenant, hath he made void.

but, unto the place which Yahweh your God shall choose out of all your tribes, to put his name there, - as his habitation, shall ye ask your way, and come in thither; and bring in thither your ascending-offerings and your sacrifices, and your tithes, and the heave-offering of your hand, - and your vow-offerings and your freewill-offerings, and the firstlings of your herd and of your flock; and shall eat there before Yahweh your God, and rejoice in all whereunto ye are putting your hand, Ye, and your households, - wherewith Yahweh thy God hath blessed thee.

then shall it be, that unto the place which Yahweh your God shall choose to make a habitation for his name there, thither, shall ye bring in all that I am commanding you, - your ascending-offerings and your sacrifices your tithes and the heave-offering of your hand, and all your chosen vow-offerings which ye shall vow unto Yahweh. So shall ye rejoice before Yahweh your God, Ye, and your sons, and your daughters, and your servants and your handmaids, - and the Levite that is within your gates, forasmuch as he hath neither portion nor inheritance with you.

But, a certain man in Caesarea, by name Cornelius, a centurion of the band called Italian, - Devout, and fearing God with all his house, doing many alms unto the people, and supplicating God continually, Saw, in a vision, manifestly, as if about the ninth hour of the day, a messenger of God, coming in unto him, and saying unto him - Cornelius! read more.
And he, looking steadfastly at him, and becoming full of fear, said - What is it, Lord? And he said unto him - Thy prayers and thine alms, have gone up for a memorial before God. Now, therefore, send men unto Joppa, and fetch one Simon who is surnamed Peter, - The same is a guest with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by the sea.

Surely then, the water, can no man forbid, that these should not be immersed, - seeing that, the Holy Spirit, they have received, as well as we. And he commanded them in the name of Jesus Christ to be immersed. Then, requested they him, to abide still some days.

And, at midnight, Paul and Silas, being at prayer, began singing praise unto God; and the prisoners unto them, did hearken. And, suddenly, a great earthquake took place, - so that the foundations of the prison were shaken, and all the doors were instantlyset open, and the bonds of all were unfastened. And, the prison-keeper, being wakened and seeing that the doors of the prison had been opened, drawing his sword, was about to kill himself, supposing the prisoners to have fled. read more.
But Paul called out with a loud voice, saying - By no means, do thyself harm, for we are, one and all, here. And, asking for a light, he sprang in, and becoming, agitated, fell down unto Paul and Silas, and, leading them forth outside, said - Sirs! what must I be doing, that I may be saved? And, they, said - Believe on the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt be saved, thou, and thy house. And they spake unto him the word of God, with all who were in his house. And, taking them with him, in that hour of the night, he bathed them from their stripes, and was immersed, he, and his, one and all, on the spot; and, leading them up into his house, he set near a table, - and exulted, having, with all his house, believed in God.