Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Deal with them in this way: Destroy their altars and break down their sacred pillars. Cut down their idols and burn them with fire.

All who make idols are nothing. The things they treasure are worthless. Those who would speak up for them are blind. They are shamefully ignorant. Who shapes a god and casts a useless and good for nothing idol. He and his kind will be put to shame. Craftsmen are merely men. Let them all come together and take their stand for they will be brought down to terror and infamy. read more.
The blacksmith takes a tool and works with it in the coals. He shapes an idol with hammers; he forges it with the might of his arm. He gets hungry and loses his strength. He drinks no water and grows faint. The carpenter measures with a line and makes an outline with a red chalk marker. He roughs it out with chisels and marks it with a compass. He shapes it in the form of man in all his glory, that it may dwell in a shrine. He cut down cedars, or cypress or oak. He let it grow among the trees of the forest, or planted a pine, and the rain made it grow. It is man's fuel for burning so he takes some to warm himself. He kindles a fire and bakes bread. But he also fashions a god and worships it. Yes he makes an idol and bows down to it. Half of the wood they burn in the fire. Over this half they roast meat that they can eat until they are full. They also warm themselves and say: We are warm. We can see the fire! But the rest of the wood they make into gods, carved statues. They bow to them and worship them. They pray to them and say: Rescue us, because you are our gods.

What is an idol worth after the carver is done? It is merely a false god. Why trust a speechless image made by human hands from wood or metal? Woe to anyone who says to an idol of wood or stone get up! You can learn nothing from idols covered with silver or gold? They cannot breathe or talk.

He took the bull-calf that they had made, melted it, ground it into fine powder, and mixed it with water. Then he made the people of Israel drink it.

Take care of yourselves. Do not forget the covenant of Jehovah your God, which he made with you. Do not make a graven image, or the likeness of anything, which Jehovah your God has forbidden.

Do not make your own carved idols or statues that represent any creature in the sky, on the earth, or in the water.

As for an idol, a craftsman casts it, and a goldsmith overlays it with gold and fashions silver chains for it. A man too poor to present such an offering selects wood that will not rot. He looks for a skilled craftsman to set up an idol that will not topple.

All who make idols are nothing. The things they treasure are worthless. Those who would speak up for them are blind. They are shamefully ignorant. Who shapes a god and casts a useless and good for nothing idol. He and his kind will be put to shame. Craftsmen are merely men. Let them all come together and take their stand for they will be brought down to terror and infamy. read more.
The blacksmith takes a tool and works with it in the coals. He shapes an idol with hammers; he forges it with the might of his arm. He gets hungry and loses his strength. He drinks no water and grows faint.

But the rest of the wood they make into gods, carved statues. They bow to them and worship them. They pray to them and say: Rescue us, because you are our gods.

A man named Demetrius, a silversmith made silver shrines of Diana. He brought a lot of business to the craftsmen. They gathered together along with similar related workmen, and said: Sirs, You know we receive a good income from this business.

If any man teaches a different doctrine, and does not consent to sound words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine that is according to godliness, he is proud, knows nothing, has a morbid interest in questions and disputes about words, which leads to envy, strife, abusive language, evil suspicions, frictions between men corrupted in mind and lacking in truth, supposing that godliness is a way of gain.

All who make idols are nothing. The things they treasure are worthless. Those who would speak up for them are blind. They are shamefully ignorant. Who shapes a god and casts a useless and good for nothing idol. He and his kind will be put to shame. Craftsmen are merely men. Let them all come together and take their stand for they will be brought down to terror and infamy. read more.
The blacksmith takes a tool and works with it in the coals. He shapes an idol with hammers; he forges it with the might of his arm. He gets hungry and loses his strength. He drinks no water and grows faint. The carpenter measures with a line and makes an outline with a red chalk marker. He roughs it out with chisels and marks it with a compass. He shapes it in the form of man in all his glory, that it may dwell in a shrine. He cut down cedars, or cypress or oak. He let it grow among the trees of the forest, or planted a pine, and the rain made it grow. It is man's fuel for burning so he takes some to warm himself. He kindles a fire and bakes bread. But he also fashions a god and worships it. Yes he makes an idol and bows down to it. Half of the wood they burn in the fire. Over this half they roast meat that they can eat until they are full. They also warm themselves and say: We are warm. We can see the fire! But the rest of the wood they make into gods, carved statues. They bow to them and worship them. They pray to them and say: Rescue us, because you are our gods. They do not know or understand anything. Their eyes are plastered shut and cannot see. Their minds are closed and therefore they cannot understand. No one stops to think. No one has enough knowledge or understanding to say: I burned half of the wood in the fire. I also baked bread over its coals. I roasted meat and ate it. Now I am making the rest of the wood into a disgusting thing and bowing to a block of wood.

Know this also that in the last days perilous (dangerous) times will come. For men will be lovers of their own selves, covetous (lovers of money), arrogant, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful (ungrateful), unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, despisers of those who are good, read more.
traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying its power. Stay away from people like this! Among them are those who creep into houses and lead captive gullible women loaded down with sins, led away with various lusts. They are constantly learning, and never able to grasp the knowledge of the truth.

What is an idol worth after the carver is done? It is merely a false god. Why trust a speechless image made by human hands from wood or metal? Woe to anyone who says to an idol of wood or stone get up! You can learn nothing from idols covered with silver or gold? They cannot breathe or talk.

Has any nation ever exchanged gods? Their gods are not really gods. Yet my people have exchanged their glory for something that does not help them.

All who make idols are nothing. The things they treasure are worthless. Those who would speak up for them are blind. They are shamefully ignorant. Who shapes a god and casts a useless and good for nothing idol.

But come here, you sons of the witch, you offspring of the adulterer and the prostitute! With whom are you effeminate (self-indulgent)? With whom do you open wide your mouth and offer your tongue? Are you not children of transgression, offspring of falsehood and deceit? Are you inflaming yourselves with gods under every green tree, slaying the children in the valleys, under the clefts of the rocks? read more.
Is your portion among the smooth stones of the stream? They indeed are your lot! Even to them you have poured a drink offering. You have offered a grain offering. Should this give me comfort? You placed your bed on a lofty and high mountain. Even there you went up to offer sacrifice. You ordained your memorial behind the doors and their posts. You revealed (uncovered) yourself to those other than me. You went to them. You enlarged your bed and made a covenant with them. You have loved their bed, where you saw their naked manhood. You went to the king with ointment and much perfume. You sent your messengers far off, and descended even to the grave. You are wearied because of the length of your trip. Yet you did not say: I give up. There is no hope. You have found the renewal of your strength. Therefore you were not grieved. Who frightened you? Who made you afraid, that you have lied and not remembered me? You did not take it to your heart. Is it not because I have held my peace from of old that you do not reverence (respect) me? I will declare your righteousness and your works, yet they will not profit you.

Jehovah is my strength and my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. Nations come to you from the most distant parts of the world and say: Our ancestors have inherited lies, worthless and unprofitable gods. Can people make gods for themselves? They are not really gods!

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? What should a man give in exchange for his life?

My people planted wheat. They gathered weeds! They worked hard and got nothing for it. Because of my fierce anger their crops have failed.

Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare.

He comes to men and says: 'I sinned, and perverted what was right, but I did not get what I deserved.'

Do not go after false gods and empty things. They cannot help you or save you. They are useless.

There is no reward for the evil man! The candle of the wicked will be put out.

All who make idols are nothing. The things they treasure are worthless. Those who would speak up for them are blind. They are shamefully ignorant.

My people planted wheat. They gathered weeds! They worked hard and got nothing for it. Because of my fierce anger their crops have failed.

Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare.

He comes to men and says: 'I sinned, and perverted what was right, but I did not get what I deserved.'

Do not go after false gods and empty things. They cannot help you or save you. They are useless.

There is no reward for the evil man! The candle of the wicked will be put out.

All who make idols are nothing. The things they treasure are worthless. Those who would speak up for them are blind. They are shamefully ignorant.

This I say therefore, and testify (affirm) in the Lord, that you no longer walk as the nations also walk, in the vanity (futility) (depravity) of their mind (thinking). They are darkened (blinded) (obscured) in their understanding, alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardening of their heart. They are past feeling. They have given themselves over to loose conduct, to work all uncleanness with greediness (a lust for more).

for when they knew God, they did not glorify him as God. They did not thank him and were vain in their reasoning, for their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools. They changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things.

All who make idols are nothing. The things they treasure are worthless. Those who would speak up for them are blind. They are shamefully ignorant. Who shapes a god and casts a useless and good for nothing idol. He and his kind will be put to shame. Craftsmen are merely men. Let them all come together and take their stand for they will be brought down to terror and infamy. read more.
The blacksmith takes a tool and works with it in the coals. He shapes an idol with hammers; he forges it with the might of his arm. He gets hungry and loses his strength. He drinks no water and grows faint. The carpenter measures with a line and makes an outline with a red chalk marker. He roughs it out with chisels and marks it with a compass. He shapes it in the form of man in all his glory, that it may dwell in a shrine. He cut down cedars, or cypress or oak. He let it grow among the trees of the forest, or planted a pine, and the rain made it grow. It is man's fuel for burning so he takes some to warm himself. He kindles a fire and bakes bread. But he also fashions a god and worships it. Yes he makes an idol and bows down to it. Half of the wood they burn in the fire. Over this half they roast meat that they can eat until they are full. They also warm themselves and say: We are warm. We can see the fire! But the rest of the wood they make into gods, carved statues. They bow to them and worship them. They pray to them and say: Rescue us, because you are our gods. They do not know or understand anything. Their eyes are plastered shut and cannot see. Their minds are closed and therefore they cannot understand. No one stops to think. No one has enough knowledge or understanding to say: I burned half of the wood in the fire. I also baked bread over its coals. I roasted meat and ate it. Now I am making the rest of the wood into a disgusting thing and bowing to a block of wood.

Evil men do not understand justice. Those who seek Jehovah understand all things.

Many will purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined. The wicked will do wickedly and none of the wicked will understand. Those who are wise will understand!

They are very stupid and foolish. They teach vanity to a tree. Their idol is wood!

My people have forgotten me. They burn incense to worthless gods and they have stumbled from their ways. They stray from the ancient paths to walk in pathways and not on a highway.

They refused to obey his instructions. They did not keep the covenant he made with their ancestors. They disregarded his warnings. They worshiped worthless idols and became worthless themselves. They followed the customs of the surrounding nations, disobeying Jehovah's command not to imitate them.

All who make idols are nothing. The things they treasure are worthless. Those who would speak up for them are blind. They are shamefully ignorant. Who shapes a god and casts a useless and good for nothing idol.

Jeremiah, I will use Babylon to destroy the pride of the people of Judah and Jerusalem. The people of Judah are evil and stubborn. They do not listen to me. They do whatever they want and even worship other gods. When I am finished with these people, they will be good for nothing, just like this linen belt.

All who make idols are nothing. The things they treasure are worthless. Those who would speak up for them are blind. They are shamefully ignorant. Who shapes a god and casts a useless and good for nothing idol. He and his kind will be put to shame. Craftsmen are merely men. Let them all come together and take their stand for they will be brought down to terror and infamy. read more.
The blacksmith takes a tool and works with it in the coals. He shapes an idol with hammers; he forges it with the might of his arm. He gets hungry and loses his strength. He drinks no water and grows faint. The carpenter measures with a line and makes an outline with a red chalk marker. He roughs it out with chisels and marks it with a compass. He shapes it in the form of man in all his glory, that it may dwell in a shrine. He cut down cedars, or cypress or oak. He let it grow among the trees of the forest, or planted a pine, and the rain made it grow. It is man's fuel for burning so he takes some to warm himself. He kindles a fire and bakes bread. But he also fashions a god and worships it. Yes he makes an idol and bows down to it. Half of the wood they burn in the fire. Over this half they roast meat that they can eat until they are full. They also warm themselves and say: We are warm. We can see the fire! But the rest of the wood they make into gods, carved statues. They bow to them and worship them. They pray to them and say: Rescue us, because you are our gods. They do not know or understand anything. Their eyes are plastered shut and cannot see. Their minds are closed and therefore they cannot understand. No one stops to think. No one has enough knowledge or understanding to say: I burned half of the wood in the fire. I also baked bread over its coals. I roasted meat and ate it. Now I am making the rest of the wood into a disgusting thing and bowing to a block of wood.

My flesh and my heart fail: God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever. Those who are far from you will perish. You have destroyed all those who are unfaithful to you.