Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

Now, when he was in Jerusalem, during the passover, during the feast, many, believed on his name, viewing his signs which he was doing.

As he was speaking these things, many, believed on him.

Many therefore from among the Jews, who had come unto Mary, and gazed on what he did, believed on him

because, many of the Jews, by reason of him, were withdrawing, and believing on Jesus.

And, near, was the passover of the Jews; and, Jesus, went up unto Jerusalem.

Now, when he was in Jerusalem, during the passover, during the feast, many, believed on his name, viewing his signs which he was doing.

And he said unto them - I have greatly desired, to eat, this passover, with you before I suffer;

And, on the first of the days of unleavened bread, the disciples came unto Jesus, saying - Where wilt thou, that we make ready for thee to eat the passover? And, he, said - Go your way into the city, unto such-a-one, and say to him, The teacher, saith, My season, is, near, with thee, will I keep the passover, with my disciples. And the disciples did, as Jesus directed them, and made ready the passover. read more.
And, when, evening, came, he was reclining with the twelve disciples;

Now, when he was in Jerusalem, during the passover, during the feast, many, believed on his name, viewing his signs which he was doing.

So they kept the passover in the first month , on the fourteenth day of the month between the two evenings, in the desert of Sinai, - according to all that Yahweh commanded Moses, so, did the sons of Israel.

And, near, was the passover of the Jews; and, Jesus, went up unto Jerusalem.

The feast of dedication took place at that time, in Jerusalem: it was, winter,

Now, when he was in Jerusalem, during the passover, during the feast, many, believed on his name, viewing his signs which he was doing.

And he said unto them - I have greatly desired, to eat, this passover, with you before I suffer;

And, on the first of the days of unleavened bread, the disciples came unto Jesus, saying - Where wilt thou, that we make ready for thee to eat the passover? And, he, said - Go your way into the city, unto such-a-one, and say to him, The teacher, saith, My season, is, near, with thee, will I keep the passover, with my disciples. And the disciples did, as Jesus directed them, and made ready the passover. read more.
And, when, evening, came, he was reclining with the twelve disciples;

And his parents used to journey yearly into Jerusalem, at the feast of the passover. And, when he became twelve years, and they went up, according to the custom of the feast,

After these things, was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up unto Jerusalem.

But, when his brethren had gone up unto the feast, then, he also, went up, - not openly, but as it were in secret.

Now, when he was in Jerusalem, during the passover, during the feast, many, believed on his name, viewing his signs which he was doing.

Many therefore from among the Jews, who had come unto Mary, and gazed on what he did, believed on him

because, many of the Jews, by reason of him, were withdrawing, and believing on Jesus.

And, they, having heard, began glorifying God; and they said to him - Thou observest, brother, how many myriads there are among the Jews who have believed, and, all, are zealous for the law.

And there came unto him large multitudes, having with themselves the lame, the maimed, the blind, the dumb, and many others, - and they cast them near his feet, and he cured them;

In that very hour, he cured many from diseases, and plagues, and wicked spirits; and, unto many blind, gave he the favour to see.

The same, came unto him, by night, and said unto him - Rabbi! we know that, from God, thou hast come, a teacher; for, no one, can be doing, these signs, which, thou, art doing, except, God, be with him.

And, coming forth, he saw a great multitude, - and was moved with compassion a over them, and cured their sick.

And Jesus was going round throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the glad-message of the kingdom, - and curing every disease, and every infirmity, among the people. And forth went the report of him into all Syria; and they brought unto him all who were sick, with divers diseases and tortures, distressed, demonized and lunatic and paralyzed, - and he cured them.

and he cured many that were sick with divers diseases, and, many demons, he cast out, and suffered not the demons to be talking, - because they knew him to be Christ.

Now, when he was in Jerusalem, during the passover, during the feast, many, believed on his name, viewing his signs which he was doing.

and, coming down with them, he stood upon a level place, also a great multitude of his disciples, - and a great throng of the people, from all Judaea and Jerusalem and the sea-coast of Tyre and Zidon, who had come to hearken unto him and to be healed from their diseases; and, they who were molested by impure spirits, were being cured; and, all the multitude, were seeking to touch him, because, power, from him, was coming forth, and healing all.

Now, when he was in Jerusalem, during the passover, during the feast, many, believed on his name, viewing his signs which he was doing.

And, near, was the passover of the Jews; and, Jesus, went up unto Jerusalem. And he found, in the temple, them that were selling oxen and sheep and doves, also the money-changers sitting. And, making a scourge out of rushes, all of them, thrust he forth out of the temple, both the sheep and the oxen; and, the money-changers' small coins, poured he forth, and, the tables, he overturned; read more.
and unto them who were selling, the doves, he said - Take these things hence! Be not making, the house of my Father, a house of merchandise. His disciples remembered that it was written - The zeal of thy house, eateth me up. The Jews therefore answered, and said unto him, What sign, dost thou point out to us, in that, these things, thou doest? Jesus answered, and said unto them - Take down this shrine, and, in three days, will I raise it. The Jews, therefore, said - In forty and six years, was this shrine built. And, thou, in three days, wilt raise it! But, he, was speaking concerning the shrine of his body. When, therefore, he had been raised from among the dead, his disciples remembered, that, this, he had been saying; and they believed in the Scripture, and in the word which Jesus had spoken. Now, when he was in Jerusalem, during the passover, during the feast, many, believed on his name, viewing his signs which he was doing. Jesus himself, however, was not trusting himself unto them, by reason of his understanding them all, and because he had, no need, that anyone should bear witness concerning man; for, he, understood what was in man.

Now, when he was in Jerusalem, during the passover, during the feast, many, believed on his name, viewing his signs which he was doing.

Now, when he was in Jerusalem, during the passover, during the feast, many, believed on his name, viewing his signs which he was doing.

But the feast of the Jews was near, that of the pitching of tents.

But, when his brethren had gone up unto the feast, then, he also, went up, - not openly, but as it were in secret.

Now, when he was in Jerusalem, during the passover, during the feast, many, believed on his name, viewing his signs which he was doing.

Many other signs, doubtless, did Jesus, in presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but, these, are written, that ye may believe that, Jesus, is, the Christ, the Son of God; and that, believing, ye may have life in his name.

And, near, was the passover of the Jews; and, Jesus, went up unto Jerusalem.

Now, when he was in Jerusalem, during the passover, during the feast, many, believed on his name, viewing his signs which he was doing.

And he said unto them - I have greatly desired, to eat, this passover, with you before I suffer;

And, on the first of the days of unleavened bread, the disciples came unto Jesus, saying - Where wilt thou, that we make ready for thee to eat the passover? And, he, said - Go your way into the city, unto such-a-one, and say to him, The teacher, saith, My season, is, near, with thee, will I keep the passover, with my disciples. And the disciples did, as Jesus directed them, and made ready the passover. read more.
And, when, evening, came, he was reclining with the twelve disciples;