Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

We are bound, however, we, who are strong, the weakness of them who are not strong to be bearing, and not, unto ourselves, to give pleasure. Let, each one of us, unto his neighbour give pleasure - for what is good unto upbuilding;

Is not, this, the fast that I must ever choose - To unbind the tight cords of lawlessness, To unloose the bands of the yoke, - and To let the crushed go free, and That every yoke, ye tear off? Is it not to break unto the hungry, thy bread, And the thrust-out oppressed, that thou bring into a home, - When thou seest one naked, that thou cover him, And from thine own flesh, shalt not hide thyself?

Then, will the king say to those on his right hand: Come ye, the blessed of my Father! Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; For I hungered, and ye gave me to eat, I thirsted, and ye gave me drink, a stranger, was I, and ye took me home, Naked, and ye clothed me, sick, and ye visited me, in prison, was I, and ye came unto me. read more.
Then, will the righteous answer him, saying: Lord! when, saw we thee - hungry, and fed thee, or thirsty, and gave thee drink? And, when, saw we thee - a stranger, and took thee home, or naked, and clothed thee? And, when, saw we thee - sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And, answering, the king will say unto them: Verily, I say unto you - Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of these my least brethren, unto me, ye did it. Then, will he say unto those also, on his left hand: Depart ye from me, accursed ones! Into the age-abiding fire, which hath been prepared for the adversary and his messengers; For I hungered, and ye gave me not to eat, and I was thirsty, and ye gave me not to drink, A stranger, was I, and ye took me not home, naked, and ye clothed me not, sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then, will, they also, answer, saying: Lord! when saw we thee - hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and ministered not unto thee? Then, will he answer them, saying: Verily, I say unto you - Inasmuch as ye did it not, unto one of these least, neither unto me, did ye it. And, these, shall go away, into, age-abiding, correction, but, the righteous, into, age-abiding, life.

And lo! a certain lawyer, arose, putting him to the test, saying - Teacher! by doing what, shall I inherit, life age-abiding? And, he, said unto him - In the law, what is written? how dost thou read? And, he, answering, said - Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, out of all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might, and with all thine intention; and thy neighbour, as thyself? read more.
And he said unto him - Rightly, hast thou answered: This, do, and thou shalt live. But, he, wishing to justify himself, said unto Jesus - And, who is, my, neighbour? And taking up the question , Jesus said - A certain man, was going down from Jerusalem unto Jericho, and, with robbers, fell in, - who, stripping him, and inflicting, wounds, upon him, departed, leaving him, half dead. And, by chance, a certain priest, was coming down by that road, and, seeing him, passed by, on the opposite side. And, in like manner, a Levite also, coming down to the place, and seeing him, passed by, on the opposite side. But, a certain Samaritan, going on his journey, came down to him, and, seeing him, was moved with compassion; and, coming near, bound up his bruises, pouring thereon oil and wine, - and, setting him on his own beast, brought him into an inn, and took care of him. And, on the morrow, throwing out two denaries, he gave them to the inn-keeper, and said - Take care of him, and, whatsoever thou shall further spend, I, when on my way back, will duly pay thee. Which of these three, seemeth unto thee to have become, neighbour, unto him who fell among the robbers? And, he, said - He who dealt mercifully with him. And Jesus said unto him - Be taking thy journey, and, thou, be doing, in like manner.

See that none, evil for evil, unto any, do render: but, evermore, what is good, be pursuing, towards one another, and towards all:

But, I, tell you, not to resist evil, - Nay, whoever is smiting thee on the right cheek, turn to him, the other also;

Do not say - According to what he hath done to me, so, will I do to him, I will repay every one according to his work.

See that none, evil for evil, unto any, do render: but, evermore, what is good, be pursuing, towards one another, and towards all:

Do not say - According to what he hath done to me, so, will I do to him, I will repay every one according to his work.

Do not say - According to what he hath done to me, so, will I do to him, I will repay every one according to his work.

We are bound, however, we, who are strong, the weakness of them who are not strong to be bearing, and not, unto ourselves, to give pleasure. Let, each one of us, unto his neighbour give pleasure - for what is good unto upbuilding;

See that none, evil for evil, unto any, do render: but, evermore, what is good, be pursuing, towards one another, and towards all:

Unto no one, evil for evil rendering: providing honourable things before all men: If possible - so far as dependeth on you, with all men being at peace: Not avenging, yourselves, beloved, but give place unto their anger; for it is written - Mine, is avenging, I, will recompense; - saith the Lord; read more.
But - if thine enemy hunger, be feeding him, if he thirst, be giving him drink; for, this doing, coals of fire, shalt thou heap upon his head. Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Ye have heard, that it was said, - Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But, I, tell you, not to resist evil, - Nay, whoever is smiting thee on the right cheek, turn to him, the other also; And, him who is desiring thee to be judged, and to take, thy tunic, let him have, thy mantle also. read more.
And, whoever shall impress thee one mile, go with him two: To him who is asking thee, give; and, him who is desiring from thee to borrow, do not thou turn away.

Do not become a needless witness against thy neighbour, so mightest thou open too wide thy lips: Do not say - According to what he hath done to me, so, will I do to him, I will repay every one according to his work.

But, unto you, I say, who are hearkening: Be loving your enemies; be doing, good, unto them that hate you; Be blessing them that curse you; be praying for them that wantonly insult you. To him who is smiting thee upon the one cheek, be offering, the other also; and, from him who is taking away thy mantle, thy tunic also, do not forbid: read more.
To every one asking thee, give, and, from him that taketh away thy possessions, ask them not back.

And, finally, all, being of one mind, having fellow - feeling, attached to the brethren, of tender affection, of lowly mind: Not returning evil for evil, nor reviling for reviling, but, on the contrary, bestowing a blessing, - because, hereunto, have ye been called, in order that, a blessing, ye might inherit.