1 And it will be as David will sit in his house, and David will say to Nathan the prophet, Behold me dwelling in a house of cedars, and the ark of the covenant of Jehovah under curtains.
3 And it will be in that night, and the word of God will be to Nathan, saying,
4 Go and say to David my servant, Thus said Jehovah, Thou shalt not build to me a house to dwell in:
5 For I dwelt not in a house from the day that I brought up Israel even to this day: and I will be from tent to tent, and from a dwelling
6 In all that I went about in all Israel, spake I the word with one of the judges of Israel that I commanded to feed my people, saying, Wherefore built ye not to me a house of cedars
7 And now, thus shalt thou say to my servant, to David, Thus said Jehovah of armies, I took thee from the dwelling from behind the flocks to be leader over my people Israel:
8 And I will be with thee in all which thou walkedst, and I will cut off all thine enemies from thy face, and I made to thee a name as the name of the great ones which are in the earth.
9 And I set a place for my people Israel, and I planted him, and he dwelt in his place, and he shall no more be disturbed; and the sons of evil shall not add to vex him, as in the beginning.
10 And to the days which I commanded judges over my people Israel; and I brought low all thine enemies. And I will announce to thee, and Jehovah will build a house to thee.
11 And it was When thy days were completed to go with thy fathers, and I raised up thy seed after thee, which shall be from thy sons; and I prepared his kingdom.
12 He shall build to me a house, and I prepared his throne even to forever.
13 I will be to him for father, and het shall be to me for son: and my mercy will I not remove from him as I removed from him being before thee.
14 And I caused him to stand in my house and in my kingdom even to forever: and his throne shall be set up even to forever.
15 According to all these words, and according to all this vision, so spake Nathan the prophet to David.
16 And king David will come and sit before Jehovah, and he will say, Who am I, O Jehovah God, and what my house, that thou broughtest me even to hither?
17 And this will be small in thine eyes, O God; and thou wilt speak upon the house of thy servant to far off, and thou sawest me according to the manner of the man of the ascent, O Jehovah God.
18 What more shall David add to thee to honor thy servant? for thou knewest thy servant.
19 O Jehovah, for sake of thy servant, and according to thy heart, thou didst all this greatness to make known all thy greatnesses
20 O Jehovah, none like thee, and no God besides thee, in all that we heard with our ears.
21 And what one nation as thy people Israel, in the earth, whom God went to redeem to him a people to set up to thee a name of greatnesses and terrible things, to thrust out nations from before thy people, whom thou didst redeem from Egypt?
22 And thou wilt give thy people Israel to thee for a people even to forever; and thou, O Jehovah, wert to them for God.
23 And now, O Jehovah, the word which thou spakest concerning thy servant and concerning his house, shall be faithful even to forever, and do as thou spakest
24 And it shall be firm, and thy name shall be magnified even to forever, saying, Jehovah of armies, God of Israel, is God to Israel: and the house of David thy servant was prepared before thee.
25 For thou, my God, didst uncover the ear of thy servant to build for him a house: for this thy servant found to pray before thee.
26 And now, O Jehovah, thou thyself art God, and thou wilt speak concerning thy servant this goodness.
27 And now thou wert pleased to bless the house of thy servant, to be forever before thee: for thou didst bless, and blessing forever.