Acts 28:24
some believed what he had said, but others did not believe:
Acts 14:4
so that the people of the city were divided, some siding with the Jews, and others with the apostles.
Acts 17:4-5
Some of them believed, and join'd themselves to Paul and Silas, besides a great number of Greek proselytes, and several women of distinction.
Acts 13:48-50
when the Gentiles heard this, they received the word with joy, glorifying the Lord: and as many as were dispos'd to eternal life, believed.
Acts 18:6-8
but as they oppos'd him with invectives, he shook his garment, and said, "you your selves be answerable for your own destruction, I am clear: and for the future I shall address my self to the Gentiles."
Acts 19:8-9
At length Paul went to the synagogue, where he spoke with great freedom, and for three months he conferr'd with them to persuade them of the truth of the evangelical kingdom.
Romans 3:3
for what if some betrayed their trust? shall their unfaithfulness render
Romans 11:4-6
but what said the oracle to him? "I have reserved to my self seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to Baal."
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