Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Therefore ye shall see no more vanity, nor divine divinations: for I will deliver my people out of your hand: and ye shall know that I am the LORD.
For i
General references
Bible References
Ye shall see
Ezekiel 13:6
They see falsehood and lying divination. They are saying: 'Jehovah declares,' when Jehovah has not sent them. Yet they hope for the fulfillment of their word.
Ezekiel 12:24
There will no longer be any false visions or flattering fortune telling to the people.
Deuteronomy 18:20
Any prophet who dares to say something in my name that I did not command him to say or who speaks in the name of other gods must die.
Micah 3:6
Therefore you will have night. You will have no vision! It will be dark to you. You will not perform divination. The sun will go down on the prophets and they will be in the dark.
Zechariah 13:3
It will happen when any attempt to prophesy, the father and mother who gave birth to him will say to him: You will not live, for you speak lies in the name of Jehovah. They will stab him through when he prophesies.
2 Timothy 3:9
they will make no progress; for their foolishness will be evident to all men, as theirs also came to be.
For i
Ezekiel 13:21
I will tear off your magic veils and rescue my people from your power so that they will no longer be under your control. Then you will know that I am Jehovah.
Ezekiel 34:10
The Lord Jehovah says: 'I am against the shepherds! I will demand my sheep from them and make them cease from feeding sheep. So the shepherds will not feed themselves anymore. I will deliver my flock from their mouth, so that they will not be food for them.'
Matthew 24:24
There will be false Christs and false prophets. They will show great signs and wonders so that many will be misled. This includes some of the chosen ones.
Mark 13:22
There will arise false Christs and false prophets. They show signs and wonders that will mislead many, even the anointed.
1 Corinthians 11:19
For there must be also heresies among you that they that are approved may be made manifest among you.
Jude 1:24
Now to him that is able to guard you from stumbling, and to set you before the presence of his glory without blemish with exceeding joy.
Revelation 12:9
The great dragon was thrown down, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world. He was hurled down to the earth, and his angels with him.
Revelation 13:5
A mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given to the beast. And authority to act was given to him to continue forty-two months.
Revelation 15:2
I saw what looked like a sea of glass mingled with fire. Those who were victorious over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having harps (written Word) of God.
General references
Ezekiel 12:24
There will no longer be any false visions or flattering fortune telling to the people.