James 1:19

You people [already] know this [or, "you should know this"], my dearly loved brothers. However, every person should be quick to listen, slow to talk and slow in becoming angry.

Ephesians 4:26

[Psa. 4:4 says], "Be angry [i.e., at wrongdoing. See Mark 3:5], but do not sin" [i.e., by harboring bitterness or retaliation]. Do not allow the sun to go down while you are still provoked.

Ephesians 4:31

So, put away from you all [kinds of] bitterness and anger and wrath and brawling and slander, along with all [kinds of] malice [i.e., bad attitudes],

Colossians 3:8

But now you also should stop practicing them: anger, wrath, malice, slander, filthy language from your mouth.

Colossians 3:15

You should let the peace given by Christ rule in your hearts, since you people were called [to be at peace] in one body [i.e., the church]; and you should be thankful.

Matthew 5:22

But I say to you that every person who is angry toward his brother will be subject to judgment; and whoever calls his brother 'stupid idiot' is subject to [being sentenced by] the [Jewish] Council, and whoever says, 'go to hell' is subject to going to the fire of hell [himself].

Mark 2:2

And there were so many people gathered to listen to His message that there was no room for any more [in the courtyard] around the doorway.

Mark 12:37

David himself called Him [i.e., Jesus] Lord, so how could He be his son?" And the large crowd listened to Him with pleasure.

Luke 19:48

but they could not find a way to do it, because all the people were listening to Him attentively.

Acts 2:42

And these [new converts] continued regularly [to listen] to the teaching of the apostles and to share with them; they broke bread [in memory of Jesus] and continued praying.

Acts 10:33

So, I proceeded to send [my men] for you and you have done the right thing in coming [here]. Now, therefore, we are all assembled here before God, to hear everything you were commanded by the Lord [to tell us]."

Acts 13:42-44

As Paul and Barnabas left [the synagogue], the people urged them to speak [more] about this message the next Sabbath day.

Acts 13:48

And when the Gentiles heard this they were glad and gave honor to the message of God [i.e., they accepted it as true]. And all those who were appointed [by God] to receive never ending life [through faith and obedience] became believers.

Acts 17:11

Now these people [in Berea] had more character than those in Thessalonica because they [not only] received the message with an open mind but [also] examined the [Old Testament] Scriptures every day to see if what they had heard was really true.

Galatians 5:20-21

idol worship, occultic practices, hatefulness, dissension, jealousy, angry outbursts, factious spirits, divisiveness, party spirits,

1 Thessalonians 2:13

And because of this we also thank God continually that, when you people received the message of God, which you heard from us, you did not accept it as a message from [mere] human beings, but as it truly is, the message from God, which is at work in you believers.

James 1:26

If anyone considers himself to be religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, this person is self-deceived and his religion is worthless.

James 3:1-2

Not many of you should be teachers, my brothers, because you [should] know that we [teachers] will be judged more strictly.

1 John 2:21

I did not write to you people because you are ignorant of the truth [about these matters], but because you do know it, and because nothing false belongs to the true teaching.

Luke 15:1

Now the tax collectors and worldly people were all gathering around Jesus to listen to Him.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:

Slow to speak

General references

Bible References


Mark 2:2
And there were so many people gathered to listen to His message that there was no room for any more [in the courtyard] around the doorway.
Mark 12:37
David himself called Him [i.e., Jesus] Lord, so how could He be his son?" And the large crowd listened to Him with pleasure.
Luke 15:1
Now the tax collectors and worldly people were all gathering around Jesus to listen to Him.
Luke 19:48
but they could not find a way to do it, because all the people were listening to Him attentively.
Acts 2:42
And these [new converts] continued regularly [to listen] to the teaching of the apostles and to share with them; they broke bread [in memory of Jesus] and continued praying.
Acts 10:33
So, I proceeded to send [my men] for you and you have done the right thing in coming [here]. Now, therefore, we are all assembled here before God, to hear everything you were commanded by the Lord [to tell us]."
Acts 13:42
As Paul and Barnabas left [the synagogue], the people urged them to speak [more] about this message the next Sabbath day.
Acts 17:11
Now these people [in Berea] had more character than those in Thessalonica because they [not only] received the message with an open mind but [also] examined the [Old Testament] Scriptures every day to see if what they had heard was really true.
1 Thessalonians 2:13
And because of this we also thank God continually that, when you people received the message of God, which you heard from us, you did not accept it as a message from [mere] human beings, but as it truly is, the message from God, which is at work in you believers.

Slow to speak

James 1:26
If anyone considers himself to be religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, this person is self-deceived and his religion is worthless.
James 3:1
Not many of you should be teachers, my brothers, because you [should] know that we [teachers] will be judged more strictly.

Slow to wrath

Matthew 5:22
But I say to you that every person who is angry toward his brother will be subject to judgment; and whoever calls his brother 'stupid idiot' is subject to [being sentenced by] the [Jewish] Council, and whoever says, 'go to hell' is subject to going to the fire of hell [himself].
Galatians 5:20
idol worship, occultic practices, hatefulness, dissension, jealousy, angry outbursts, factious spirits, divisiveness, party spirits,
Ephesians 4:26
[Psa. 4:4 says], "Be angry [i.e., at wrongdoing. See Mark 3:5], but do not sin" [i.e., by harboring bitterness or retaliation]. Do not allow the sun to go down while you are still provoked.
Colossians 3:8
But now you also should stop practicing them: anger, wrath, malice, slander, filthy language from your mouth.

General references

Mark 6:33
But the people saw them going and, since many recognized them, these people ran on ahead of them from all the [surrounding] towns.