Matthew 6:21

for wherever [you store] your valuables, that is where your heart [i.e., your real concern] will be also.

Luke 12:34

For wherever you store your valuables, that is where your heart [i.e., your real concern] will be also.

Matthew 12:34

You children of snakes! Since you are evil, how do you expect to speak good things? For the mouth speaks what the heart is filled with.

Acts 8:21

You do not have any share or involvement in this matter because your heart is not right before God.

Romans 7:5-7

For when we were in the flesh [i.e., before conversion], our sinful desires, aroused by [the restrictions of] the law of Moses, worked in our bodies to produce activity that led to [spiritual] death.

2 Corinthians 4:18

So, we do not look at the things which can be seen, but at what cannot be seen, for the things which can be seen are [only] temporary, but the things which cannot be seen are never ending.

Colossians 3:1-3

If then you people have been raised up together with Christ [i.e., from your burial in immersion, See 2:12-13 with Rom. 6:4], pay attention to the things that are above [i.e., heavenly things], where Christ is seated at the right side of God.

Hebrews 3:12

Pay attention, brothers, so that there will not be in any one of you an evil heart of unbelief, [resulting] in falling away from the living God.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Bible References


Luke 12:34
For wherever you store your valuables, that is where your heart [i.e., your real concern] will be also.
2 Corinthians 4:18
So, we do not look at the things which can be seen, but at what cannot be seen, for the things which can be seen are [only] temporary, but the things which cannot be seen are never ending.


Matthew 12:34
You children of snakes! Since you are evil, how do you expect to speak good things? For the mouth speaks what the heart is filled with.
Acts 8:21
You do not have any share or involvement in this matter because your heart is not right before God.
Romans 7:5
For when we were in the flesh [i.e., before conversion], our sinful desires, aroused by [the restrictions of] the law of Moses, worked in our bodies to produce activity that led to [spiritual] death.
Philemon 1:3
May there be unearned favor to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Colossians 3:1
If then you people have been raised up together with Christ [i.e., from your burial in immersion, See 2:12-13 with Rom. 6:4], pay attention to the things that are above [i.e., heavenly things], where Christ is seated at the right side of God.
Hebrews 3:12
Pay attention, brothers, so that there will not be in any one of you an evil heart of unbelief, [resulting] in falling away from the living God.