Parallel Verses

New American Standard Bible

For the Lord will plead their case
And take the life of those who rob them.

King James Version

For the LORD will plead their cause, and spoil the soul of those that spoiled them.

Holman Bible

for the Lord will take up their case
and will plunder those who plunder them.

International Standard Version

for the LORD will plead their case and ruin the lives of those who ruin them.

A Conservative Version

For LORD will plead their cause, and despoil of life those who despoil them.

American Standard Version

For Jehovah will plead their cause, And despoil of life those that despoil them.


For the Lord will plead their case
And take the life of those who rob them.

Bible in Basic English

For the Lord will give support to their cause, and take the life of those who take their goods.

Darby Translation

for Jehovah will plead their cause, and despoil the soul of those that despoil them.

Julia Smith Translation

For Jehovah will contend their contention, and rob the soul to those robbing them.

King James 2000

For the LORD will plead their cause, and spoil the soul of those that spoiled them.

Lexham Expanded Bible

For Yahweh will plead their case and despoil those who despoil them of life.

Modern King James verseion

for Jehovah will plead their cause, and strip the soul of those who plunder them.

Modern Spelling Tyndale-Coverdale

for the LORD himself will defend their cause, and do violence unto them that have used violence.

NET Bible

for the Lord will plead their case and will rob those who are robbing them.

New Heart English Bible

for the LORD will plead their case, and plunder the life of those who plunder them.

The Emphasized Bible

For, Yahweh, will plead their cause, and will despoil their despoilers of life.


For the LORD will plead their cause, and spoil the soul of those that spoiled them.

World English Bible

for Yahweh will plead their case, and plunder the life of those who plunder them.

Youngs Literal Translation

For Jehovah pleadeth their cause, And hath spoiled the soul of their spoilers.


Root Form
For the Lord

Usage: 0

will plead
רוּב ריבo 
Usage: 66

רב ריב 
Usage: 60

and spoil
Usage: 6

the soul
Usage: 753

Usage: 6


Context Readings

Living With Your Neighbor

22 Do not rob the poor because he is poor,
Or crush the afflicted at the gate;
23 For the Lord will plead their case
And take the life of those who rob them.
24 Do not associate with a man given to anger;
Or go with a hot-tempered man,

Cross References

1 Samuel 25:39

When David heard that Nabal was dead, he said, “Blessed be the Lord, who has pleaded the cause of my reproach from the hand of Nabal and has kept back His servant from evil. The Lord has also returned the evildoing of Nabal on his own head.” Then David sent a proposal to Abigail, to take her as his wife.

Psalm 12:5

“Because of the devastation of the afflicted, because of the groaning of the needy,
Now I will arise,” says the Lord; “I will set him in the safety for which he longs.”

Psalm 140:12

I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted
And justice for the poor.

Proverbs 23:11

For their Redeemer is strong;
He will plead their case against you.

Psalm 35:10

All my bones will say, “Lord, who is like You,
Who delivers the afflicted from him who is too strong for him,
And the afflicted and the needy from him who robs him?”

Jeremiah 51:36

Therefore thus says the Lord,
“Behold, I am going to plead your case
And exact full vengeance for you;
And I will dry up her sea
And make her fountain dry.

Psalm 68:5

A father of the fatherless and a judge for the widows,
Is God in His holy habitation.

Micah 7:9

I will bear the indignation of the Lord
Because I have sinned against Him,
Until He pleads my case and executes justice for me.
He will bring me out to the light,
And I will see His righteousness.

Malachi 3:5

“Then I will draw near to you for judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers and against the adulterers and against those who swear falsely, and against those who oppress the wage earner in his wages, the widow and the orphan, and those who turn aside the alien and do not fear Me,” says the Lord of hosts.

1 Samuel 24:12

May the Lord judge between you and me, and may the Lord avenge me on you; but my hand shall not be against you.

1 Samuel 24:15

The Lord therefore be judge and decide between you and me; and may He see and plead my cause and deliver me from your hand.”

Psalm 35:1

A Psalm of David.
Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me;
Fight against those who fight against me.

Psalm 43:1

Vindicate me, O God, and plead my case against an ungodly nation;
O deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man!

Isaiah 33:1

Woe to you, O destroyer,
While you were not destroyed;
And he who is treacherous, while others did not deal treacherously with him.
As soon as you finish destroying, you will be destroyed;
As soon as you cease to deal treacherously, others will deal treacherously with you.

Jeremiah 50:34

“Their Redeemer is strong, the Lord of hosts is His name;
He will vigorously plead their case
So that He may bring rest to the earth,
But turmoil to the inhabitants of Babylon.

Habakkuk 2:8

“Because you have looted many nations,
All the remainder of the peoples will loot you—
Because of human bloodshed and violence done to the land,
To the town and all its inhabitants.

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Word Concordance

King James Version Public Domain

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.

New American Standard Bible Copyright ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit

American Standard Version Public Domain

NET Bible copyright © 1996-2006 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. NetBible

Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain