Titus 1:9
attach'd to the truth, that has been taught him, that he may be able to teach others sound doctrine, and to convince those who oppose it.
1 Timothy 1:10
against licentiousness and unnatural passion, against men-stealers, lyars, perjured persons, and every thing that is inconsistent
2 Thessalonians 2:15
be stedfast therefore, and firmly maintain the doctrine I have delivered to you, either by word of mouth, or by my letter.
1 Timothy 6:3
If any one deviate from this doctrine, not adhering to the wholesome instructions of our Lord Jesus Christ, the true doctrine of piety,
2 Timothy 1:13
Keep that form of sound doctrine you receiv'd from me, which consists in christian faith and charity:
1 Timothy 1:15
it is a proposition worthy to be believ'd, and be embrac'd by all, that Jesus Christ is come into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the greatest.
Titus 2:1
As for you, teach nothing
Acts 18:28
for he strenuously disputed with the Jews in publick, proving from the scriptures that Jesus was the Messiah.
1 Corinthians 14:24
but if you all expound, and an unbeliever, or one unlearned come in, he is examin'd by all, he is tryed by all:
1 Thessalonians 5:21
bring every thing to the test: if it be proof, abide by that:
1 Timothy 1:19
assisted by faith and a good conscience: for some having discarded the one, have entirely lost the other.
1 Timothy 4:9
what I tell you is certain, and deserves entire credit.
2 Timothy 2:2
and what you heard me deliver in the presence of many, intrust to such persons of integrity as are qualified to instruct others
2 Timothy 2:25
with great temper and meekness informing those, who differ in opinion; because he does not know, but God may change their minds, by convincing them of the truth.
2 Timothy 4:3
for the time will come, when they will not endure sound doctrine, but get teachers of their own corrupt taste, to sooth their ears that itch for flattery:
Titus 1:11
who ought to be curb'd, who pervert whole families, teaching things which they ought not, for sordid lucre.
Titus 2:7-8
In all things show yourself a pattern of virtue: in teaching shewing uncorruptness,
Jude 1:3
My beloved, as I was strongly bent upon writing to you of our common salvation, I thought it necessary to write to you at present, and exhort you to contend earnestly for the faith, which was once delivered to the saints.
Revelation 2:25
hold that fast till I come.
Revelation 3:3
remember therefore what thou hast received and heard: observe it and repent. if therefore thou art not vigilant, I will come upon thee as a thief, thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
Revelation 3:11
behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which you have, let no man take your crown.