Philippians 1:20-26 - Paul's Life For Christ

20 agreeably to that expectation and persuasion I have, that I shall not labour in vain; but as I always have, so I shall still glorify Christ in my body, whether it be by life or by death: for if I live, I live to Christ;

21 and if I die, I gain. 22 whether it be an advantage to me or not still to lead this mortal life, what to chuse I cannot tell. 23 I am doubly press'd between my desire to depart, in order to be with Christ, which is by far the best for ME; 24 and my inclination to abide in this life, as being more advantageous for YOU: 25 which consideration persuades me that I shall abide, and even continue some time with you all, to improve your advancement in the faith, and to promote your joy: 26 that by my being present with you again, I may be the occasion of heightning your christian joy.