Ephesians 6:10-20 - Spiritual Warfare

10 From now on you must grow stronger through union with the Lord and through His mighty power. 11 You must put on God's full armor, so as to be able to stand up against the devil's stratagems. 12 For our contest is not with human foes alone, but with the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of this dark world; that is, with the spirit-forces of evil challenging us in the heavenly contest. 13 So you must take on God's full armor, so as to be able to take a stand in the day when evil attacks you, and, after having completely finished the contest, to hold your own. 14 Hold your position, then, with your waist encircled with the belt of truth, put on right-doing as a coat of mail, 15 and put on your feet the preparation the good news of peace supplies. 16 Besides all these, take on the shield which faith provides, for with it you will be able to put out all the fire-tipped arrows shot by the evil one, 17 take the helmet salvation provides, and take the sword the Spirit wields, which is the word of God.

18 Keep on praying in the Spirit, with every kind of prayer and entreaty, at every opportunity, be ever on the alert with perfect devotion and entreaty for all God's people, 19 and for me that a message may be given me when I open my lips, so that I may boldly make known the open secret of the good news, 20 for the sake of which I am an envoy in prison: so that, when I tell it, I may speak as courageously as I ought.