Job 6:14-30 - You Have Not Treated Me Like True Friends
14 like as if one withdrew a good deed from his friend, and forsook the fear of the Almighty God? 15 Mine own brethren pass over by me, as the water brook that hastily runneth through the valleys. 16 But they that fear the hoarfrost, the snow shall fall upon them. 17 When their time cometh, they shall be destroyed and perish: and when they be set on fire, they shall be removed out of their place, 18 for the paths that they go in are crooked: they haste after vain things, and shall perish. 19 Consider the paths of Tema, and the ways of Sheba, wherein they have put their trust. 20 Confounded are they that put any confidence in them: For when they came to obtain the things that they looked for, they were brought to confusion. 21 Even so are ye also come unto me: but now that ye see my misery, ye are afraid. 22 "Did I desire you to come hither? Or to give me any of your substance? 23 To deliver me from the enemy's hand, or to save me from the power of the mighty?
24 Teach me, and I will hold my tongue: and wherein I have erred, cause me to understand. 25 How steadfast are the words of truth! And which of you can rebuke or reprove them? 26 Do ye take deliberacy to check men's sayings, and judge a poor word spoken in vain? 27 Ye fall upon the fatherless, and go about to overthrow your own friend.
28 Wherefore look not only upon me, but upon yourselves: whether I lie, or no. 29 Turn into your own selves, I pray you: be indifferent judges, and consider my guiltlessness: 30 whether there be any unrighteousness in my tongue, or vain words in my mouth.