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And Zillah she also bare Tubal-Cain, an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron; and a sister of Tubal-Cain is Naamah.

say, I pray thee, thou art my sister, so that it is well with me because of thee, and my soul hath lived for thy sake.'

Why hast thou said, She is my sister, and I take her to myself for a wife? and now, lo, thy wife, take and go.'

and Abraham saith concerning Sarah his wife, 'She is my sister;' and Abimelech king of Gerar sendeth and taketh Sarah.

hath not he himself said to me, She is my sister! and she, even she herself, said, He is my brother; in the integrity of my heart, and in the innocency of my hands, I have done this.'

and also, truly she is my sister, daughter of my father, only not daughter of my mother, and she becometh my wife;

yea, it cometh to pass, when he seeth the ring, and the bracelets on the hands of his sister, and when he heareth the words of Rebekah his sister, saying, 'Thus hath the man spoken unto me,' that he cometh in unto the man, and lo, he is standing by the camels by the fountain.

And they send away Rebekah their sister, and her nurse, and Abraham's servant, and his men;

and they bless Rebekah, and say to her, 'Thou art our sister; become thou thousands of myriads, and thy seed doth possess the gate of those hating it.'

and Isaac is a son of forty years in his taking Rebekah, daughter of Bethuel the Aramaean, from Padan-Aram, sister of Laban the Aramaean, to him for a wife.

and men of the place ask him of his wife, and he saith, 'She is my sister:' for he hath been afraid to say, 'My wife -- lest the men of the place kill me for Rebekah, for she is of good appearance.'

And Abimelech calleth for Isaac, and saith, 'Lo, she is surely thy wife; and how hast thou said, She is my sister?' and Isaac saith unto him, 'Because I said, Lest I die for her.'

and Esau goeth unto Ishmael, and taketh Mahalath, daughter of Ishmael, Abraham's son, sister of Nebajoth, unto his wives, to himself, for a wife.

And it cometh to pass, when Laban heareth the report of Jacob his sister's son, that he runneth to meet him, and embraceth him, and kisseth him, and bringeth him in unto his house; and he recounteth to Laban all these things,

And Rachel seeth that she hath not borne to Jacob, and Rachel is envious of her sister, and saith unto Jacob, 'Give me sons, and if there is none -- I die.'

and Rachel saith, 'With wrestlings of God I have wrestled with my sister, yea, I have prevailed;' and she calleth his name Napthali.

And the sons of Jacob answer Shechem and Hamor his father deceitfully, and they speak (because he defiled Dinah their sister),

and say unto them, 'We are not able to do this thing, to give our sister to one who hath a foreskin: for it is a reproach to us.

Jacob's sons have come in upon the wounded, and they spoil the city, because they had defiled their sister;

And they say, 'As a harlot doth he make our sister?'

and Bashemath daughter of Ishmael, sister of Nebajoth.

And the sons of Lotan are Hori and Heman; and a sister of Lotan is Timna.

And sons of Asher: Jimnah, and Ishuah, and Isui, and Beriah, and Serah their sister. And sons of Beriah: Heber and Malchiel.