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And when these days were expired, the king made a feast unto all the people that were in the castle of Susa, both unto great and small, seven days long in the court of the garden by the king's palace:

Verse ConceptsDinnerSeven Days

And the king arose from the banquet and from the wine in his displeasure and went in to the palace garden. And Haman stood up, and besought queen Esther for his life: for he saw that there was a mischeif prepared for him of the king already.

Verse ConceptsAmbivalenceDecadenceSeeking LifeGardens Attached To PalacesNamed People Angry With Others

And when the king came again out of the palace garden into the parlor where they had eaten, Haman had laid him upon the bed that Esther sat upon. Then said the king, "Will he force the queen also? Beside me, in the house?" As soon as that word went out of the king's mouth, they covered Haman's face.

Verse ConceptsBedsPeople Tumbling