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Therefore Sheol enlarges its throat
and opens wide its enormous jaws,
and down go Zion’s dignitaries, her masses,
her crowds, and those who carouse in her!

“Ask for a sign from the Lord your God—from the depths of Sheol to the heights of heaven.”

Sheol below is eager to greet your coming.
He stirs up the spirits of the departed for you—
all the rulers of the earth.
He makes all the kings of the nations
rise from their thrones.

Your splendor has been brought down to Sheol,
along with the music of your harps.
Maggots are spread out under you,
and worms cover you.”

But you will be brought down to Sheol
into the deepest regions of the Pit.

For you said, “We have cut a deal with Death,
and we have made an agreement with Sheol;
when the overwhelming scourge passes through,
it will not touch us,
because we have made falsehood our refuge
and have hidden behind treachery.”

Your deal with Death will be dissolved,
and your agreement with Sheol will not last.
When the overwhelming scourge passes through,
you will be trampled.

I said: In the prime of my life
I must go to the gates of Sheol;
I am deprived of the rest of my years.

You went to the king with oil
and multiplied your perfumes;
you sent your couriers far away
and sent them down even to Sheol.