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Thou hast been in the pleasure garden of God; thou art decked with all manner of precious stones: with Ruby, Topaz, Crystal, Jacinth, Onyx, Jasper, Sapphire, Smaragdus, Carbuncle, and gold. Thy beauty and the holes that be in thee were set forth in the day of thy creation.
no Cedar tree might hide him. In the pleasant garden of God, there was no fir tree like his branches, the plain trees were not like the boughs of him. All the trees in the garden of God might not be compared unto him in his beauty:
So fair and goodly had I made him with the multitude of his branches: Insomuch that all the trees in the pleasant garden of God, had envy at him.
Then shall it be said, 'This wasteland is become like a garden of pleasure, and the void, desolate and broken down cities are now strong, and fenced again.'
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