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Haran and Canneh and Eden, the traders of Sheba, Assyria, [and] Kilmad [were] trading [with] you.

and he sees the sword coming against the land, and he blows on the horn and he warns the people,

and {anyone who listens} hears the sound of the horn and {he does not take warning} and [the] sword comes and it takes him, his blood will be on his [own] head.

[For] he heard the sound of the horn and he did not take warning; his blood will be on him. But [if] he took warning, he saved his life.

And [as for] the watchman, if he sees the sword coming and {he does not blow} the horn, and the people [are] not warned, and [the] sword comes and it takes {their lives}, he will be taken through his guilt, but his blood from the hand of the watchman I will seek.'

Hamath [to] Berothath [to] Sibraim, which [is] between the boundary of Damascus and the boundary of Hamath, [on to] Hazer Hatticon, which [is] on the boundary of Hauran.

{And the eastern boundary} [will be] between Hauran and Damascus, and from between Gilead and the land of Israel [along] the Jordan [River] from [the] boundary on the eastern sea to Tamar. And {this is the border on the east}.