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Moses then told Aaron, "Approach the altar and bring your sin and whole burnt offerings. Make atonement for yourself and the people. Then bring the people's offering and make atonement for them, as the LORD commanded."

then the owner of the house is to approach the priest and tell him, "There appears to be a contagion in the house.'

"Tell Aaron that whoever of your descendants throughout their generations has a bodily defect is not to approach to offer the food of his God.

Indeed, any person who has a defect is not to approach the Tent of Meeting the blind, the lame, one who is mutilated in the face or who has a very long limb,

None of the descendants of Aaron the priest who has a defect is to approach to bring offerings of the LORD made by fire, since he has a defect. He is not to approach to offer the food of his God.

but he is not to enter through the curtain nor approach the altar, since he has a defect. That way, he won't defile my sanctuary, since I am the LORD, who sets you apart."