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"Send men to explore the land of Canaan that I'm about to give to the Israelis. Send one man to represent each of his ancestor's tribes, every one of them a distinguished leader among them."

Moses renamed Nun's son Hoshea to Joshua. Then he sent them out to explore the land of Canaan. He instructed them, "Go up from here through the Negev, then ascend to the hill country.

The descendants of Judah originally included Er and Onan, though Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan.

But if the armed men don't cross over with you, then they won't have any possession in the land of Canaan."

"We are to cross over in battle array in the LORD's presence into the land of Canaan, and afterwards the possession of our inheritance will be on this side of the Jordan River."

Meanwhile, the Canaanite king of Arad, who lived in the Negev in the land of Canaan, heard of the approach of the Israelis,

"Tell the Israelis that when they have crossed the Jordan River to the land of Canaan,

"Issue these orders to the Israelis: "You're about to enter the land of Canaan. This territory has been apportioned to you as your inheritance: the entire land of Canaan, all the way to its borders.'"

These are the ones whom the LORD commanded to divide the inheritance of the Israelis in the land of Canaan.

"Tell the Israelis that when they have crossed the Jordan River into the land of Canaan,

Appoint three towns this side of the Jordan River and three towns in the land of Canaan to serve as the towns of refuge,