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those who were counted from the tribe of Reuben were forty-six thousand five hundred.

those who were counted from the tribe of Gad were forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty.

those who were counted from the tribe of Judah were seventy-four thousand six hundred.

All of the ones counted were six hundred and three thousand, five hundred and fifty.

and his division and {the ones counted} [are] seventy-four thousand six hundred.

All those counted from the camp of Judah [are] one hundred and eighty-six thousand four hundred. They will set out first according to their divisions.

And his division and the {ones counted} [are] forty-six thousand five hundred.

And his division and the {ones counted} [are] forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty.

All the {ones counted} from the camp of Dan [are] one hundred and fifty-seven thousand six hundred. They will set out {last} according to their divisions."

These [were] the ones counted of the {Israelites} according to {their families}; all those counted from the camps according to their divisions [were] six hundred and three thousand five hundred.

According to [the] number of every male from {one month} and above [there were] eight thousand six hundred keeping the responsibility of the sanctuary.

The {ones counted} according to the number of every male from {one month} and above [were] six thousand two hundred.

the {ones counted}, according to their clans, according to {their families}, were two thousand six hundred and thirty.

They brought their offering before the presence of Yahweh, six covered utility carts and twelve cattle, a utility cart for two of the leaders, and a bull for each; and they presented them {before} the tabernacle.

But Moses said, "[There are] six hundred thousand on foot, among whom I [am] in the midst, and you yourself said, 'I will give meat to them, and they will eat for a whole month.'

These [were] the clans of Judah according to the ones counted of them, seventy-six thousand five hundred.

These [were] the descendants of Benjamin according to their clans. And the ones counted of them [were] forty-five thousand six hundred.

These [were] the ones counted of the {Israelites}, six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and thirty.

Thus the war-booty that remained of the plunder that the people of the battle plundered was six hundred and seventy-five thousand flocks [of sheep],

the tribute to Yahweh from the flock was six hundred and seventy-five;

and the cattle were thirty-six thousand; and the tribute to Yahweh [was] seventy-two.

"All the cities that you will give the Levites will be six cities of refuge, to which the killer can flee; in addition to them you will give forty-two cities.

The cities that you are to give will be your six cities of refuge.

To the {Israelites}, to the alien, and to the temporary resident in their midst there will be these six cities as a refuge to which anyone who unintentionally kills a person may flee.