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It is the smallest of all seeds, and yet when full-grown it is larger than any herb and forms a tree, so that the birds come and build in its branches."

Verse ConceptsGarden, NaturalSmall Things God UsesBig ThingsSmall ThingsPlants Growing UpHerbsBirdsPlanting SeedsChange And GrowthSeedssoaring

Even inanimate things--flutes or harps, for instance--when yielding a sound, if they make no distinction in the notes, how shall the tune which is played on the flute or the harp be known?

Verse ConceptsFlutesHarpsIgnorant Of FactsBeing Differentinstruments

And when He had taken the book, the four living creatures and the twenty-four Elders fell down before the Lamb, having each of them a harp and bringing golden bowls full of incense, which represent the prayers of God's people.

Verse ConceptsSweet Odoursequipping, physicalMusical Instruments, types ofPriesthood, In NtPriests, Tasks In Nt TimesHeaven, Glimpsed By HumansFour CreaturesHarpsTwenty SomeBowing Before MessiahElders In HeavenTwenty Four Elders

No harp or song, no flute or trumpet, shall ever again be heard in thee; no craftsman of any kind shall ever again be found in thee; nor shall the grinding of the mill ever again be heard in thee.

Verse ConceptsBabylonFlutesHarpsMillstonesGrinding FoodNo MusicInstrumentalistsartistscraftsmanship