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And a leper came up to Him, and prostrated himself before Him, and said, "Lord, if you choose to, you can cure me."

When Jesus came back to Bethany, to the home of Simon the leper,

There came to Him a leper, begging Him on his knees, saying to Him, "If you want to, you can cure me."

While He was in Bethany, He was a guest in the home of Simon the leper, and as He was sitting at table, a woman came in with an alabaster bottle of pure nard perfume, very costly; she broke the bottle and poured the perfume on His head.

When a woman is in labor, she is in pain, for her time has come, but when the baby is born, she forgets her pain because of her joy that a human being has been born into the world.

But if to keep on living here means fruit from my labor, I cannot tell which to choose.

I did not eat any man's bread without paying for it, but with toil and hard labor I worked night and day, in order not to be a burden to any of you.