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Dan shall be a serpent on the way, a viper on the road that bites the heels of a horse, so that its rider falls backward.
Then Moses and the {Israelites} sang this song to Yahweh, {and they said}, "Let me sing to Yahweh because he is highly exalted; [the] horse and its rider he hurled into the sea.
And Miriam answered, "Sing to Yahweh because he is highly exalted; [the] horse and its rider he hurled into the sea."
So the rider of the horse went out to meet him, and he said, "Thus the king asks, 'Is it peace?'" Then Jehu said, "{What do you have to do with peace}? Turn after me." Then the watchman reported, saying, "The messenger went up to them, but he did not return."
When it spreads its wings {aloft}, it laughs at the horse and its rider.
Sing to God, sing praises to his name. Lift up [a song] to [the] rider on the clouds--his name is Yah-- and rejoice before him.
At your rebuke, O God of Jacob, both rider and horse slumber.
And I smash [the] horse with you, and its rider, and I smash [the] chariot with you, and its rider.
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