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Then Moses and the Israelis sang this song to the LORD: "I'll sing to the LORD, for he is highly exalted. The horse and its rider he has thrown into the sea.

Miriam sang to them, "Sing to the LORD, for he is highly exalted! The horse and its rider he has thrown into the sea."

This was David's last composition: The oracle of David, son of Jesse, an oracle by the valiant one who was exalted anointed by the God of Jacob, the contented psalm writer of Israel.

And yet when she gets ready to run, she laughs at the horse and its rider."

At the sound of your battle cry, God of Jacob, both horse and chariot rider fell into deep sleep.

I'll smash the horse and its rider with you. I'll smash the chariot and its rider with you.

The skilled archer will not be able to stand, the swift runner will not survive, and the mounted rider will not preserve his own life.

At that time,' declares the LORD, "I will strike every horse with panic and every rider with insanity. I will keep my eyes on the house of Judah, but I will blind every horse of the invading armies.

"So when you see the destructive desecration standing where it should not be (let the reader take note), then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains.

And look at ships! They are so big that it takes strong winds to drive them, yet they are steered by a tiny rudder wherever the helmsman directs.

Then I looked, and there was a white horse! Its rider had a bow, and a victor's crown had been given to him. He went out as a conqueror to conquer.

A second horse went out. It was fiery red, and its rider was given permission to take peace away from the earth and to make people slaughter one another. So he was given a large sword.

When the lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Go!" I looked, and there was a black horse! Its rider held a scale in his hand.

I looked, and there was a pale green horse! Its rider's name was Death, and Hades followed him. They were given authority over one-fourth of the earth to kill people using wars, famines, plagues, and the wild animals of the earth.

Then I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies gathered to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army.

The rest were killed by the sword that belonged to the rider on the horse and that came from his mouth, and all the birds gorged themselves with their flesh.