Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Being Devoted to God » Should be » Abounding
Finally, my brethren, we intreat and conjure you by the Lord Jesus Christ, to observe the instructions we gave you about your religious conduct, and to make continual progress therein.
Verse Concepts
Christian conduct » Abounding in the work of the lord
Finally, my brethren, we intreat and conjure you by the Lord Jesus Christ, to observe the instructions we gave you about your religious conduct, and to make continual progress therein.
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therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye inflexibly steady, and continually surpass others in the work of the Lord, knowing that he will not leave your christian labour unrewarded.
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that as you excel in every thing, in faith, in language, mystical knowledge, in all virtue, and in your affection to us; I hope you will excel too in this charitable disposition.
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divine Favour » The possession of, characterized as pleasing God » The Christian duty
Finally, my brethren, we intreat and conjure you by the Lord Jesus Christ, to observe the instructions we gave you about your religious conduct, and to make continual progress therein.
Verse Concepts
God » The possession of, characterized as pleasing God » The Christian duty
Finally, my brethren, we intreat and conjure you by the Lord Jesus Christ, to observe the instructions we gave you about your religious conduct, and to make continual progress therein.
Verse Concepts
God » Pleasing of » The Christian duty
Finally, my brethren, we intreat and conjure you by the Lord Jesus Christ, to observe the instructions we gave you about your religious conduct, and to make continual progress therein.
Verse Concepts
Pleasing God » The Christian duty
Finally, my brethren, we intreat and conjure you by the Lord Jesus Christ, to observe the instructions we gave you about your religious conduct, and to make continual progress therein.
Verse Concepts
Sanctification » Should exhort their people to walk in
and such is the will of God, that you should be holy, and avoid licentiousness;
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Finally, my brethren, we intreat and conjure you by the Lord Jesus Christ, to observe the instructions we gave you about your religious conduct, and to make continual progress therein.
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