Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Calling » The lord calling
Once you have suffered for a little, the God of all grace who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will repair and recruit and strengthen you.
Verse Concepts
But the God who had set me apart from my very birth called me by his grace, and when he chose to reveal his Son to me, that I might preach him to the Gentiles, instead of consulting with any human being,
Faithful is the God who called you to this fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
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God did not call us to be impure but to be consecrated;
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Only, everyone must lead the lot assigned him by the Lord; he must go on living the life in which God's call came to him. (Such is the rule I lay down for all the churches). Was a man circumcised at the time he was called? Then he is not to efface the marks of it. Has any man been called when he was uncircumcised? Then he is not to get circumcised. Circumcision counts for nothing, uncircumcision counts for nothing; obedience to God's commands is everything. read more.
Everyone must remain in the condition of life where he was called. You were a slave when you were called? Never mind. Of course, if you do find it possible to get free, you had better avail yourself of the opportunity.
Everyone must remain in the condition of life where he was called. You were a slave when you were called? Never mind. Of course, if you do find it possible to get free, you had better avail yourself of the opportunity.
May the God of peace consecrate you through and through! Spirit, soul, and body, may you be kept without break or blame till the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ! He who calls you is faithful, he will do this.
Symeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have been allotted a faith of equal privilege with ours, by the equity of our God and saviour Jesus Christ: grace and peace be multiplied to you by the knowledge of our Lord. Inasmuch as his power divine has bestowed on us every requisite for life and piety by the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence ??4 bestowing on us thereby promises precious and supreme, that by means of them you may escape the corruption produced within the world by lust, and participate in the divine nature ??5 for this very reason, do you contrive to make it your whole concern to furnish your faith with resolution, resolution with intelligence,
Christ » Faith in, great » Faithful
He had to resemble his brothers in every respect, in order to prove a merciful and faithful high priest in things divine, to expiate the sins of the People.
Verse Concepts
and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the first-born from the dead, and the prince over the kings of earth; to him who loves us and has loosed us from our sins by shedding his blood ??6 he has made us a realm of priests for his God and Father, ??to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever: Amen.
Verse Concepts
However, the Lord is faithful; he will be sure to strengthen you and protect you from the Evil one.
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let us hold the hope we avow without wavering (for we can rely on him who gave us the Promise);
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He who calls you is faithful, he will do this.
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if we are faithless, he remains faithful" ??for he cannot be untrue to himself.
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Then I saw heaven open wide ??and there was a white horse: his rider is faithful and true, yea, just are his judgments and his warfare.
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Christ, character of » Faithful
He who calls you is faithful, he will do this.
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Daily duty » Select readings
see that none of you pays back evil for evil, but always aim at what is kind to one another and to all the world; rejoice at all times, never give up prayer, read more.
thank God for everything ??such is his will for you in Christ Jesus; never quench the fire of the Spirit, never disdain prophetic revelations but test them all, retaining what is good and abstaining from whatever kind is evil. May the God of peace consecrate you through and through! Spirit, soul, and body, may you be kept without break or blame till the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ! He who calls you is faithful, he will do this. Pray for us too, brothers. Salute everyone of the brothers with a holy kiss. I adjure you by the Lord to have this letter read aloud to all the [holy] brothers. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. [Amen.]
thank God for everything ??such is his will for you in Christ Jesus; never quench the fire of the Spirit, never disdain prophetic revelations but test them all, retaining what is good and abstaining from whatever kind is evil. May the God of peace consecrate you through and through! Spirit, soul, and body, may you be kept without break or blame till the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ! He who calls you is faithful, he will do this. Pray for us too, brothers. Salute everyone of the brothers with a holy kiss. I adjure you by the Lord to have this letter read aloud to all the [holy] brothers. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. [Amen.]
Duty » Daily » Select readings ro 12; 1th 515-28
see that none of you pays back evil for evil, but always aim at what is kind to one another and to all the world; rejoice at all times, never give up prayer, read more.
thank God for everything ??such is his will for you in Christ Jesus; never quench the fire of the Spirit, never disdain prophetic revelations but test them all, retaining what is good and abstaining from whatever kind is evil. May the God of peace consecrate you through and through! Spirit, soul, and body, may you be kept without break or blame till the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ! He who calls you is faithful, he will do this. Pray for us too, brothers. Salute everyone of the brothers with a holy kiss. I adjure you by the Lord to have this letter read aloud to all the [holy] brothers. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. [Amen.]
thank God for everything ??such is his will for you in Christ Jesus; never quench the fire of the Spirit, never disdain prophetic revelations but test them all, retaining what is good and abstaining from whatever kind is evil. May the God of peace consecrate you through and through! Spirit, soul, and body, may you be kept without break or blame till the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ! He who calls you is faithful, he will do this. Pray for us too, brothers. Salute everyone of the brothers with a holy kiss. I adjure you by the Lord to have this letter read aloud to all the [holy] brothers. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. [Amen.]
Faith/faithfulness » The lord being faithful
No temptation has waylaid you that is beyond man's power; trust God, he will never let you be tempted beyond what you can stand, but when temptation comes, he will provide the way out of it, so that you can bear up under it.
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Then to the angel of the church at Laodicea write thus: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the origin of God's creation.
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Faithful is the God who called you to this fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
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May the God of peace consecrate you through and through! Spirit, soul, and body, may you be kept without break or blame till the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ! He who calls you is faithful, he will do this.
However, the Lord is faithful; he will be sure to strengthen you and protect you from the Evil one.
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let us hold the hope we avow without wavering (for we can rely on him who gave us the Promise);
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Faithfulness » Of Christ
He had to resemble his brothers in every respect, in order to prove a merciful and faithful high priest in things divine, to expiate the sins of the People.
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and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the first-born from the dead, and the prince over the kings of earth; to him who loves us and has loosed us from our sins by shedding his blood ??6 he has made us a realm of priests for his God and Father, ??to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever: Amen.
Verse Concepts
However, the Lord is faithful; he will be sure to strengthen you and protect you from the Evil one.
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let us hold the hope we avow without wavering (for we can rely on him who gave us the Promise);
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He who calls you is faithful, he will do this.
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if we are faithless, he remains faithful" ??for he cannot be untrue to himself.
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Then I saw heaven open wide ??and there was a white horse: his rider is faithful and true, yea, just are his judgments and his warfare.
Verse Concepts
God, Faithfulness of » Is part of his character
Faithful is the God who called you to this fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
Verse Concepts
He who calls you is faithful, he will do this.
Verse Concepts
Protection » God is faithful to afford
May the God of peace consecrate you through and through! Spirit, soul, and body, may you be kept without break or blame till the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ! He who calls you is faithful, he will do this.
However, the Lord is faithful; he will be sure to strengthen you and protect you from the Evil one.
Verse Concepts