Thematic Bible: Contrasted with the righteous
Thematic Bible
The wicked » Contrasted with the righteous
Many pains, hath the lawless one, - But, he that trusteth in Yahweh, Lovingkindness, shall compass him about.
Verse Concepts
The lawless, fleeth when no man pursueth, but, the righteous, like a lion, are confident.
Verse Concepts
Yahweh, putteth, the righteous, to the test, - But the lawless one and the lover of violence, his soul doth hate.
Verse Concepts
tribulation and anguish - against every soul of man who worketh out what is base, both of Jew first and of Greek, -
Verse Concepts
For, the arms of the lawless, shall be broken, But Yahweh is upholding the righteous.
Verse Concepts
Lo! my servants, shall shout in triumph for mirth of heart But, ye, shall make outcry, for pain of heart, And for a breaking of spirit, shall ye howl.
Verse Concepts
But, all the horns of the lawless, will I hew off, - Exalted shall be the horns of the Righteous One.
Verse Concepts
So shall ye return, and see the difference, between the righteous and the lawless, - between him that serveth God, and him that serveth him not.
Verse Concepts
Wickedness » Contrasted with the righteous
Many pains, hath the lawless one, - But, he that trusteth in Yahweh, Lovingkindness, shall compass him about.
Verse Concepts
The lawless, fleeth when no man pursueth, but, the righteous, like a lion, are confident.
Verse Concepts
Yahweh, putteth, the righteous, to the test, - But the lawless one and the lover of violence, his soul doth hate.
Verse Concepts
tribulation and anguish - against every soul of man who worketh out what is base, both of Jew first and of Greek, -
Verse Concepts
For, the arms of the lawless, shall be broken, But Yahweh is upholding the righteous.
Verse Concepts
Lo! my servants, shall shout in triumph for mirth of heart But, ye, shall make outcry, for pain of heart, And for a breaking of spirit, shall ye howl.
Verse Concepts
But, all the horns of the lawless, will I hew off, - Exalted shall be the horns of the Righteous One.
Verse Concepts
So shall ye return, and see the difference, between the righteous and the lawless, - between him that serveth God, and him that serveth him not.
Verse Concepts
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- 17 more topics on Righteous