Thematic Bible: Death of, as a judgment upon parents

Thematic Bible

Then he replied: Thanks to your answer you may leave for the demon has gone out of your daughter. She went to her house and found the child on the bed with the demon gone.

Jesus said to him: All things are possible to him who has faith. Both father and child immediately shouted: I have faith make my faith stronger. When Jesus saw the people he ordered the unclean spirit to come out of him. He commanded the spirit that caused the loss of voice and hearing to leave and never return to him. read more.
The spirit cried out and shook the child violently. It came out and the child became like a dead person. Most of them said: He is dead. Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up.

His twelve-year old daughter was dying. She was his only daughter. As he went the crowds surrounded him. There was a woman having an issue of blood twelve years. She spent all her money on physicians, and could not be healed by any. She came behind him and touched the border of his garment. Immediately the issue of blood stopped. read more.
Jesus said: Who touched me? Peter and the others with him said: Master, the people press in from all sides. Jesus said: Someone did touch me. I perceived that power went from me. When the woman knew she was discovered she trembled, fell down before him and declared in the presence of all the people why she touched him, and how she was healed immediately. He said to her: Daughter, your faith has made you whole; go in peace. While he yet spoke someone came from the ruler of the synagogue's house saying: Your daughter is dead do not trouble the teacher. When Jesus heard this he said: Do not fear, only believe and she will be made whole. When he arrived at the house he allowed only the mother and father of the girl, Peter, John and James to enter with him. They were all weeping and morning her. He said: Do not weep for she is not dead, but sleeps. They laughed him to scorn knowing that she was dead. He took her hand and called: Maiden, arise. Her life force returned and she rose up immediately. He commanded that something be given her to eat. Her parents were amazed. He charged them to tell no man what had been done.

A man in the crowd cried, Teacher, please look at my son. He is my only child. A spirit controls him and suddenly he cries out. He foams at the mouth. It throws him into convulsions and he is badly bruised. I asked your disciples to cast it out and they could not. read more.
Jesus answered: O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you, and put up with you? Bring your son to me. When he came near the demon slammed him down and through him in to a convulsion. Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, healed the boy and gave him back to his father.

Jesus returned to Cana of Galilee where he turned the water into wine. There was a nobleman whose son was sick at Capernaum. He heard that Jesus came from Judea into Galilee. He went to him and urged him to come see his son. His son was near death. Until you see signs and wonders you will not believe, Jesus said. read more.
The nobleman said: Sir, come or my child would die. Jesus replied: Go your way. Your son lives! The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way. His servants met him as he returned and said: Your son is alive! He asked them about the hour he was healed. They said: Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him. The father knew that it was the same hour in which Jesus said: Your son lives. He and his entire household believed. This is the second miracle that Jesus did when he came out of Judea into Galilee.

While he was speaking, an official came and paid him respect. He said: By now my daughter must be dead. Come and lay your hand on her and she will live.

He told them to leave: For the girl is not dead, but sleeps. They all scornfully laughed at him. The people were sent away. He went to the girl, took hold of her hand, and she got up. The news about this spread to all the land.

While he yet spoke they came from the ruler of the synagogue's house. They said: Your daughter is dead. Do not trouble the teacher. But Jesus did not listen. He said to the ruler of the synagogue believe and do not fear. He allowed only Peter, James, and John the brother of James to follow him. read more.
The house of the ruler of the synagogue was filled with commotion. Many were weeping and wailing. He entered and said: Why all the commotion and why do you weep. The child is not dead but sleeps. They laughed him to scorn. He sent them all out of the house. Then he took the father, mother and his companions and went to the child. He took the child by the hand and said to her: Talitha cumi. Which means when interpreted, little girl I say to you arise. Immediately the twelve-year old girl rose up and walked. And they were promptly amazed with a great amazement.

When the Lord saw her he had sympathy for her. Do not cry, he said. He came near the casket and touched it. The bearers stood still. He said, Young man arise. He who was dead sat up and spoke and he was returned to his mother.

While he yet spoke someone came from the ruler of the synagogue's house saying: Your daughter is dead do not trouble the teacher. When Jesus heard this he said: Do not fear, only believe and she will be made whole. When he arrived at the house he allowed only the mother and father of the girl, Peter, John and James to enter with him. read more.
They were all weeping and morning her. He said: Do not weep for she is not dead, but sleeps. They laughed him to scorn knowing that she was dead. He took her hand and called: Maiden, arise. Her life force returned and she rose up immediately. He commanded that something be given her to eat. Her parents were amazed. He charged them to tell no man what had been done.

You have shown total contempt for Jehovah by this affair. Therefore the son that is born to you must die. Nathan went home. Jehovah struck the child that Uriah's wife had given birth to David. The child became sick. David pleaded with God for the child. He fasted and lay on the ground all night. read more.
The elders in his palace stood beside him to raise him up from the ground. But he was unwilling and he would not eat with them. On the seventh day the child died. David's servants were afraid to tell him that the child was dead. They thought: While the child was alive, we talked to him, and he would not listen to us. How can we tell him the child is dead? He may harm himself. David saw that his servants were whispering to one another. He realized (discerned) that the child was dead. Is the child dead? David asked them. Yes, he is dead. They answered.

You disobeyed Jehovah's command and did not completely destroy the Amalekites. That is why Jehovah is doing this to you. He will give you and Israel over to the Philistines. Tomorrow you and your sons will join me. Jehovah will also give the army of Israel over to the Philistines.

After this the son of the woman of the house became ill. He was so ill that there was no breath in him. She said to Elijah: What have I to do with you, O man of God? Have you come to put God in mind of my sin, and to put my son to death? He said: Give your son to me. And lifting him out of her arms, he took him up to his room and put him down on his bed. read more.
Crying to Jehovah he said: O Jehovah my God, have you sent evil even on the widow I now visit, by causing her son's death? Stretching himself out on the child three times, he made his prayer to Jehovah. He said: O Jehovah my God, be pleased to let this child's life come back to him again. Jehovah listened to the voice of Elijah. The child began to breath and came back to life. Elijah took the child down from his room into the house and gave him to his mother. See, your son is alive. He said.

Just as Elisha said, about that time the following year she gave birth to a son. Years later at harvest time, the boy went out one morning to join his father, who was in the field with the harvest workers. Suddenly he cried out to his father: My head hurts! My head hurts! Carry the boy to his mother, the father said to a servant. read more.
The servant carried the boy back to his mother. She held him in her lap until noon. Then the boy died. She carried him up to Elisha's room and put him on the bed. She closed the door behind her and left. She called her husband and said to him: Send a servant here with a donkey. I need to go to the prophet Elisha. I will be back as soon as I can. Why must you go today? Her husband asked. It is neither a Sabbath nor a New Moon Festival. She replied: Never mind. She had the donkey saddled, and ordered the servant: Make the donkey go as fast as it can. Do not slow down unless I tell you. She left for Mount Carmel, where Elisha was. Elisha saw her coming while she was still far off. He said to his servant Gehazi: Look, there comes the woman from Shunem! Hurry to her and find out if everything is all right with her and her family. She told Gehazi that everything was all right, but when she came to Elisha, she bowed down before him and took hold of his feet. Gehazi was about to push her away. Elisha said: Do not bother her. You can see she is deeply distressed. Jehovah has not told me a thing about it. The woman said to him: Did I ask you for a son? Did I not tell you not to get my hopes up? Elisha told Gehazi: Hurry! Take my walking stick. Do not stop to talk to anyone. If anyone speaks to you do not respond. Go straight to the house and hold my stick over the boy. The woman said to Elisha: I swear by my loyalty to the living God Jehovah and to you that I will not leave you! So the two of them started back together. Gehazi went ahead and held Elisha's stick over the child. There was no sound or any other sign of life. He returned to meet Elisha and said: The boy did not wake up. When Elisha arrived he went alone into the room. He saw the boy lying dead on the bed. He closed the door and prayed to Jehovah. Then he lay down on the boy, placing his mouth, eyes, and hands on the boy's mouth, eyes, and hands. As he lay stretched out over the boy, the boy's body started to get warm. Elisha got up and walked around the room. He returned and again stretched himself over the boy. The boy sneezed seven times and then opened his eyes. Elisha called Gehazi and told him to call the boy's mother. When she came in, he said to her: Take your son!

I told him I would hand down a long lasting judgment against his household because he knew about his sons' sin. They were cursing God but he did not restrain them. I have taken an oath concerning Eli's family line. No offering or sacrifice will ever be able to make peace for the sins that Eli's family committed.