Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Corruption » Who is corrupt
Some of them worm their way into families and get hold of the women-folk who feel crushed by the burden of their sins ??wayward creatures of impulse, who are always curious to learn and never able to attain the knowledge of the Truth. For these guides of theirs are hostile to the Truth, just as Jannes and Jambres were hostile to Moses; they are depraved in mind and useless for all purposes of faith.
Despite it all, these visionaries pollute their flesh, scorn the Powers celestial, and scoff at the angelic Glories. Now the very archangel Michael, when he disputed the body of Moses with Satan, did not dare to condemn him with scoffs; what he said was, The Lord rebuke you! But these people scoff at anything they do not understand; and whatever they do understand, like irrational animals, by mere instinct, that proves their ruin.