Thematic Bible
Thematic Bible
Backsliders » Instances of » Syrians
For thou didst forget the God of thy salvation, and didst not remember the rock of thy fortress, for this, thou shalt plant pleasant plants, and thou shalt sow it with vine shoots of the stranger. In the day of thy planting thou shalt hedge in, and in the morning thou shalt make thy seed fruitful: the harvest a heap in the day of thy possession and incurable pain.
Famine » Described
And it ate thy harvest and thy bread, that thy sons and thy daughters shall eat: it shall eat thy sheep and thine oxen: it shall eat thy vine and thy fig-trees: it shall break down thy fortified cities which thou trustedst in them, with the sword.
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All her people sighing, seeking bread; they gave from their delights for food to turn back the soul: see, O Jehovah, and regard; for I was despised.
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For this my people were carried into exile from not knowing; and their honor, men of famine, and their multitude dry with thirst
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I called to those loving me, they deceived me: my priests and my old men expired in the city, for they sought food for them, and they will turn back their souls.
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For wickedness burnt as fire; the sharp point and the thorn it shall consume, and shall burn in the thickets of the forest, and they shall roll up in the mounting up of smoke. In the outpourings of Jehovah of armies the land was consumed, and the people will be as the food of fire: and they shall not pity a man to his brother. And he shall cut upon the right hand, and hungering; and he shall eat upon the left, and they were not satisfied: they shall eat a man the flesh of his arm. read more.
Manasseh, Ephraim; and Ephraim, Manasseh: they being united against Judah. In all this his anger turned not back, and yet his hand stretched out
Manasseh, Ephraim; and Ephraim, Manasseh: they being united against Judah. In all this his anger turned not back, and yet his hand stretched out
And thou atest the fruit of thy belly, the flesh of thy sons and thy daughters, which Jehovah thy God gave to thee, in the distress and in the straitness which thine enemy shall press upon thee: The man tender in thee, and very delicate, his eye shall be evil upon his brother, and upon the wife of his bosom, and upon the remainder of his sons which he shall leave: The gift to one of them of the flesh of his sons which he shall eat from: nothing remaining to him of all things in the distress and in the straitness which his enemy shall press upon thee in all thy gates. read more.
She tender and delicate in thee, who tried not to set the sole of her foot upon the earth from delicateness and tenderness, her eye shall be evil upon the husband of her bosom, and upon her son, and upon her daughter, And upon her afterbirth coming forth from between her feet, and upon her sons which she shall bear: for she will eat them in want of all things, in secret, in the distress and in the straitness which thine enemy shall press upon thee in thy gates.
She tender and delicate in thee, who tried not to set the sole of her foot upon the earth from delicateness and tenderness, her eye shall be evil upon the husband of her bosom, and upon her son, and upon her daughter, And upon her afterbirth coming forth from between her feet, and upon her sons which she shall bear: for she will eat them in want of all things, in secret, in the distress and in the straitness which thine enemy shall press upon thee in thy gates.
In the day of thy planting thou shalt hedge in, and in the morning thou shalt make thy seed fruitful: the harvest a heap in the day of thy possession and incurable pain.
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The word of Jehovah which was to Jeremiah concerning the words of the drought. Judah mourned and her gates languished; they were darkened to the earth, and the outcry of Jerusalem went up. And their great ones sent their small ones to the waters; they came to the wells, they found no water; they turned back their vessels empty; they were ashamed and disgraced, and they covered their head. read more.
For the land was broken, for there was no rain in the land; the husband-men were ashamed, they covered their head. For also the hind brought forth in the field, and forsook, for there was no grass. And the wild asses stood upon the naked hills, they panted after the wind as the jackals; their eyes failed because no grass.
For the land was broken, for there was no rain in the land; the husband-men were ashamed, they covered their head. For also the hind brought forth in the field, and forsook, for there was no grass. And the wild asses stood upon the naked hills, they panted after the wind as the jackals; their eyes failed because no grass.
And joy and gladness was taken away from Carmel, and from the land of Moab; and I caused wine to cease from the wine vats: they shall not tread the shout of joy; the shout of joy, not the shout of joy.
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Mine eyes failed with tears, my bowels were in a ferment, my liver was poured out to the earth, upon the breaking of the daughter of my people; in the fainting of the child and suckling in the wide places of the city. To their mothers will they say, Where the grain and wine? in their languishing as the wounded in the broad places of the city, in the pouring out of their soul into their mothers bosom. What shall I testify for thee? What shall I liken to thee, O daughter of Jerusalem? What shall I compare to thee, and comfort thee, O virgin daughter of Zion? for great as the sea thy breaking: who shall heal for thee? read more.
Thy prophets saw for thee vanity and a foolish thing, and they uncovered not upon thine iniquity to turn back thy captivity; and they will see for thee burdens of falsehood and seductions. All passing by the way clapped their hands at thee; they hissed, and they will nod their head at the daughter of Jerusalem: This the city, they will say; the complete splendor of joy to all the earth. All thine enemies opened wide their mouth upon thee: they hissed and they will gnash the teeth: they said, We swallowed down: surely this the day we longed for; we found; we saw. Jehovah did what he purposed; he completed his word which he commanded in days of old: he pulled down and he pitied not: and be will gladden the enemy over thee; he lifted up the horn of thine adversaries. Their heart cried to Jehovah, O wall of the daughter of Zion, cause tears to go down as a torrent day and night thou shalt give no remission to thyself; the daughter of thine eye shall not be silent Arise, cry aloud in the night: at the head of the watches pour out thy heart as water before the face of Jehovah: lift up thy hands to him for the soul of thy young children fainting with hunger in the head of all the streets. See, O Jehovah, and look to whom thou didst accomplish this Shall the women eat their fruit, the children borne upon the hands? shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the holy place of Jehovah? The youth and old man lay down upon the earth of the streets; my virgins and my young men fell by the sword; thou didst slay in the day of thine anger; thou didst slay, thou didst not pity. Thou wilt call as the day of appointment my sojourning from round about, and in the day of the anger of Jehovah there was no escaping and surviving: those I bore upon my hands and brought up, the enemy finished.
Thy prophets saw for thee vanity and a foolish thing, and they uncovered not upon thine iniquity to turn back thy captivity; and they will see for thee burdens of falsehood and seductions. All passing by the way clapped their hands at thee; they hissed, and they will nod their head at the daughter of Jerusalem: This the city, they will say; the complete splendor of joy to all the earth. All thine enemies opened wide their mouth upon thee: they hissed and they will gnash the teeth: they said, We swallowed down: surely this the day we longed for; we found; we saw. Jehovah did what he purposed; he completed his word which he commanded in days of old: he pulled down and he pitied not: and be will gladden the enemy over thee; he lifted up the horn of thine adversaries. Their heart cried to Jehovah, O wall of the daughter of Zion, cause tears to go down as a torrent day and night thou shalt give no remission to thyself; the daughter of thine eye shall not be silent Arise, cry aloud in the night: at the head of the watches pour out thy heart as water before the face of Jehovah: lift up thy hands to him for the soul of thy young children fainting with hunger in the head of all the streets. See, O Jehovah, and look to whom thou didst accomplish this Shall the women eat their fruit, the children borne upon the hands? shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the holy place of Jehovah? The youth and old man lay down upon the earth of the streets; my virgins and my young men fell by the sword; thou didst slay in the day of thine anger; thou didst slay, thou didst not pity. Thou wilt call as the day of appointment my sojourning from round about, and in the day of the anger of Jehovah there was no escaping and surviving: those I bore upon my hands and brought up, the enemy finished.
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The tongue of the suckling adhered to his palate in thirst: the young children asked for bread, none breaking bread to them. They eating for dainties were desolate in the streets: they trusting upon scarlet embraced dung hills. For the iniquity of the daughter of my people will be great above the sin of Sodom being overthrown as in a moment, and no hands waited for her. read more.
Her consecrated ones were pure above snow, they were white above milk, they were red of body above pearls, their figure sapphire: Their form dark above blackness; they were not known in the streets: their skin adhered to their bones; it was dried up, it was as wood. Those wounded by the sword were good above those wounded by famine: these will flow away, being thrust through from the produce of the field. The hands of compassionate women boiled their children: they were for food to them in the breaking of the daughter of my people.
Her consecrated ones were pure above snow, they were white above milk, they were red of body above pearls, their figure sapphire: Their form dark above blackness; they were not known in the streets: their skin adhered to their bones; it was dried up, it was as wood. Those wounded by the sword were good above those wounded by famine: these will flow away, being thrust through from the produce of the field. The hands of compassionate women boiled their children: they were for food to them in the breaking of the daughter of my people.
The kernels died beneath the clods, the treasures were laid waste, the garners were pulled down, for the grain was dried up. How the beasts groaned! the herds of oxen wept, for no pasture to them; also the flocks of sheep were laid waste. To thee, O Jehovah, will I call: for a fire consumed the habitations of the desert, and the flame burned all the trees of the field. read more.
Also the beasts of the field will look up to thee: for the channels of waters were dried up, and the fire devoured the habitations of the desert.
Also the beasts of the field will look up to thee: for the channels of waters were dried up, and the fire devoured the habitations of the desert.
Forgetting God » Punishment of
For this, thus says the Lord Jehovah: Because thou didst forget me, and thou wilt cast me behind thy back, and also bear thou thy wickedness and thy fornications
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For thou didst forget the God of thy salvation, and didst not remember the rock of thy fortress, for this, thou shalt plant pleasant plants, and thou shalt sow it with vine shoots of the stranger. In the day of thy planting thou shalt hedge in, and in the morning thou shalt make thy seed fruitful: the harvest a heap in the day of thy possession and incurable pain.
The unjust shall be turned away into hades, all the nations forgetting God.
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And Israel will forget him making him, and he will build temples; and Judah multiplied fortified cities: and I sent a fire upon his cities and it will consume its palaces.
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While yet in its greenness it shall not break off, and it will dry up before grass. So the paths of all forgetting God and the hope of the profane one shall perish.
Harvest » Sins » Disappointing
In the day of thy planting thou shalt hedge in, and in the morning thou shalt make thy seed fruitful: the harvest a heap in the day of thy possession and incurable pain.
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Harvest » Failure of » A punishment for sin
For thou didst forget the God of thy salvation, and didst not remember the rock of thy fortress, for this, thou shalt plant pleasant plants, and thou shalt sow it with vine shoots of the stranger. In the day of thy planting thou shalt hedge in, and in the morning thou shalt make thy seed fruitful: the harvest a heap in the day of thy possession and incurable pain.
Sin » Harvest of » Disappointing
In the day of thy planting thou shalt hedge in, and in the morning thou shalt make thy seed fruitful: the harvest a heap in the day of thy possession and incurable pain.
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Sins » Harvest » Disappointing
In the day of thy planting thou shalt hedge in, and in the morning thou shalt make thy seed fruitful: the harvest a heap in the day of thy possession and incurable pain.
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Sowing and reaping » Reaping, harvest of sin » Disappointing
In the day of thy planting thou shalt hedge in, and in the morning thou shalt make thy seed fruitful: the harvest a heap in the day of thy possession and incurable pain.
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