Thematic Bible: Jewish laws concerning
Thematic Bible
dead Bodies » Jewish laws concerning
his dead body shall not remain all night upon the tree but thou shalt bury, him on the same day, for a reproach unto God, is he that is hanged, - so shalt thou not make unclean thy soil which Yahweh thy God is giving unto thee for an inheritance.
Verse Concepts
And, unto no persons b of the dead, shall he go in, - For his father or for his mother, shall he not make himself unclean;
Verse Concepts
All the days for which he hath separated himself unto Yahweh to no dead person, shall he go in.
Verse Concepts
But so it was that there were, certain men who had become unclean by a dead person, and could not keep the passover on that day, - therefore came they near before Moses and before Aaron on that day.
Verse Concepts
He that toucheth the dead, even any human person, shall be unclean seven days.
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Then said Haggai, If one who is defiled for a dead person touch any of these, shall it be defiled? And the priests answered and said, It shall be defiled.
Verse Concepts
War » Jewish laws concerning
When thou goest forth into camp against thine enemies, then shalt thou beware of everything foul.
When a man taketh a new wife, he shall not go forth to war, neither shall he be charged with any business, - free, shall he be for his own house one year, and shall rejoice with his wife whom he hath taken.
Verse Concepts
And it shall be, when ye are coming nigh unto the battle, that the priest shall approach and speak unto the people;
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Or, what king, moving on to encounter, another king, in battle, will not sit down first and take counsel, whether he is able, with ten thousand, to meet him who, with twenty thousand, is coming against him.
Verse Concepts
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