Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

because if our heart may condemn -- because greater is God than our heart, and He doth know all things.

Therefore, thou art inexcusable, O man -- every one who is judging -- for in that in which thou dost judge the other, thyself thou dost condemn, for the same things thou dost practise who art judging,

If I be righteous, Mine mouth doth declare me wicked, Perfect I am! -- it declareth me perverse.

And they cause him to stumble, Against them is their own tongue, Every looker on them fleeth away.

So that ye testify to yourselves, that ye are sons of them who did murder the prophets;

'And he saith to him, Out of thy mouth I will judge thee, evil servant: thou knewest that I am an austere man, taking up what I did not lay down, and reaping what I did not sow!

and they having heard, and by the conscience being convicted, were going forth one by one, having begun from the elders -- unto the last; and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

Therefore, thou art inexcusable, O man -- every one who is judging -- for in that in which thou dost judge the other, thyself thou dost condemn, for the same things thou dost practise who art judging,

having known that he hath been subverted who is such, and doth sin, being self-condemned.

If I be righteous, Mine mouth doth declare me wicked, Perfect I am! -- it declareth me perverse.

If I be righteous, Mine mouth doth declare me wicked, Perfect I am! -- it declareth me perverse.

Not that I did already obtain, or have been already perfected; but I pursue, if also I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by the Christ Jesus;

If I be righteous, Mine mouth doth declare me wicked, Perfect I am! -- it declareth me perverse.