Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for to them belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens. "Blessed are the mourners, for they shall be comforted. "Blessed are the meek, for they as heirs shall obtain possession of the earth. read more.
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be completely satisfied. "Blessed are the compassionate, for they shall receive compassion. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for it is they who will be recognized as sons of God. "Blessed are those who have borne persecution in the cause of Righteousness, for to them belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens. "Blessed are you when they have insulted and persecuted you, and have said every cruel thing about you falsely for my sake. Be joyful and triumphant, because your reward is great in the Heavens; for so were the Prophets before you persecuted.

and you have quite forgotten the encouraging words which are addressed to you as sons, and which say, "My son, do not think lightly of the Lord's discipline, and do not faint when He corrects you; Afflicted Saintsdiscipline, divineAssurance in the life of faithChastisementRebukeDespisersBelievers As Sons Of GodUnderestimationForgetting ThingsGod UrgingLosing CourageGod Requite Them!Discipline Child

Dear friends, do not be surprised at finding that that scorching flame of persecution is raging among you to put you to the test--as though some surprising thing were accidentally happening to you. On the contrary, in the degree that you share in the sufferings of the Christ, rejoice, so that at the unveiling of His glory you may also rejoice with triumphant gladness. You are to be envied, if you are being reproached for bearing the name of Christ; for in that case the Spirit of glory-- even the Spirit of God--is resting upon you. read more.
But let not one of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evil-doer, or as a spy upon other people's business. If, however, any one suffers because he is a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God for being permitted to bear that name.

You are therefore no longer mere foreigners or persons excluded from civil rights. On the contrary you share citizenship with God's people and are members of His family. You are a building which has been reared on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, the cornerstone being Christ Jesus Himself,

The wall of the city had twelve foundation stones, and engraved upon them were twelve names--the names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb. FoundationsThe Number TwelveFoundations Of NationsWalled TownsTwelve DisciplesTwelve ThingsNew Jerusalem

Seeing the multitude of people, Jesus went up the Hill. There He seated Himself, and when His disciples came to Him, He proceeded to teach them, and said: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for to them belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens. read more.
"Blessed are the mourners, for they shall be comforted. "Blessed are the meek, for they as heirs shall obtain possession of the earth. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be completely satisfied. "Blessed are the compassionate, for they shall receive compassion. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for it is they who will be recognized as sons of God. "Blessed are those who have borne persecution in the cause of Righteousness, for to them belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens. "Blessed are you when they have insulted and persecuted you, and have said every cruel thing about you falsely for my sake. Be joyful and triumphant, because your reward is great in the Heavens; for so were the Prophets before you persecuted. "*You* are the salt of the earth; but if salt has become tasteless, in what way can it regain its saltness? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown away and trodden on by the passers by. *You* are the light of the world; a town cannot be hid if built on a hill-top. Nor is a lamp lighted to be put under a bushel, but on the lampstand; and then it gives light to all in the house. Just so let your light shine before all men, in order that they may see your holy lives and may give glory to your Father who is in Heaven.

While He was still addressing the people His mother and His brothers were standing on the edge of the crowd desiring to speak to Him. So some one told Him, "Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, and desire to speak to you." "Who is my mother?" He said to the man; "and who are my brothers?" read more.
And pointing to His disciples He added, "See here are my mother and my brothers. To obey my Father who is in Heaven--that is to be my brother and my sister and my mother."

"Blessed are you, Simon Bar-jonah," said Jesus; "for mere human nature has not revealed this to you, but my Father in Heaven. And I declare to you that you are Peter, and that upon this Rock I will build my Church, and the might of Hades shall not triumph over it.

By this time His mother and His brothers arrive, and standing outside they send a message to Him to call Him. Now a crowd was sitting round Him; so they tell Him, "Your mother and your brothers and sisters are outside, inquiring for you." "Who are my mother and my brothers?" He replied. read more.
And, fixing His eyes on the people who were sitting round Him in a circle, He said, "Here are my mother and my brothers. For wherever there is one who has been obedient to God, there is my brother--my sister--and my mother."

God, it seems to me, has exhibited us Apostles last of all, as men condemned to death; for we have come to be a spectacle to all creation--alike to angels and to men. We, for Christ's sake, are labeled as "foolish"; you, as Christians, are men of shrewd intelligence. We are mere weaklings: you are strong. You are in high repute: we are outcasts. To this very moment we endure both hunger and thirst, with scanty clothing and many a blow. read more.
Homes we have none. Wearily we toil, working with our own hands. When reviled, we bless; when persecuted, we bear it patiently; when slandered, we try to conciliate. We have come to be regarded as the mere dirt and filth of the world--the refuse of the universe, even to this hour.

"Blessed are you when they have insulted and persecuted you, and have said every cruel thing about you falsely for my sake. Be joyful and triumphant, because your reward is great in the Heavens; for so were the Prophets before you persecuted. "*You* are the salt of the earth; but if salt has become tasteless, in what way can it regain its saltness? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown away and trodden on by the passers by. read more.
*You* are the light of the world; a town cannot be hid if built on a hill-top. Nor is a lamp lighted to be put under a bushel, but on the lampstand; and then it gives light to all in the house. Just so let your light shine before all men, in order that they may see your holy lives and may give glory to your Father who is in Heaven.

Once He was teaching on the Sabbath in one of the synagogues where a woman was present who for eighteen years had been a confirmed invalid: she was bent double, and was unable to lift herself to her full height. But Jesus saw her, and calling to her, He said to her, "Woman, you are free from your weakness." read more.
And He put His hands on her, and she immediately stood upright and began to give glory to God.

For you not only showed sympathy with those who were imprisoned, but you even submitted with joy when your property was taken from you, being well aware that you have in your own selves a more valuable possession and one which will remain. Compassion, In ChristiansJoy, Of The ChurchPoverty, Causes OfPoverty, SpiritualPrisonersProperty, HousesSelf SacrificeSuffering, HardshipSympathyEternal StateRejoicing In TribulationConfiscationSufferings RewardedRejoicing In TrialRobbing PeoplePropertyAcceptancepossessions

And I saw thrones, and some who were seated on them, to whom judgment was entrusted. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded on account of the testimony that they had borne to Jesus and on account of God's Message, and also the souls of those who had not worshipped the Wild Beast or his statue, nor received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands; and they came to Life and were kings with Christ for a thousand years. Foreheads666Faithfulness, To Godevil, victory overdefianceBeheadingThe BeastJudgesJudgment SeatPunishment, Legal Aspects OfSelf SacrificeThe Immortal SoulMartyrdom, Methods OfSufferings RewardedRemoving HeadsCosmic CreaturesBelievers JudgingMarks On PeopleAuthority Of DisciplesAvoiding IdolatrySubsequent Witness To ChristWorshipping The DevilMark Of The BeastHow First Resurrection Is Spread OutSigns Of The Timesend times prophecyMartyrdom

because he deemed the reproaches which he might meet with in the service of the Christ to be greater riches than all the treasures of Egypt; for he fixed his gaze on the coming reward. ReproachHeavenly RewardsRiches, SpiritualTreasureSufferings RewardedSpiritual TreasuresSeeking Things AboveChoosing God's WayTreasure In HeavenReward For WorksWorthAbuseValueaccounting

"Blessed are you when they have insulted and persecuted you, and have said every cruel thing about you falsely for my sake. Be joyful and triumphant, because your reward is great in the Heavens; for so were the Prophets before you persecuted.

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for to them belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens. "Blessed are the mourners, for they shall be comforted. "Blessed are the meek, for they as heirs shall obtain possession of the earth. read more.
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be completely satisfied. "Blessed are the compassionate, for they shall receive compassion. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for it is they who will be recognized as sons of God. "Blessed are those who have borne persecution in the cause of Righteousness, for to them belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens. "Blessed are you when they have insulted and persecuted you, and have said every cruel thing about you falsely for my sake. Be joyful and triumphant, because your reward is great in the Heavens; for so were the Prophets before you persecuted.

"Blessed are you when they have insulted and persecuted you, and have said every cruel thing about you falsely for my sake. Be joyful and triumphant, because your reward is great in the Heavens; for so were the Prophets before you persecuted.

"Yet a little while," He replied, "the light is among you. Be faithful to the light that you have, for fear darkness should overtake you; for a man who walks in the dark does not know where he is going. In the degree that you have light, believe in the Light, so that you may become sons of Light." Jesus said this, and went away and hid Himself from them.

Be ever on your guard against a grudging and contentious spirit, so that you may always prove yourselves to be blameless and spotless--irreproachable children of God in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you are seen as heavenly lights in the world,

Seeing the multitude of people, Jesus went up the Hill. There He seated Himself, and when His disciples came to Him, He proceeded to teach them, and said: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for to them belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens. read more.
"Blessed are the mourners, for they shall be comforted. "Blessed are the meek, for they as heirs shall obtain possession of the earth. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be completely satisfied. "Blessed are the compassionate, for they shall receive compassion. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for it is they who will be recognized as sons of God. "Blessed are those who have borne persecution in the cause of Righteousness, for to them belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens. "Blessed are you when they have insulted and persecuted you, and have said every cruel thing about you falsely for my sake. Be joyful and triumphant, because your reward is great in the Heavens; for so were the Prophets before you persecuted. "*You* are the salt of the earth; but if salt has become tasteless, in what way can it regain its saltness? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown away and trodden on by the passers by. *You* are the light of the world; a town cannot be hid if built on a hill-top. Nor is a lamp lighted to be put under a bushel, but on the lampstand; and then it gives light to all in the house. Just so let your light shine before all men, in order that they may see your holy lives and may give glory to your Father who is in Heaven.

Therefore be imitators of God, as His dear children. And live and act lovingly, as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up to death on our behalf as an offering and sacrifice to God, yielding a fragrant odor. But fornication and every kind of impurity, or covetousness, let them not even be mentioned among you, for they ought not to be named among God's people. read more.
Avoid shameful and foolish talk and low jesting--they are all alike discreditable--and in place of these give thanks. For be well assured that no fornicator or immoral person and no money-grubber--or in other words idol-worshipper--has any share awaiting him in the Kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for it is on account of these very sins that God's anger is coming upon the disobedient. Therefore do not become sharers with them. There was a time when you were nothing but darkness. Now, as Christians, you are Light itself.

But as to times and dates it is unnecessary that anything be written to you. For you yourselves know perfectly well that the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night. While they are saying "Peace and safety!" then in a moment destruction falls upon them, like birth-pains on a woman who is with child; and escape there is none. read more.
But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that daylight should surprise you like a thief; for all of you are sons of Light and sons of the day. We belong neither to the night nor to darkness.

"Blessed are those who have borne persecution in the cause of Righteousness, for to them belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens. "Blessed are you when they have insulted and persecuted you, and have said every cruel thing about you falsely for my sake. Be joyful and triumphant, because your reward is great in the Heavens; for so were the Prophets before you persecuted.

"Blessed are you when men shall hate you and exclude you from their society and insult you, and spurn your very names as evil things, for the Son of Man's sake. "Be glad at such a time, and dance for joy; for your reward is great in Heaven; for that is just the way their forefathers behaved to the Prophets!

Seeing the multitude of people, Jesus went up the Hill. There He seated Himself, and when His disciples came to Him, He proceeded to teach them, and said: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for to them belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens. read more.
"Blessed are the mourners, for they shall be comforted. "Blessed are the meek, for they as heirs shall obtain possession of the earth. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be completely satisfied. "Blessed are the compassionate, for they shall receive compassion. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for it is they who will be recognized as sons of God. "Blessed are those who have borne persecution in the cause of Righteousness, for to them belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens. "Blessed are you when they have insulted and persecuted you, and have said every cruel thing about you falsely for my sake. Be joyful and triumphant, because your reward is great in the Heavens; for so were the Prophets before you persecuted. "*You* are the salt of the earth; but if salt has become tasteless, in what way can it regain its saltness? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown away and trodden on by the passers by. *You* are the light of the world; a town cannot be hid if built on a hill-top. Nor is a lamp lighted to be put under a bushel, but on the lampstand; and then it gives light to all in the house. Just so let your light shine before all men, in order that they may see your holy lives and may give glory to your Father who is in Heaven.

For you not only showed sympathy with those who were imprisoned, but you even submitted with joy when your property was taken from you, being well aware that you have in your own selves a more valuable possession and one which will remain. Compassion, In ChristiansJoy, Of The ChurchPoverty, Causes OfPoverty, SpiritualPrisonersProperty, HousesSelf SacrificeSuffering, HardshipSympathyEternal StateRejoicing In TribulationConfiscationSufferings RewardedRejoicing In TrialRobbing PeoplePropertyAcceptancepossessions

And I saw thrones, and some who were seated on them, to whom judgment was entrusted. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded on account of the testimony that they had borne to Jesus and on account of God's Message, and also the souls of those who had not worshipped the Wild Beast or his statue, nor received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands; and they came to Life and were kings with Christ for a thousand years. Foreheads666Faithfulness, To Godevil, victory overdefianceBeheadingThe BeastJudgesJudgment SeatPunishment, Legal Aspects OfSelf SacrificeThe Immortal SoulMartyrdom, Methods OfSufferings RewardedRemoving HeadsCosmic CreaturesBelievers JudgingMarks On PeopleAuthority Of DisciplesAvoiding IdolatrySubsequent Witness To ChristWorshipping The DevilMark Of The BeastHow First Resurrection Is Spread OutSigns Of The Timesend times prophecyMartyrdom

because he deemed the reproaches which he might meet with in the service of the Christ to be greater riches than all the treasures of Egypt; for he fixed his gaze on the coming reward. ReproachHeavenly RewardsRiches, SpiritualTreasureSufferings RewardedSpiritual TreasuresSeeking Things AboveChoosing God's WayTreasure In HeavenReward For WorksWorthAbuseValueaccounting

"Blessed are you when they have insulted and persecuted you, and have said every cruel thing about you falsely for my sake. Be joyful and triumphant, because your reward is great in the Heavens; for so were the Prophets before you persecuted.

Seeing the multitude of people, Jesus went up the Hill. There He seated Himself, and when His disciples came to Him, He proceeded to teach them, and said: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for to them belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens. read more.
"Blessed are the mourners, for they shall be comforted. "Blessed are the meek, for they as heirs shall obtain possession of the earth. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be completely satisfied. "Blessed are the compassionate, for they shall receive compassion. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for it is they who will be recognized as sons of God. "Blessed are those who have borne persecution in the cause of Righteousness, for to them belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens. "Blessed are you when they have insulted and persecuted you, and have said every cruel thing about you falsely for my sake. Be joyful and triumphant, because your reward is great in the Heavens; for so were the Prophets before you persecuted. "*You* are the salt of the earth; but if salt has become tasteless, in what way can it regain its saltness? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown away and trodden on by the passers by.

For you not only showed sympathy with those who were imprisoned, but you even submitted with joy when your property was taken from you, being well aware that you have in your own selves a more valuable possession and one which will remain. Compassion, In ChristiansJoy, Of The ChurchPoverty, Causes OfPoverty, SpiritualPrisonersProperty, HousesSelf SacrificeSuffering, HardshipSympathyEternal StateRejoicing In TribulationConfiscationSufferings RewardedRejoicing In TrialRobbing PeoplePropertyAcceptancepossessions

And I saw thrones, and some who were seated on them, to whom judgment was entrusted. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded on account of the testimony that they had borne to Jesus and on account of God's Message, and also the souls of those who had not worshipped the Wild Beast or his statue, nor received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands; and they came to Life and were kings with Christ for a thousand years. Foreheads666Faithfulness, To Godevil, victory overdefianceBeheadingThe BeastJudgesJudgment SeatPunishment, Legal Aspects OfSelf SacrificeThe Immortal SoulMartyrdom, Methods OfSufferings RewardedRemoving HeadsCosmic CreaturesBelievers JudgingMarks On PeopleAuthority Of DisciplesAvoiding IdolatrySubsequent Witness To ChristWorshipping The DevilMark Of The BeastHow First Resurrection Is Spread OutSigns Of The Timesend times prophecyMartyrdom

because he deemed the reproaches which he might meet with in the service of the Christ to be greater riches than all the treasures of Egypt; for he fixed his gaze on the coming reward. ReproachHeavenly RewardsRiches, SpiritualTreasureSufferings RewardedSpiritual TreasuresSeeking Things AboveChoosing God's WayTreasure In HeavenReward For WorksWorthAbuseValueaccounting

"Blessed are you when they have insulted and persecuted you, and have said every cruel thing about you falsely for my sake. Be joyful and triumphant, because your reward is great in the Heavens; for so were the Prophets before you persecuted.

"Blessed are you when they have insulted and persecuted you, and have said every cruel thing about you falsely for my sake. Be joyful and triumphant, because your reward is great in the Heavens; for so were the Prophets before you persecuted.

"Blessed are you when men shall hate you and exclude you from their society and insult you, and spurn your very names as evil things, for the Son of Man's sake. "Be glad at such a time, and dance for joy; for your reward is great in Heaven; for that is just the way their forefathers behaved to the Prophets!

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A Conservative Version
American Bible Union New Testament
American Standard Version
An Understandable Version
Anderson New Testament
Bible in Basic English
Common New Testament
Daniel Mace New Testament
Darby Translation
Emphatic Diaglott Bible
Godbey New Testament
Goodspeed New Testament
Holman Bible
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John Wesley New Testament
Julia Smith Translation
King James 2000
King James Version
Lexham Expanded Bible
Living Oracles New Testament
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Modern Spelling Tyndale-Coverdale
Moffatt New Testament
Montgomery New Testament
NET Bible
New American Standard Bible
New Heart English Bible
Noyes New Testament
Sawyer New Testament
The Emphasized Bible
Thomas Haweis New Testament
Twentieth Century New Testament
Weymouth New Testament
Williams New Testament
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Worrell New Testament
Worsley New Testament
Youngs Literal Translation