Thematic Bible: To justify wrongdoing
Thematic Bible
Excuses » To justify wrongdoing » King saul for usurping the function of the priest
therefore I said - Now, will the Philistines come down against me, at Gilgal, but, the face of Yahweh, have I not appeased: So I forced myself, and offered up the ascending-sacrifice.
Verse Concepts
Excuses » To justify wrongdoing » Also for keeping the forbidden spoil
And the people took, of the spoil, sheep and oxen, the chief of the things so devoted, - to sacrifice unto Yahweh thy God, in Gilgal.
Verse Concepts
Excuses » To justify wrongdoing » By adam for eating the forbidden fruit
And the man said, - The woman whom thou didst put with me, she, gave me of the tree, so I did eat.
Verse Concepts
Excuses » To justify wrongdoing » Aaron for making the golden calf
And I said to them - Whosoever hath gold let them break it off, So they gave it to me, - and I cast it into the fire, and there came out - this calf.
Verse Concepts
Excuses » To justify wrongdoing » Sin absolutely inexcusable
For, the unseen things of him, from a world's creation, by the things made, being perceived, are clearly seen, even his eternal power and divinity, - to the end they should be without excuse;
Verse Concepts