5 Bible Verses about Backstabbers
Most Relevant Verses
but Jesus said to him, Judas is it thus you betray the son of man, with a kiss?
Then one of the twelve, Judas Iscariot by name, went to the chief priests, and said, what will ye give me, and I will deliver him to you? and they promised him thirty pieces of silver. from which time he watched a favourable opportunity to deliver him.
whisperers, backbiters, enemies of God, injurious, proud, vain, inventers of vices, disobedient to parents, void of judgment, fidelity, and natural affection; implacable, and unmerciful: who knowing the divine rule of right, did not perceive that they who commit such things are worthy of death, and not only they who do the same, but they who give countenance to those that do them.
Don't, my brethren, treat one another with detraction. he that reflects upon his brother, and censures his brother, reflects upon the law, and censures the law: if you censure the law, instead of obeying it, you set up for a judge.
If a person of an ungovernable tongue pretends to religion, he abuses himself: for his religion is meer illusion.