15 Bible Verses about Being A Light
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Let your light so shine before the eyes of your fellow men, that, seeing your good actions, they may praise your Father who is in Heaven.
It is you who are the Salt of the earth; but, if the salt should lose its strength, what will you use to restore its saltiness? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown away, and trampled underfoot. It is you who are the Light of the world. A town that stands on a hill cannot be hidden. Men do not light a lamp and put it under the corn-measure, but on the lamp-stand, where it gives light to every one in the house.read more.
Let your light so shine before the eyes of your fellow men, that, seeing your good actions, they may praise your Father who is in Heaven.

Jesus again addressed the people. "I am the Light of the World," he said. "He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of Life."
It is you who are the Light of the world. A town that stands on a hill cannot be hidden. Men do not light a lamp and put it under the corn-measure, but on the lamp-stand, where it gives light to every one in the house. Let your light so shine before the eyes of your fellow men, that, seeing your good actions, they may praise your Father who is in Heaven.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that every one who believes in him may not be lost, but have Immortal Life.
This I say, because you know the crisis that we have reached, for the time has already come for you to rouse yourselves from sleep; our Salvation is nearer now than when we accepted the Faith. The night is almost gone; the day is near. Therefore let us have done with the deeds of Darkness, and arm ourselves with the weapons of Light. Being in the light of Day, let us live becomingly, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lust and licentiousness, not in quarreling and jealousy.read more.
No! Arm yourselves with the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, and spend no thought on your earthly nature, to satisfy its cravings.
Therefore have nothing to do with such people. For, although you were once in Darkness, now, by your union with the Lord, you are in the Light. Live as 'Children of Light'- - For the outcome of life in the Light may be seen in every form of goodness, righteousness, and sincerity--read more.
Always trying to find out what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in deeds of Darkness, from which no good can come; on the contrary, expose them. It is degrading even to speak of the things continually done by them in secret. All such actions, when exposed, have their true character made manifest by the Light. For everything that has its true character made manifest is clear as light. And that is why it is said--'Sleeper, awake! Arise from the dead, and the Christ shall give thee light!'
And therefore we, from the very day that we heard this, have never ceased praying for you, or asking that you may possess that deeper knowledge of the will of God, which comes through all true spiritual wisdom and insight. Then you will live lives worthy of the Master, and so please God in every way. Your lives will be fruitful in every kind of good action, and your characters will grow through a fuller knowledge of God; You will be made strong at all points with a strength worthy of the power manifested in his Glory--strong to endure with patience, and even with gladness, whatever may befall you;read more.
And you will give thanks to the Father who made you fit to share the lot which awaits Christ's People in the realms of Light. For God has rescued us from the tyranny of Darkness, and has removed us into the Kingdom of his Son, who is the embodiment of his love, And through whom we have found deliverance in the forgiveness of our sins.
And, even if the Good News that we bring is veiled, it is veiled only in the case of those who are on the path to Ruin-- Men whose minds have been blinded by the God of this Age, unbelievers as they are, so that the light from the Good News of the glory of the Christ, who is the very incarnation of God, should not shine for them. (For it is not ourselves that we proclaim, but Christ Jesus, as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake.)read more.
Indeed, the same God who said 'Out of darkness light shall shine,' has shone in upon our hearts, so that we should bring out into the light the knowledge of the glory of God, seen in the face of Christ.
But as to the times and the moments, there is no need, Brothers, for any one to write to you. You yourselves know well that the Day of the Lord will come just as a thief comes in the night. When people are saying 'All is quiet and safe,' it is then that, like birth-pains upon a woman with child, Ruin comes suddenly upon them, and there will be no escape!read more.
You, however, Brothers, are not in darkness, that the daylight should take you by surprise as if you were thieves. For you all are 'Sons of Light' and 'Sons of the Day.' We have nothing to do with night, or darkness. Therefore let us not sleep as others do. No, let us be watchful and self-controlled. It is at night that men sleep, and at night that drunkards get drunk. But let us, who belong to the Day, control ourselves, and put on faith and love as a breast plate, and the hope of Salvation as a helmet. For God destined us, not for Wrath, but to win Salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, That, whether we are still watching or have fallen asleep, we may live with him. Therefore encourage one another, and try to build up one another's characters, as indeed you are doing.
It is you who are the Salt of the earth; but, if the salt should lose its strength, what will you use to restore its saltiness? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown away, and trampled underfoot.
It is you who are the Light of the world. A town that stands on a hill cannot be hidden.
"Only a little while longer," answered Jesus, "will you have the Light among you. Travel on while you have the Light, so that darkness may not overtake you; he who travels in the darkness does not know where he is going.

For this is the Lord's command to us--'I have destined thee for a Light to the Gentiles, a means of Salvation to the ends of the earth'."
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