18 Bible Verses about False Religion

Most Relevant Verses

Acts 17:29

Well, as the race of God, we ought not to imagine that the divine nature resembles gold or silver or stone, the product of human art and invention.

Acts 19:26

You also see and hear that not only at Ephesus but almost all over Asia this fellow Paul has drawn off a considerable number of people by his persuasions. He declares that hand-made gods are not gods at all.

Revelation 13:4

worshipping the dragon for having given authority to the Beast, and worshipping the Beast with the cry, "Who is like the Beast? Who can fight with him?"

Acts 12:21-23

On a stated day Herod arrayed himself in royal robes, took his seat on the dais, and proceeded to harangue them. The populace shouted, "It is a god's voice, not a man's!" and in a moment an angel of the Lord struck him, because he had not given due glory to God; he was eaten up by worms and so expired.

1 Corinthians 10:20

No, what I imply is that anything people sacrifice is sacrificed to daemons, not to God. And I do not want you to participate in daemons!

Revelation 9:20

But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands and give up worshipping daemons and idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and wood, which cannot either see or hear or stir;

1 Timothy 1:4

and studying myths and interminable genealogies; such studies bear upon speculations rather than on the divine order which belongs to faith.

Matthew 23:13

Woe to you, you impious scribes and Pharisees! you shut the Realm of heaven in men's faces; you neither enter yourselves, nor will you let those enter who are on the point of entering.

Luke 11:52

Woe to you jurists! you have taken the key that unlocks the door of knowledge; you have not entered yourselves, and you have stopped those who were entering."

Romans 1:23-31

they have exchanged the glory of the immortal God for the semblance of the likeness of mortal man, of birds, of quadrupeds, and of reptiles. So God has given them up, in their heart's lust, to sexual vice, to the dishonouring of their own bodies, ??25 since they have exchanged the truth of God for an untruth, worshipping and serving the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed for ever: Amen. That is why God has given them up to vile passions; their women have exchanged the natural function of sex for what is unnatural,read more.
and in the same way the males have abandoned the natural use of women and flamed out in lust for one another, men perpetrating shameless acts with their own sex and getting in their own persons the due recompense of their perversity. Yes, as they disdained to acknowledge God any longer, God has given them up to a reprobate instinct, for the perpetration of what is improper, till they are filled with all manner of wickedness, depravity, lust, and viciousness, filled to the brim with envy, murder, quarrels, intrigues, and malignity ??slanderers, defamers, loathed by God, outrageous, haughty, boastful, inventive in evil, disobedient to parents, devoid of conscience, false to their word, callous, merciless;

Revelation 9:20-21

But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands and give up worshipping daemons and idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and wood, which cannot either see or hear or stir; nor did they repent of their murders or of their magic spells or of their sexual vice or of their thefts.

Galatians 4:3

So with us. When we were under age, we lived under the thraldom of the Elemental spirits of the world;

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False Religion To This Day

Matthew 28:15

So the soldiers took the money and followed their instructions; and this story has been disseminated among the Jews down to the present day.

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