12 occurrences in 12 translations

'Confident' in the Bible

And our hope for you [our confident expectation of good for you] is firmly grounded [assured and unshaken], since we know that just as you share as partners in our sufferings, so also you share as partners in our comfort.

Verse ConceptsFellowship, In Christian ServiceHope, In GodOptimismUnity, Of God's PeopleSuffering For Christ's SakeCompatibilityChrist's Disciples Will SufferGod Will ComfortHope Regarding Believerssteadfast

He rescued us from so great a threat of death, and will continue to rescue us. On Him we have set our hope. And He will again rescue us [from danger and draw us near],

Verse ConceptsAfflicted SaintsAccepting ChristDeliverance, Types OfHope, In GodRescueDeath Of A Family MemberDespairFamily DeathThe PastLoss Of A Loved Onerisk

Because I was confident, I planned to come to you first so you might receive a double blessing.

Verse ConceptsPeople VisitingTrusting God's PlanDisappointmentAnxiety And StressGod's Plan For Us

I wrote this very thing so that when I came I wouldn’t have pain from those who ought to give me joy, because I am confident about all of you that my joy will also be yours.

Verse ConceptsJoy, Of The ChurchOptimism

Lest haply if they of Macedonia come with me, and find you unprepared, we (that we say not, ye) should be ashamed in this same confident boasting.

Look at what is obvious. If anyone is confident that he belongs to Christ, he should remind himself of this: Just as he belongs to Christ, so do we.

Verse ConceptsOutward AppearanceThoughtAppearances ofperfectionism

We do not go beyond our proper limit, boasting in the work of other men, but we have the hope that as your faith [in Christ and His divine power] continues to grow, our field among you may be greatly expanded [but still within the limits of our commission],

Verse ConceptsFaith, Growth InHope, In GodGrowth In GracePaul's BoastingKeeping FaithHope And FaithFaith Hope And LoveGrowingHope KjvBelieving In YourselfBoastinglimitationsothersmeasurement

When I talk as a confident boaster, I am not talking with the Lord's authority but like a fool.

Verse ConceptsFoolish PeoplePeople Lacking AuthorityBoasting

Bible Theasaurus

Confident (114 instances)
Convinced (51 instances)
Positive (7 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 6

Usage: 120

Usage: 2

Usage: 52

Usage: 5

Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers.

International Standard Version Copyright © 1996-2008 by the ISV Foundation.

King James Version Public Domain