4 occurrences
'Enlarges' in the Bible
“When the Lord your God extends your territory, as He promised you, and you say, ‘I will eat meat,’ because you want to eat meat, then you may eat meat, whatever you wish.
“If the Lord your God enlarges your border, as He has sworn to your fathers to do, and gives you all the land which He promised to give to your fathers—
Of Gad he said,“Blessed is the one who enlarges Gad;He lurks like a lioness,And tears the arm and the crown of the head.
“He makes nations great, and He destroys them;He enlarges nations, and leads them away [captive].
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Elaborate (8 instances)
Enlarge (21 instances)
Enlarges (6 instances)
Expand (7 instances)
Expound (8 instances)
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Usage: 28